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Are we ready?


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I would never trust a head "right out of the box." I have never found a head that I couldn't get a bit sharper with my DMT Diamond stone. Have you ever noticed the difference in sharpness from not only one head to another, but from one blade to another?

Some guy at the broadhead company might have been dreaming about his girlfriend...or let a blade go by while he was reaching for a coffee or jawing about Monday night football...you know human error.

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Woke up an hour before the sun was up today, and it's still 1 day and a wake up. Everything is packed for camp - headed up for 9 days of fun in what ever weather comes my way.

Have you ever heard bow hunters called fair weather hunters before? I say tough butt hairs, they're just jelious because we get 1st dib's. Hopefully I'll have a few pics when I get back.

Good Hunting  8)

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I'm pretty much ready for the 16th, stands are all in place, last week we did our last mowing on the clover plots for the year and turnips are growing nicely, some apples still in the trees and bow is shooting great out to 30 yards. The clothes, boots etc... are in a tote with pine branches.Wood is cut and stacked for the stove. Walked around a bit on the property, quite a bit of leaves on the ground, leaves falling heavily with strong winds and the mornings are chilly and crisp. Cant wait to get out there. Best of luck to everyone.

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Checked all stands and hung 2 new ones over the weekend. Just need to get out and do some trimming of shooting lanes this week after work and I'll be all done in the woods anyway. Still need to gather up things, wash camo, and hang out to dry/air out.

Finally got things done around the house too. Pool is finally closed up, stacked ~11 facecords of wood on the patio, cleaned out the woodstove pipe, got the air conditioners out, and cleaned the garage, etc... I make a list every year to have done around the house, so when hunting season rolls around, I don't have to fool around doing much else.

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Swapped Trail Cam memory cards today (9/28).

Up until last Saturday, had seen a few small-ish rubs.

Today there were several bigger, more aggressive rubs.

Gotta try and stay out of the woods, if I can!

Like a little kid digging in the closets looking for the Christmas gifts.

Anticipation is killing me!!! ???

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