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The NRA did it again, it screwed us gun owners

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I am getting tired of hearing self hating gun owners blame the NRA for their own laziness. If you are a member of the NRA then you received the following. If you are not, then you are to blame for the loss of everyones gun rights.

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Feinstein Introduces Massive Semi-Auto Firearm and Magazine Ban

Posted on January 25, 2013

Feinstein Introduces Massive Semi-Auto Firearm and Magazine Ban

On Jan. 24, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduced S. 150, her long-anticipated bill to ban "assault weapons" and "large" magazines. Contrary to media claims that Feinstein wants to "reinstate" the 1994 ban, the bill will go much further toward her stated long-term goal of gun confiscation, imposing a host of absurdly broad definitions and onerous restrictions:

  • Ban the sale, transfer, manufacture or importation of 157 named firearms. Presumably, these were chosen by looking at pictures, as Sen. Feinstein has said she did before introducing her first legislation on the issue in 1993.
  • Ban all semi-automatic rifles that can accept a detachable magazine. This is because the bill would ban any semi-automatic detachable-magazine rifle that has even one "feature," particularly a pistol grip—which is defined to include any "characteristic that can function as a grip." Other features that would cause a rifle to be banned include a forward grip; folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; grenade launcher or (as an absurd propaganda move) rocket launcher; barrel shroud; or a threaded barrel.
  • Ban all detachable-magazine semi-auto pistols that have any of the following: a threaded barrel, second pistol grip, or magazine that mounts anywhere other than the grip. The bill would also ban any handgun that is a semi-automatic version of a fully automatic handgun.
  • Ban all semi-automatic rifles and handguns that have fixed magazines that accept more then 10 rounds.
  • Ban all semi-automatic shotguns that have just one of the following: a folding, telescoping, or detachable stock; a pistol grip; a fixed magazine that can accept more than five rounds, a detachable magazine; a forward grip; a revolving cylinder; or a grenade or rocket launcher. As with the rifle provision, this could potentially ban any semi-auto shotgun, because all of them have "characteristics that can function as a grip." And of course, countless Americans have pistol-grip shotguns for home defense.
  • Ban all belt-fed semi-automatic firearms, such as semi-auto replicas of historic machine guns.
  • Ban all frames or receivers of banned guns, even though in many cases they are identical to the frames and receivers of guns that would not be banned.
  • Ban "combinations of parts" from which "assault weapons" can be assembled. Read broadly, this could ban the acquisition of a single spare part that could be combined with parts you already own.
  • Ban any "part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment, or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle"--a vague definition that could ban items such as competition trigger parts.
  • Ban the sale or transfer of all ammunition feeding devices that hold more than ten rounds. Even those lawfully possessed before passage of the bill could never be transferred, even to your heirs through a will.

Though not requiring registration of currently owned firearms under the National Firearms Act (as Feinstein threatened in December), the new bill would go far beyond the failed 1994 semi-auto ban by requiring background checks on the private transfer of any "grandfathered" firearm.

Finally, unlike the 1994 ban, the new bill will not include an automatic "sunset" clause, so it would remain in effect unless repealed.

In announcing the bill, Feinstein misrepresented the effectiveness of past semi-auto bans. For example, she claimed that Maryland's "assault pistol" ban had reduced crime. But in Maryland, the murder trend after the state passed its ban on so-called "assault pistols" was far worse than in the rest of the country. Similarly, in California, during the first five years after passage of the state's 1989 "assault weapon" ban, the state's murder rate increased 26 percent, compared to an 11 percent increase in the rest of the country. During the first five years after California expanded the ban starting in 2000, the state's murder rate increased 10 percent, compared to a six percent decrease in the rest of country.

Feinstein also misrepresented the findings of a congressionally mandated study completed by Jeffrey Roth and Christopher Koper for the Urban Institute.

