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Deer Dander... anybody use it?


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I have used it... a few times actually... heck I think I've tried a sh/t load of things over the years. Once I used it and had a deer follow me to and around and hang out at the bottom of the tree stand. I had circled back to my ladder stand. I went up the ladder and an hour or so later a doe came along following my trail to the bottom of the stand. It stood there sniffing the second wrung. I could have jumped on it. That being said, I have never had a buck do that. Jury's out but I don't think it spooks them and a friend of mine said he thought it smelled just like the deer hanging in my barn.

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Sounds like dehydrated snake oil to me! I believe all deer attractant lures will work as curiosity scents some of the time. But, more often than not they scare deer away, and if anything checking what they smell from a safe down wind direction. Nothing beats scouting and knowing the local deer patterns.

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