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Butane Lighters


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My youngest son came over today and we went to the Ontario Rod & Gun Clud so he could shoot his new Savage 220f . When we got back to the house we got something to drink and spent some time together . As he was about to leave he noticed some things re-arranged in his car and his DICKs Gift Card was missing . He thought someone had broken into his car . Upon further inspection he found s pieces of a butane lighter strewn about , found the gift card , etc .. Apparently with the windows up and the car sitting in the sun , one of the lighters he had in the car exploded and blew the stuff around .

Apparently it isn't safe to leave Butane Lighters in a hot environment !  Just a heads up .

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Years ago a friend had one slip down into the defroster vents on his Chevy p/u.  While driving down Rt 15A in Springwater it BLEW!


They bailed out of the truck, not knowing WTF was going on.  They thought someone shot at them!!!!

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I'm glad I don't smoke and as much as I love my thermacell...that scares me too...those little cartridges are dangerous...

I watched a person go to light a cigarette and the next thing I know there's a foot long torch shooting out and the front part of their hair is melting...dang what a mess!!

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As a supervisor at Xerox , I used to have to give a short Safety Talk each week to the "Industrial Staff" . One of the outlines I used for a talk was about Butane Lighters . It gave a couple examples of welders having a lighter blow up in their pocket and causing some serious damage . Kinda made the boys cringe !

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