In the handouts provided by her office, Feinstein claimed the report said "Assault weapons are disproportionately involved in murders with multiple victims, multiple wounds per victim, and police officers as victims." But here's what the report really found:

"Some of our own analyses added evidence that assault weapons are disproportionately involved in murders with multiple victims, multiple wounds per victim, and police officers as victims" (emphasis added), but "We were unable to detect any reduction to date in two types of gun murders that are thought to be closely associated with assault weapons, those with multiple victims in a single incident and those producing multiple bullet wounds per victim. We did find a reduction in killings of police officers since mid-1995. However, the available data are partial and preliminary, and the trends may have been influenced by law enforcement agency policies regarding bullet-proof vests."

The misuse and misinterpretation of study findings has become a common tactic of anti-gun politicians because they know that the 1994 ban had no real impact on crime. In one of the frequent moments of candor that make his allies cringe, Vice-President Biden admitted as much in an online forum Jan. 24, saying, "t is true that the vast majority of gun deaths in America are not a consequence of the use of an assault weapon" and that a ban "is not an answer to all the problems." Nonetheless, Biden claimed the ban is a "rational limitation" because in his opinion, people concerned about self-defense should just use double-barreled shotguns anyway.

Despite advice like this, Americans have voted with their pocketbooks, buying about 50 million semi-automatic firearms--including nearly 4 million AR-15 rifles--since 1991. And, since the Supreme Court said in District of Columbia v. Heller that a handgun ban was unconstitutional in part because "handguns are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home," popular rifles should be just as firmly protected.

To find contact information for your elected officials, use the "Write Your Reps" feature at www.NRAILA.org. You can reach your member of Congress by phone at 202-224-3121. Click here for tips on effective communication with your lawmakers, and don't forget to visit www.GunBanFacts.com for the truth about semi-auto bans..

Edited by wooffer
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First off, the title of this thread is very misleading.

Secondly, I am also sick of people thinking the NRA is the All Mighty Supreme Power of everything that has to do with firearms. The people that YOU vote for are responsible for these new laws passing, NOT the NRA! As a matter of fact, Cuomo used some BS power he has to push the new bill through at 11:45 at night (I watched it live and felt helpless and violated). The Assembly had 20 minutes to vote on a 32 page bill.

Any way. Keep writing your reps, and sign the petitions and class action law suits. We can still fight this outrageous legislation by civil means.


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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

Oh really? Then please tell me the difference between banning, and taking? I don't even own one of your so-called "assault weapons", but I carried many while in the Army.


Tell us what the intentions of this administration are, according to this article.

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

You talk a big game about knowing NYC and how things work around these parts. You act as if you grew up in the areas where crime run rampant in the city. I think you know nothing of the sorts. I also think you believe these feel good laws in NYC is actually doing something against crime. All that it's doing is making the process harder ad to impose an illegal tax for those that choose to bear arms and give a damn about their families, and not be drones to the politician and their minions. The background checks aren't any stricter, nor is there any real way to prevent someone without a gun to buy one out of state or on the streets. I believe you sir, is the one that needs to shut up.

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

Not to waste a whole lot of time with this mindless liberal drivel, I'll simply say that it appears that some member of the anti-gun lobby has obviously infiltrated this forum with an agenda of spewing the party line of his cohorts. It was hardly worth the time wasted in reading it.

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For all the people that seem to think gun violence is out of control in this country and are pushing for gun control or even worse repealing the second amendment I feel bad for you. If your agenda is accomplished you will have more gun violence than you could ever imagine.

Even if the government didn't turn on its citizens like everyone for gun control or abolishing the second amendment is telling us not to worry about. What about all the countries that that do not like us that have always been to afraid of invading us because they know that it would be a suicide mission to send their troops into America. Yes we have one of the strongest militaries in the world but that is not what stops them from invading us. What stops them from invading us is the fact that we are one of the most well armed nations in the world and they know they will have to fight more than just our military.

If we were to be invaded all these people would be begging for our rights back. Yes we have been safe for hundreds of years but people have become to comfortable with that safety and now are putting the entire countries safety in jeopardy by being naive!!!!

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

Everyone here needs to read this.. it is the epitomy of how liberals think.. and the reason for the deterioration of our freedoms here in the US. You especially have to love this statement.. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot... remember folks.. according to this thinking if you don't live in the city you have "no choice" and must just give in.

And we all know that this statement has been proven time and time again to be wrong... Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.. incidences of gun violence by criminals and gang members who have no regard for stricter gun laws.

