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3 Tresspassers


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So I'm sitting on my chair stand for the morning hunt.I get cold and figure I would go up to the cabin and grab a coffee and something to eat. I'm up there and the wife heads out with the truck to go over her friends,the neighboring property.While she is on her way,she see's 3 guys walking in the field going towards the neighbors house,they waive and she calls me.I hurry up and try to run them down,but too late,they already crossed a poster line and are out of sight..damn.So I back track thier tracks and see that they came through the neighbors posters and all the way up to where they could see my cabin,about 60 acres worth of property.They pushed it all towards thier property.These guys had to be just behind me when I left my stand...another minute and SHTF if I was there.The neighbor knows who it is and is going to deal with it.They are from 2 properties away and actually tresspassed on 3 properties.This is crap as it now limited my hunting to just a few acres since they pushed the heck out it.Not nice guys....don't let me catch you.

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This unfortunately is starting to become the norm by sounds of things. Been dealing with same crap for a long time. No more warnings from me. You catch the guys give them an earfull and say next time the cops are involved. They disappear and the next group of yahoos show up, get rid of them and a few years later the originals showed back up. Nice guy days been over and seems the local yahoos are starting to get the hint. First year here at home I havent had to deal with this. BUT season isnt over yet. Now that I think about it, its the first thanksgiving where I wasnt chasing deer drive guys around in the woods and ruining my darn dinner lol.

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I have to stop answering my phone every season...they call and then hang up checking to see if I was out on the property...I'd go out to patrol and sure enough I'd find guys running for the hills...from bow through close....Mr. B thought I was exaggerating until he noticed the week end calls...and calls when he was home on vacation last week.... also how they all started 2wks early this year....hhhmmmm

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Took me 3 years and several calls, even cut down a tree with somone's portable stand in it after a note asking to remove it was only read and stand moved over 1 tree and was chained, smashed the crap out of it, whom ever it was got the point i think! but the tresspassing stopped.

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it is the new found sense of entitlement. Wont be long the govt will take all our land and make it so everyone can be on it anyway so get used to it I am afraid

The politically correct term is "redistribution" ! Work hard to own something only to have to share it with the less unfortunate who are too lazy to work .

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Sadly, it seems like the number of slobs out there that "hunt and fish" are growing. Even as a youngster growing up in farm couuntry my parents had me seek permission for the spots I wanted to hunt or fish on neighboring farms every new season.

I learned respect and to this day I alway send a gift and card to those who grant me permission near holiday time. A little curtesy goes a long-long way to permission next year and you gain friends.

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Speaking of Salmon Run lol how about this scenario for you guys. Public easement that was put on your land so fisherman can fish and land owners can just pay the taxes and nothing else. There was no say it just happened, supposedly as I recall it was a 33 foot easement but that sure isnt the case. Own to the center of the river and state put an easement along the river banks about 100 foot on our land. We cant do anything on it but access the river to fish and pay the land taxes. Cant cut wood, drive on it, tap a darn tree, nothing but let people have a direct access to the water and with that brings direct access to your land for them. I have kicked so many trappers and hunters off that walk the easement to enter our woods. They throw there trash, spent fishing line and junk all along it. I drove my 4 wheeler across the line one day and low and behold DEC stopped and said I cant do that even though I own it. Got to love it. NOT. They also told me I cant post along that line unless I get specific posted signs from them. Crazy being told what you cannot do on land you own. Would love to sell that easement but what sucker would buy something they dont truly own but pay for anyways. LMAO

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Big Government has become this nations biggest and worst run business.

Our politicians will step over a quarter to get at a penny and feel they are serving the "People".....the working middle class is shrinking every day and more people have their hands out that never worked a day in their lives and waste what they do have, are slobs and misuse the system........sorry a little rant off the topic...but sick of the slobs of the nation......and I haven't even mentioned the Adirondack Park Agency !!!!!!

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Took me 3 years and several calls, even cut down a tree with somone's portable stand in it after a note asking to remove it was only read and stand moved over 1 tree and was chained, smashed the crap out of it, whom ever it was got the point i think! but the tresspassing stopped.

I found a nice freshly built, pressure treated, ladder stand, the neighbor had built on our land. And I dont mean just over the line, I mean 500 yrds over the line. After he was told not to hunt there any more. I just happened to be doing a little trail clearing and found it. That machete I was using to cut brush made fast work of it and I piled it at the bottom of the tree. He called my uncle all mad during deer season and asked about why his stand was destroyed. My uncle told him because he apparently couldnt read posted signs and we figured he would get the picture with his stand piled up under the tree. :spiteful:

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The other way to fix it is simple. Go to the local barber/beautician and get a big bag of hair. Place it all around the stand. The deer will not go near it. Two fold it works. Deer stay away trespasser gets bored moves on and deer more likely to be seen by you. Remember a kinder gentler land owner.

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Dear God I must be tired....some ?'s I just am not understanding.... bare with me...lol

Do you feel the amount of land would make a difference?

More land you have the more of a chance there will be trespassers :)

We have a problem here as well. Chased a guy out last year, he disappeared into the woods couldnt not find him. It was dark - But I made it clear if I catch him I'm calling the state police. Why? I found a stand the first year, and I cut it down, the second year I found a milk crate, and the third year I is when I saw a flashlight and chased him.

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