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Think You Wont Be Required To Turn In Your Guns?

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I need HELP!


I clicked on that link before I wrapped my PC and put my tinfoil hat on.....


I have been targeted for extermination now.


How about a freakin' warning next time!!!!





Hey....why is that red dot following me around the room?

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I need HELP!


I clicked on that link before I wrapped my PC and put my tinfoil hat on.....


I have been targeted for extermination now.


How about a freakin' warning next time!!!!





Hey....why is that red dot following me around the room?


If something REALLY bad happens to ya, I'll find a good home for those Blasers.....................<grins>


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If something REALLY bad happens to ya, I'll find a good home for those Blasers.....................<grins>



Dammit Lawdwaz....


Now you went and tipped them to what guns I own.......



errrrrr.....I mean owned.



Before the accident.



Where they all fell in the river.




Is that a dude all dressed in black out there in the woods? Maybe he's one of those nice campers lost from the park or needs some firewood.


Wonder what that Humvee gets for gas mileage hes got......

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I need HELP!


I clicked on that link before I wrapped my PC and put my tinfoil hat on.....


I have been targeted for extermination now.


How about a freakin' warning next time!!!!





Hey....why is that red dot following me around the room?

Dinsdale, Google Bilderberger and you will see this is a real organization, with a real agenda, and real world influence. They don't want publicity or notoriety, they just want power. It's not a joke.


Edited by Mr VJP
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I hear 2 guys talking out the window.

Anyone know what a FEMA death camp is?

Is it like a cool beach resort?

I hope they have a roller coaster, but with good safety bars. That'd be awesome.

No thanks on the Google....I listen to Coast to Coast and get plenty of solid information there;<)

Edited by Dinsdale
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Conspiracy theories can be fun..... :crazy: . But seriously, the only Bilderbergers that I take completely seriously was that promotion that Denny's was running where you actually told them how to construct your burger, item by item. No wait ..... that was "build-a-burger". ..... sorry!



By the way, how did that 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll ever make out?

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Its sort of funny because I remember a few threads were these " tin foil hats " were brought up..  


It was about the same time they ban AR's and 10 rounds in a 10 round mag plus a hundred other things...  <<<<<>>>>> :slow:


I was just thinking the same thing.

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"Funny" thing about human nature, people tend to joke or laugh off the unknown. To mock bits and pieces of this article would be foolish. Do we forget the " World Summit, " where top leaders meet from around the globe. You suppose they only meet, once a year?

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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"Funny" thing about human nature, people tend to joke or laugh off the unknown. To mock bits and pieces of this article would be foolish. Do we forget the " World Summit, " where top leaders meet from around the globe. You suppose they only meet, once a year?

I simply have problems with those that decree that they have a private insight into all kinds of conspiracies with absolutely no shred of proof. These mythical characters and the lore that goes along with them certainly are entertaining, but if somebody is trying to convince anyone about these evil forces, they had better come equipped with hard evidence and documented proof rather than some once-upon-a-time movie plot. Seriously, when we discuss "human nature", it is wise to understand that it is also human nature to try to take credit for some level of superior secret knowledge that no one else in the public is privy to. It is also true to human nature that many people have wild uncontrollable attractions to anything that sounds conspiratorial. I don't think it is particularly out of line to perhaps apply a bit of mocking to these kinds of "The-sky-is-falling" rantings and ravings until some credible proof or evidence is put forth. That would be credible proof or evidence from credible sources, not some article in some wacked out conspiracy mag or internet site.


Oh, and if we are going to assign some conspiratorial motives to every world summit or any kind of meetings where world leaders get together, then we had better figure that the world is already under total domination because this has been going on for centuries. Look people, we have enough real, in-the-flesh problems to worry about without conjuring up mythical ones. I get all excited and concerned about things I can see, hear, touch, and feel. I really don't need any new fictional ones being doled out on a constant basis.

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Ever wonder why we have enough real, in-the-flesh problems to worry about? Where the heck do you think they come from, the crisis fairy?

Maybe you guys should all go back and read that article and then ask yourselves why would the most powerful people in the world get together every year, IN SECRET, and talk. Maybe they are just exchanging cooking tips.

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The link to the Global Governance 2025 doc, used to originate on the CIA.gov site where I first found it.  That has ceased.  However, it can be found here http://gulagbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/2025_Global_Governance.pdf.


It has the seal of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence.  Reading the one Preface page is a good start. 




James Warburg;s testimony in the U.S.Senate 1950.  4th paragraph.  http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/James_Warburg_before_the_Subcommittee_on_Revision_of_the_United_Nations_Charter


Who is James Warburg?
President Franklin Roosevelt’s financial advisor and also the son of Paul Warburg.

Who is Paul Warburg?
A banker, and the "father" of the Federal Reserve system.


Read the biography of the Warburgs.  A great read on how power buys power.




If your interested I can forward links to a couple Unclassified Homeland Security docs. 


Rand corp has - A Stability Police Force for the United States - http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG819.pdf


There are some good ones at the U.S. War College.


Plenty of official government information available. 


A free humanity is in a lot of trouble.  It is suggested to start waking up.

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