This kind of post sends chills up my spine that somebody actually thinks like this and believes it makes sense.

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

PIERSE MORGAN???? IS THAT YOU??? Take your liberal nonsense to another site. Do you think that the people committing gun crimes in "urban areas" really give a flying S..T about stricter gun laws that mainly effect the law abiding citizen ?? Really?? I think its Pierse morgan .com. Give it a look

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

You disproved your own point in your argument. You said that gun violence is worse and a serious issue in the cities and urban areas so stricter gun laws for everyone are needed. Cities like NYC, Chicago, and dc have the strictest gun laws in the nation (far more restrictive than even what ny state just passed and the federal proposals being talked about), but remain the centers for gun violence. Please explain how tightening restrictions in more rural areas or in areas without the rampant daily murder will improve gun violence in these places that already have stricter standards.

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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

Sadly you don't have any idea what you are talking about and clearly don't understand the 2nd Amendment. Sad but true, the imbalanced lower county Assembly reps out vote the upstate legislators.

Yeh,Chicago's gun laws work great. Only 5 people were murdered in one days violence. Imagine how much higher it would be if they allowed the law abiding to carry concealed.


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What a mistake to have Wayne Lapierre, an arrogant and crackpot madman testify before congress' judiciary commitee on January 30,2013 on the the issue of gun violence in America. The man will be attending a gun fight with a knife! As a spokesperson for the NRA he is an abject failure and you members of the NRA and those against further gun control measures get will get what you pay for especially if you pay your dues to the NRA.

One can expect from this lunatic the same paranoid fear that the government is intent on taking away our rights to possess firearms while in reality the second amendmant insures our right to bear arms.The man will spew his rhetoric and everyone and anyone with a sense of reality will come to realize that a middle ground regarding gun control is in order and Wayne is out of control (drink som more NRA "KOOL AID).

Stricter gun control legislation is necesary in this country because of gun violence within the country. One with half a brain cannot discount this fact! Loosen the laws regarding gun control and the body count will rise.

Bear in mind that incidences of gun violence is concentrated in urban areas and the laws regarding posssession of firearms are needed to be stricter.Its difficult for anyone who has not grown up in an urban environment to realize that gun violence is a very serious issue in the city, MYC in particular.

. One can easily denigrate Major Bloomberg for his stance on gun control, but his message is clear and reasonable. People in rural and less populated areas within the state where gun violence is less have no choice but to accept additional state gun control measures because of majority rules in the state legislature and the the fact that one fits all is unfair is moot.

All I can say is to be registered to vote and vote ones conscience. To many people voice their opinions and do not vote their convictions to perhaps make a difference. For one to say that that downstaters control the legislature is ridiculous, vote for those in your district to the state legislature which espouse your convictions to make a difference or just shut up!

Just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading this liberal BS nonsense.

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How do you go about putting in a vote fir a state split. We have north Dakota south dakota, north carolina south carolina. Why not north ny south ny. Leave nyc and friends to their own devices and let the rest of our votes for a free-er life actually count.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

so now it's the resident's of New York City's fault?

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How do you go about putting in a vote fir a state split. We have north Dakota south dakota, north carolina south carolina. Why not north ny south ny. Leave nyc and friends to their own devices and let the rest of our votes for a free-er life actually count.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

sounds good to me,and while we are at it have South NY fend for their own power and water system and not rely on North NY.Or we can just sell it to them at a whopping sum of money.

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If all these politicians and liberal antis really cared about reducing gun violence they would be marching in the streets demanding that something be done about urban/inner city gun violence, which accounts for most of the gun violence in the U.S. They would be demanding that existing gun laws be enforced consistently. They would be demanding that people caught committing these violent gun crimes be prosecuted and given long prison sentences. They would demand that repeat offenders and parolees caught committing gun crimes be given even longer sentences. But of course, they ignore the issue (Gee I wonder why??). Instead they support gun bans and restrictions that mostly effect honest citizens and that the criminal scum ignore anyway. This is all done to make themselves feel better and to give the impression that they are doing something about gun violence. Are the criminals going to register their guns?? Will they load their guns with only 7 rounds? (as King Cuomo recently signed into law) Will the Criminals not bring their guns in "gun free zones?"

