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stinking up woods to fool deer

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I was thinking about it the other day.What if i put some sweaty stinky clothes in my stand areas,and i kept switching them out with new stinky clothes?If i kept them in the stand area do you think the deer would just get used to the smell and not take it as a threat?Kind of like the scarecrow method.They get used to it being there all the time and don't see it as a threat.Not that i am going to do this if it did work,since it goes against my personal fair chase preference of hunting.I was just wondering if the deer come accustom to a certain persons odor.Kind of like how a dog tells one person from another from their scent identity.

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absolutly, the deer at my house ignore me and the person i have cutting firewood, my friends say its unfair hunting as the deer all know me. if any scent is in an area year round and poses not threat 364 days a year its usually ignored after getting use to it.look at farmers working around a barn all day..they are ignored but leave the routine and poof deer leave quick!! I just told my friend to do about the same thing walk his property everyday year round so the game gets use to his smell, so the deer in his 10 acres don't spook the instant they smell him in the woods(he tried hunting it this year after staying out of it all year and the deer smelled and spooked every time he was there...)

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G-man...Well thank you!...finally some one that agrees with what I've known and been saying for years...Though with our place...as I've said we hold doe all year...and the buck in the rut...so once the buck go on the move I am Ohhhhh so careful about staying out and switching up hunting spots...for they are new to my scent and presence....but the doe calm them by not spooking even if they find my scent on the winds...funny to watch...the noses go up and they look around...the bucks get all jumpy and move off then back a few times before settling in...thanks to the doe going about their business

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The deer on the farms I hunt will not usually spook if you are walking the trails early in the season, because we spend a ton of time maintaining them for the horseback riders, and ourselves. We keep them clear of fallen branches, etc. If you are on equipment, even trucks, they will watch you, but they wont take off until you do something out of the ordinary, or once gun season starts, and theyve been actively hunted, they do get spookier.

At my fathers place, they will tolerate even more than the deer on the farms, mostly because there are houses nearby, and they smell people all the time.

As far as hanging stands goes, yeah Ill do it in my regular clothes, but only if its way before the season starts. Once its within a couple of weeks of the season, we like to get the stands in and get out as quickly and quietly as possible, with rubber boots and as scent free as we can be.

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I hunt state public land on long island and hunt right off a trail where bikers and hikers roam all day long. I have seen and harvested some nice bucks and does at that spot. The deer are less spooky for sure. Still have to watch my scent and all but definitely helps to have deer conditioned to people.

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Im a believer in the theory that if you are dealing with deer that normally smell human scent in their area, all of the "scent killer" products become way more effective. I do not think those products actually get rid of all of your scent, I think that they reduce it enough so that deer will still smell you, but they will be tricked into thinking you are further away than you really are.

Now if you are dealing with deer that normally do not smell human scent, you are going to have a much tougher time fooling them.

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