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What is the logic behind...


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It is what it s and has always been that way.We got 2 more weeks last year. Unless you live on L.I. which always started earlier. What is stopping you from going up there and starting early.

I know quite a few people here in the Catskill area that have or had hunting camps up there and couldn't wait to go there and hunt every year.

Edited by OMG
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It is what it s and has always been that way.We got 2 more weeks last year. Unless you live on L.I. which always started earlier. What is stopping you from going up there and starting early.

I know quite a few people here in the Catskill area that have or had hunting camps up there and couldn't wait to go there and hunt every year.

That's all very true, but the question still remains (as per the topic of the thread), "What is the logic behind the differences in season dates?". One would think there would be a certain amount of value in having hunting regulations being universal across the state as much as possible. Sure, bag limits and a few other items of harvest limits might be unique strictly because of habitat and/or climate. But shifting seasons by a couple weeks (or days) doesn't seem to have a whole lot of benefit unless it is climate related. It's all simply a point of curiosity. 


And while we are on the subject of some rather arbitrary rules-making, what is with the requirement of hunting back-tags in the Southern Zone and no such requirement in the Northern Zone. How the hell do they justify that difference. For that matter, why is there a Northern Zone and a Southern Zone? We have WMUs to take care of uniqueness of climate, habitat and populations.

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Climate is a huge factor.  Northern zone winters are brutal.  The deer are less than 1 per square mile making bow hunting a hard task compared to other more populated area's of the state.  It encourages hunters to try and use last  years tags before the season opens.  It gives unsuccessful hunters a chance at hunting the woods before the entire state opens increasing their odds. 


Hunting in both zones I can say they are like night and day!!!  Sothern zone has many deer and I am always seeing them when I hunt, usually I have a choice of deer to shoot, just never enough bucks...  Weather in the southern zone is not as drastic as above Route 90 (Northern Zone) especially the higher elevations!  Lake effect snow has a big effect, the Tug hill area gets pounded along with area's east of it, ask anyone who lives their about snow... 


That is why I feel the zones where separated, population of deer and hunters, snow and climate conditions...  Northern zone has less hunters, deer, food sources and worse climate...   Not sure what other reasons you are looking for but that is all I could think of... 

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The back tag thing I never understood either,I love being able to hunt the southern bow opener on Oct 1st now but it really messes with my "camp time".Myself and a few friends hit the northerntier every single year for the 4 days we can use last years tags.In fact towards the end of the year I let some deer pass that I would normally take because I don't want to burn my last tag and mess up the "Opening weekend retreat".Now that the Southern zone bow opens Oct 1st I spend less time at camp because I know the bucks I have a chance of killing here in the south are bigger and I have more chances because I am really not a good big woods hunter.Don't get me wrong,we do good with deer up in the NT but better here in the ST.I would love to see a longer muzzleloader/bow season after the regular season in the south.I feel we could push the end date to Dec 31st without a problem.The early season I really don't like to hunt with all the bugs,poison ivy,sweating and the possibility of loosing a animal from the heat,but its a open deer season and I live to hunt deer!!HAHA damned if I do....damned if I don't sort of thing I guess

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As  NFA - ADK  said weather most likely is a big reason. And the accidents that can go along with foul weather.

Long Island has a milder climate ( but it can get pretty nasty at times ) and they are open Oct. 01 to Dec. 31 then special shotgun season in Jan.

Back tags I do not understand also. Even here in the Catskill Park you are not required to wear them.


Question Machinist are you really one, I retired from that trade after over 50 years.My bosses called me a machining machinist. 

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I sure am.My family owns and operates a small/mid size shop in Fulton.You can check out my shop at Fultontool.com.We are primarily a Milling machine shop,all CNC equipment.


Nice Shop and Nice work.I have to laugh at one thing, about 10 years we were going around with one of our engineers and looking at a CNC Milling machine, Just 3 axis and a CNC Lathe. Every building in the back of there show room had a Bridgport or a clone of one.

Good luck hunting .

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there are still some properties on Long Island that don't open until Nov. 1


bucks are much harder to come by in the NZ, but they do tend to be larger in both body size and racks compared to Southern Zone




Body size...yes,Rack...I dont think so.They do have big bucks up in the NZ but I feel theres more down here

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Antler size between northern and southern is up for debate, long island has some of the largest racked deer in nys, ask has the largest body size and some great mass, southern tier has smaller racks unless they are farm fed, or around plots. Take a look at adkhunter.com

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