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Powassan Virus on Rise in NYS


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I have not seen a tick in a couple months - only treated pants from knee down and forearms with Deet when out hiking.  Been exploring some abandoned woods roads and overgrown disused trails for new locations to set up.  Found turkey sign and a couple deer tracks there. Went off-trail to get to the fire road for easy hike back and found myself going through weeds chest high in a area that use to be mowed off.


The only thing biting was mosquitoes.


My son was working for one of the state parks and only saw ticks twice in two months.  He was out collecting for educational displays for summer programs conducted there and picking wild blueberries to feed to the "campers" on blueberry pancake Fridays.


Maybe ticks are in decline at the moment.  Last year was "how ticks do I pull off today".


I had a blood test done for Lime in June due to some long term aches in shoulder joint -  came back clean for now.

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Those pesticides that worked so well and were later banned had serious side effects on the human side from long term exposure, not to mention environmental issues.


My dad (a non-smoker) has been diagnosed with early stages of emphysema - possibly related to spraying some of those pesticides.  In the fifty and sixties, tractors did not have any cabs on them, spray trucks did not have AC so either the windows were open, or removed the doors in the summer for ventilation.  Could also be from all the dust from working on the farm until his 20's.  The doctors' don't know the root cause and probably never will. 


Permethrin is a neurooxic insecticide - use on clothes only.  It is highly toxic to cats and fish.


DEET is repellant that has some cases of neurological damage to some users that have had high exposures to it.  DEET can melt some synthetic fabrics like nylon.  DEET can repel fish (keep it out of your tacklebox, and off your waders and fishing equipment.)


Weigh the side-effects and choose what you want to use carefully.


Just try to keep the ticks off - Lyme's disease is no joke either.  I know someone whose wife was bed-ridden for a year because it was mis-diagnosed for several months.  She got so weak she could no-longer walk.

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i just sprayed permethrin on my clothes that i do farm work with. usually come off with one or two ticks on my clothes but after the permethrin spray. found nothing. definately will be spraying this on my main hunting outfit when i get the chance

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you could use Frontline. When I went to Vet School the Professor of the parasites class said that a lot of people use frontline when hiking or in the woods. She didn't specify if it is harmful for humans thou.  It is fragrance free ..  I am sure the manufacturer would not recommend it . maybe worth looking into

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Frontline is a liquid med for pets. You pour it on their skin and it gets absorbed into their system making the pet itself a flea/tick repellant. Works great on my dog. Don't know if I want to use that on myself without medical approval.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

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Have to be careful with Frontline on pets.  Dosage size is very important.  If your pet is between dosage sizes, use the smaller dosage.  My brother-in-law's German Shepard was sick for almost two weeks the first time she was treated.  Now they use the lower dosage and she does not become ill.


I know some people, including my wife, are sensitive to petting a dog that has been treated with Frontline - makes her itch.  Our dog, and my wife's other brother also has a German Shepard that does not make her itch - neither have been treated with Frontline.  Only the one dog makes her itch when the dog has been treated for the spring and summer months - rest of the year does not cause the itch from petting her.


The instructions for administering it on a pet is to wear protective gloves - I am not going to wear that stuff.

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Normally I just spray my outer layer with Deet, but still have a few ticks crawling on me occasionally.


I try to avoid spraying my skin, but have to break down for the warm months.  When get back home, I immediately wash up before the dog tries to bathe me in affections for deserting her.


I try to keep DEET off my hands - like to have a snack while out on hunt or hike to keep the energy up and stomach quiet, plus I wear contacts so I do not want that stuff anywhere near my eyes.  Sunscreen, peppers, and gasoline (under !@#! vehicle gas line filter change) burns the eyes, can't image what DEET would do.

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I never wore anything, never will. Always taught from a young age to check thoroughly for ticks after being outdoors. I check each article of clothes piece by piece before showering. I even have my fiance check my hair, back, etc before I shower.

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I always do a tick check, but those deer ticks are very small.

When you are five minutes out in the field/on trail and are plucking off ticks already,  additional protection is needed.  Some locations I bird hunt and hike turn seem to be a sea of ticks part of the year.

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