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Power...went out it at 5am..our buried service $$$$$$.....On  a whole house generateor ...electrician found and sliced broken line...it was so hot it made glass...all lines were shot...later we have to dig and bury a a new service...never the little things...lol...we are in better shape then some

Counting blessings

Edited by growalot
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Man ...wish we had the $$$$ to buy a whole house generator like the one we rented......electric company hasn't showed to turn on the main yet....the little generator we had was a pain ...rotating between 2 frig's and 2 upright freezers...but just renting the big genny is 185.00 per day...worth it.... not loosing every thing....and having hot water...lol

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Power...went out it at 5am..our buried service $$$$$$.....On  a whole house generateor ...electrician found and sliced broken line...it was so hot it made glass...all lines were shot...later we have to dig and bury a a new service...never the little things...lol...we are in better shape then some

Counting blessings


I know the thing has you frustrated but, 'splain this a bit slower as I am having a difficult time figuring this one out.


I'm sure others here echo my thought.............<grin>



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Lawz...I was trying to type that from my kindle...lol....the last owner buried the electric line from the road to house 100yrds....This was originally a camp...I call it the Mr Seconds place...if you know what I mean..NYSEG won't fix electric lines once they leave their poles...so our cost ...just calling them to come out in the first place will cost $$$ because it wasn't their problem...100yrds of new service is going to run ...well lets just say a bunch!! 

They didn't put it in conduit...back then most didn't but in this area  especially with all the shale you'd best have a couple of ft of sand brought in...nope very little so a rock got it and then water...which is why we were having brown outs..not good for any of the appliances...at 5am it just burnt up underground...10ft from the house...taking out all the wires...ten ft from the house was where the brake occurred .....so the electrician spliced the wires together ...water proofed it and  we will have him come back out later to install a new service in conduit...we have the excavator with a trenching bucket...we'll install and he'll hook it up then call the inspector...At that time we'll run another conduit to install the phone wires and any future cable for ppl should we ever sell..


This service was originally put in in the early 70's....The electrician was not impressed...lol

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Thanks guys....Landtrac...living so far back with all these trees and the winds we get...I'd rather have everything under ground...the telephone isn't and it's been torn out 3 times


Phade I bet you still hear those gennies in your sleep!!...lol..when I ran the little one it drove my crazy...the whole house one was out at the meter hooked to the house from there, once the line was fixed

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Lawz...I was trying to type that from my kindle...lol....the last owner buried the electric line from the road to house 100yrds....This was originally a camp...I call it the Mr Seconds place...if you know what I mean..NYSEG won't fix electric lines once they leave their poles...so our cost ...just calling them to come out in the first place will cost $$$ because it wasn't their problem...100yrds of new service is going to run ...well lets just say a bunch!! 

They didn't put it in conduit...back then most didn't but in this area  especially with all the shale you'd best have a couple of ft of sand brought in...nope very little so a rock got it and then water...which is why we were having brown outs..not good for any of the appliances...at 5am it just burnt up underground...10ft from the house...taking out all the wires...ten ft from the house was where the brake occurred .....so the electrician spliced the wires together ...water proofed it and  we will have him come back out later to install a new service in conduit...we have the excavator with a trenching bucket...we'll install and he'll hook it up then call the inspector...At that time we'll run another conduit to install the phone wires and any future cable for ppl should we ever sell..


This service was originally put in in the early 70's....The electrician was not impressed...lol


Ahhhh, now it's all clear.  Back in 1997 my father, uncle and a friend buried probably close to a mile of electric and phone line at the cabin in Naples.  Unfortunately/fortunately I was out of town (hunting Alaska) when they did the job.  I donated the use of my three wheeler for the job and it came in mighty handy for hauling the conduit lengths down the cable.  I wish I could have helped nut it was just a fluke that it had to be done when I was gone.  About the only thing I missed over 0 years at the camp regarding projects.


Good luck with yours, I'm sure it'll all work out. 

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Way back in the dark ages, I put in a service pole to feed the barn. From that pole which is along our main overhead line, I decided to run the line underground to keep it out of the yard. I buried it 4' down and housed it in leach-field pipe. I think it would take a backhoe to disturb that line. You might want to consider doing that when you replace the line.

I was going to go underground for the main line into the house site but we were talking 1000' and the estimates that I got at the time were out of sight. The thought I had in mind was that we also have trees everywhere along the length of the driveway and underground would protect from wind, ice storms, heavy snow loads etc., etc. As it turned out, we were quite happy that we didn't. With the advent of cable and such, we wound up needing the above-ground poles to string the cable on. There is always that question of access when new wire technologies come along. As it turns out, the electric company is responsible for maintenance of the access line anyway, so they actually keep the trees trimmed away from the lines. In 38 years we have not had a problem with that part of the line..... lol, now I've done it!

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