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Any of you old guys start out with climbing blocks ?


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I did. Once upon a time we did not have have many options for climbing into stands,climbing blocks was one.

You cut 2x4 s into 5 inch pieces,drilled a hole through the 2 inch side,passed a small rope through the hole 2xs. Next you tied a loop in one end near the block.

To climb you placed flat side of block on tree passed running end of rope around tree and through loop,next pull back around tight and wrap running end around block.thats it tie 3 or 4 from ground then you had to climb up and attach as you go,all without harness or rope of course .nothing like the thrill of standing on the end of one 2x4 up in the air as you use both hands to wrap another.... Old school is seldom as good.

We'd paint them dark and I'd drag the rope through mud to darken it up.

Edited by Larry302
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I used them ..... for a while .... lol. I spent a lot of hours with a heavy rope tied around my waist also. Most likely that was a lot more hazardous than nothing at all. The thing is these were things that were endorsed by experienced hunters of the day. In fact I believe that I learned about the "climbing blocks" from the bowhunting safety course that I took a few centuries ago.

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