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Sept 11th field pics - one field was hammered hard

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My dad got a DMP, and I have the muzzle tag too I could use.  We put stands up this weekend finally... I have the stand setup a little off the field so I can see the valley behind me. Here is are pics from up top...

My brother was sitting up top when I took this pic:

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Then I went up and took those other pics attached. 



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Burmjohn...they love the buckwheat here as well.....looks like it got some seed so it may re germinate ...if not you'll get some volunteer buckwheat next year...I planted soybeans and divided it into two separate plots...for 1 acre total.....It was the volunteer buckwheat that kept the deer from destroying the  bean fieldhaving a mix of perrenial plots near annual ones is always a good plan and planting spring buckwheat ...you can't go wrong...makes the fall planting so easy....... ;) year around food

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Hey John you gotta love those double man ladder stands, they are rock solid, comfortable and easy to move. I have a few ladder stands myself. In addittion to the straps I wrap heavy duty chain with a pad lock around where the straps go just in case the straps ever give out and I nail the chain to the trees. I get those double and single man ladder stands dirt cheap from sportsmanguide for under a $100, even walmart has them for a tad over $100. Be sure to put some camo netting around the stands or else you will stand out like a sore thumb...lol...Come bow season I'm sure you guys will be laying down some nice deer.... sure looks like your area could use a little doe thinning?

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John, did you put up containment cages in the plots? You can get an idea of how much they are eating and if you need to expand your plots by looking at the difference between the plants in the cage and the plants outside of it. If the plants outside the cage are eaten to about half the height of the ones in the cage, you are pretty well set. If it gets eaten more than that, you should expand a bit.

My honeyhole plot is already decimated, down to the dirt in most of it.

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NYBow - Yeah thats a great idea with the chain, I added extra straps on the ladder to the tree on both of the stands.  Then up stop they both have 2 straps.  My dads stand the lower one, came with a blind kit.  Mine I bought burlap for the metal stand and also the wood stand below (which I freaking LOVE!), put that up this weekend too!  This one is positioned about 200/250 yards down a valley from the plots, and I will prob hit this opening day of bow morning. 

WNY - Yeah but just on one plot, unfortunately, the plot that didnt get hammered as much :O

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