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Year round coyote hunting

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Does anyone know why nys doesn't allow coyote hunting all year round? I've talked to people and most say the best time for coyote hunting is spring time when fawns are hitting the ground. Also wouldn't it help towards an increase in turkey population?

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I would think that the DEC wants to give every creature a chance to replenish themselves. Having these animals, pests or not gives the state $ for every license purchased.. Without or a lack of a certain animal the Coyote for example would make it hard to hunt and then people would do it less every year until populatons increase. Just my 2 cent theory.

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It's probably to protect the yotes that are born in the spring. That's why bobcat n fox season closes earlier, because they have litters earlier, right?<br /><br />Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />

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preety sure its all about fair breeding time, ya don't shoot does in may. don't shoots hens in may, don't shoot coyotes in may, hell we cant even run coyotes for training purposes with our dogs after april something, I donnt think it should be this way for coyotes but we kill 45-80 coyotes a year from December to end of march with our dogs running them, I think n may males should be abe to be shot, ya can usually tell a female frm a male, females will be fat,have pups around or wont stray to awfully far from the den with out the pups

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Does anyone know why nys doesn't allow coyote hunting all year round?

For what? We just got through with a 6 month coyote season.  Furs are worth nothing right now so therefore it's pointless to harvest a furbearer. 

Personally I would not like a year round yote season. This is my 6 months of rest. lol

Edited by PREDATE
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I recently read that the DEC is considering extending the season until the end of May. I don't think I would want to screw up a good turkey hunt by shooting a coyote.

I agreed. But I'd also like to be able to shoot a coyote oh a crappy turkey hunt or if they get into my decoys

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Coyotes sure seem to get a bad rap by some and are blamed for game population issues. I just don't see them being a problem at all.  I have coyotes all around me here where I live here in farm country. There are also large flocks of turkey and a very abundant deer herd. The rodent population on the rise too, squirrels and rabbits are everywhere.

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Any farmer that likes coyotes is illegal, they dump their calves and dead cows when there suppose to call Scooby to pick them up or bury them. We have permission for most of Oneida and Madison county to run our dogs on coyotes. One farmer even stated he doesn't want then,dead cuz they clean up his calves, and the other farmer is q crop farmer who believes they help save his cabbage by getting the rodents,only 2 farmers IV heard of liking them ,the statement that science proves it wont effect the population. How wouldn't it. Coyote are during so there's less until more are born, people who want to kill coyotes year round arnt looking to eradicate and make them a rare sight. I understand the part that they arnt prime all year but again no ones gonna hunt them specifically all year just if it was year round if the opportunity arose like during turkey hunting they wouldn't be breaking the law,and Genesee you may not have the yote population like every one else . We killed 83 coyotes in 4 months,18 of those were from the same 300 acre swamp, and once season closed we were still finding tracks and spotting them, our turkey populations are on the decline ask any turkey hunter around here.

Edited by asav2013
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I would think that the DEC wants to give every creature a chance to replenish themselves. Having these animals, pests or not gives the state $ for every license purchased.. Without or a lack of a certain animal the Coyote for example would make it hard to hunt and then people would do it less every year until populatons increase. Just my 2 cent theory.


liscensed purchased? i've never been yote hunting but correct me if i'm wrong it's part of the sportsman or small game. Having a season or not doesn't change anything. And I do not believe the DEC has any soft spot for the yote.



Any farmer that likes coyotes is illegal, they dump their calves and dead cows when there suppose to call Scooby to pick them up or bury them. We have permission for most of Oneida and Madison county to run our dogs on coyotes. One farmer even stated he doesn't want then,dead cuz they clean up his calves, and the other farmer is q crop farmer who believes they help save his cabbage by getting the rodents,only 2 farmers IV heard of liking them ,the statement that science proves it wont effect the population. How wouldn't it. Coyote are during so there's less until more are born, people who want to kill coyotes year round arnt looking to eradicate and make them a rare sight. I understand the part that they arnt prime all year but again no ones gonna hunt them specifically all year just if it was year round if the opportunity arose like during turkey hunting they wouldn't be breaking the law


my thoughts are some farmers like them for controlling the deer population, because deer do not exactly help farmers

Edited by Belo
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I know of two very large vegtable farmers near me that are very accomodating about permission to hunt their properties. There is about only two things they tell you will get you banned fromthe property. One is destroying crops and the other is shooting a yote. They want them to take as many deer as they can.

Any farmer that likes coyotes is illegal, they dump their calves and dead cows when there suppose to call Scooby to pick them up or bury them. We have permission for most of Oneida and Madison county to run our dogs on coyotes. One farmer even stated he doesn't want then,dead cuz they clean up his calves, and the other farmer is q crop farmer who believes they help save his cabbage by getting the rodents,only 2 farmers IV heard of liking them ,

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