These antis are all cowards..

Edited by ants
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How do you go about putting in a vote fir a state split. We have north Dakota south dakota, north carolina south carolina. Why not north ny south ny. Leave nyc and friends to their own devices and let the rest of our votes for a free-er life actually count.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

I actually like that, good idea

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First off, the title of this thread is very misleading.

Secondly, I am also sick of people thinking the NRA is the All Mighty Supreme Power of everything that has to do with firearms. The people that YOU vote for are responsible for these new laws passing, NOT the NRA! As a matter of fact, Cuomo used some BS power he has to push the new bill through at 11:45 at night (I watched it live and felt helpless and violated). The Assembly had 20 minutes to vote on a 32 page bill.

Any way. Keep writing your reps, and sign the petitions and class action law suits. We can still fight this outrageous legislation by civil means.


Steve agreed, the NRA is NOT the all almighty. WE THE PEOPLE are....literally. But the NRA can help alert us and direct our resources to a common effort. Obama and Feinstein try to paint the NRA as some large corporate machine that benefits itself like Exxon/Mobil. The NRA is the largest and most powerful citizens group on the planet. Their power is a representation of our power. And if all gun owners maintained an NRA membership then NY would NOT have been able to pass its recent legislation.

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Although most of you will disagree with me,I don't like political ,discussions on these sights( I'm exercising my 1st amendment right). The reason is because it divides hunters and gun owners I read this and some other political topics on this site and realize how "ununited" we are.. The opinions turn to anger..

You vs me..... you're with me , or against me,,... upstate vs downstate Why not a discussion to persuade a person with an opposite view ,to see, and then maybe agree your side. We may come from different backgrounds and have slightly different points of view, but don't "WE" have a common goal.

Do you want us divided ? If so, maybe you "MIGHT" see the newest bumper sticker read something like this ::

.. "I hunt, I'm a gun owner, I'm a liberal and I vote...Support gun control.". I made this up..... BUT .. Do you think that this can't happen ? I'm not so sure. So Unite.. don't divide !!

Remember... " Every city, or house divided against itself shall not stand".

So keep up the fighting amongst yourselves and give the antis EXACTLY what they want, I'm sure that they are counting on it..It's a win, win for them.. and a lose , lose for "US".

I've had firearms for getting near 50 years. I hope all of you can say the same at some point.

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Ok, the troll had his fun with us. He posted his garbage just to get a rise out of as many people as possible (that's what trolls do) and we all fell for it ..... lol. It's not the first time wztirem has done this and it probably won't be the last. I know it is just a case of a troll being what a troll is .... nobody could be that freakin' ridiculous. Ha-ha .... good one wztirem.

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Although most of you will disagree with me,I don't like political ,discussions on these sights( I'm exercising my 1st amendment right). The reason is because it divides hunters and gun owners I read this and some other political topics on this site and realize how "ununited" we are.. The opinions turn to anger..

You vs me..... you're with me , or against me,,... upstate vs downstate Why not a discussion to persuade a person with an opposite view ,to see, and then maybe agree your side. We may come from different backgrounds and have slightly different points of view, but don't "WE" have a common goal.

Do you want us divided ? If so, maybe you "MIGHT" see the newest bumper sticker read something like this ::

.. "I hunt, I'm a gun owner, I'm a liberal and I vote...Support gun control.". I made this up..... BUT .. Do you think that this can't happen ? I'm not so sure. So Unite.. don't divide !!

Remember... " Every city, or house divided against itself shall not stand".

So keep up the fighting amongst yourselves and give the antis EXACTLY what they want, I'm sure that they are counting on it..It's a win, win for them.. and a lose , lose for "US".

I've had firearms for getting near 50 years. I hope all of you can say the same at some point.

Agree to disagree. This is a political forum in the hunting section. It must be rememberd that (firearm) hunters are gunowners first and hunters second. Hunting and self defense are by-products of the 2nd Amendment NOT the reason for it. On this there is NO compromise. The NY SAFE law is an example of what happens politicians compromise on our behalf and without our consent.

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