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Friendly doe

Catskill Hunter

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For some reason this doe and her fawn have been walking up to me since spring like they are tame. Never saw a deer in the Catskills do that. I shook an apple tree to get some apples to fall for my trail cam. she came right out of the woods when she heard the apples fall.


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That's very interesting. She has alot of trust in you. Wonder how long that behavior will continue?

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This doe has been doing this since spring, I was cutting my field in July and she came right out and laid down the whole time and watched me. I feel bad for her this gun season !

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I can't imagine why a deer would get conditioned to humans that feed them corn and apples like that, soooo strange. lol


What kind of apple tree is that? Coapple, Crapple, Applorn?


Seems like every forum has one !!! I have not fed this deer all season as you suspect. I thru a handful of corn in front of my trail camera, like no one here does that ! If you have deer that walk up to you all the time when you put a cup of corn down I would like to see the pictures !!

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Seems like every forum has one !!! I have not fed this deer all season as you suspect. I thru a handful of corn in front of my trail camera, like no one here does that ! If you have deer that walk up to you all the time when you put a cup of corn down I would like to see the pictures !!


I got plenty more pics if you need them, but you wont find me putting any corn down for her...

She did seem attracted to the sound of a turkey hitting the ground though,lol



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Yea thats it, I'm the bad guy cause I laugh at you feeding deer. haha


I just thought it was a cool video, Didnt expect all the sarcasm. This tree is 100 ft from my kitchen window, If everyone here claims they never thru some corn out so they can watch a deer out of there window on occasion so be it. Then I am the bad guy I guess

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I just thought it was a cool video, Didnt expect all the sarcasm. This tree is 100 ft from my kitchen window, If everyone here claims they never thru some corn out so they can watch a deer out of there window on occasion so be it. Then I am the bad guy I guess


It is a cool video, you are almost lucky. Would be so much cooler if she wasn't enticed by treats, no? I think you will find most people don't feed the deer because no matter the season or the reason it is illegal so don't assume we break the law.


And duh fellow hunters are always sarcastic


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Really people ??? I apologize for all my wrong doings, you are all correct I should have not put out corn, I probably should not have planted food plots either, not sure if thats legal since that would be feeding deer too ? I have several  cameras out. I never feed out where I hunt as I want to see what naturally come by,  But i am sure no one here will believe that. again I apologize.

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LMAO, I love how people react on here for being called out on breaking the game laws.



Its my favorite type of thread, LOVE IT! 


I for one am far to lazy to go through the hassle of baiting, you have to go get the bait, carry it out to the woods and spread it all over and go through that process as much as you can for it to be effective. I think I will stick to just hunting and spend my free time doing yard work. lol

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I just joined this forum in hopes that I can share my season. This is the first thread that jumped out at me. Being new I was going to keep my mouth shut but I seem to have an issue with doing that. The negative comments on here are very disturbing to say the least. Everyone seems to like to jump on the " illegal " band wagon right away. While I can see both point of views here, to think everyone in this forum has never put out a bio rock or mineral site or some acorn rage etc is pretty naive. We all woke up one morning learning some of our guns are now illegal ! did we all jump on that bandwagon ? Some of us plant food plots ( myself included ) while that is legal in NY to do, Guess what ! it's baiting deer. Some of you admitted to putting scrape drippers out, Guess what ! you are baiting deer. I put all my money into my food plots which I hunt right over so I dont spread corn but really I am baiting deer to come in to me even though it's legal.


I dont agree with catskill hunter about spreading corn but some of the comments here ,,,,really? Most of my hunting is in the Richfield Spring area but I do hunt the Catskills and I can show you 1/2 a dozen tree stands with corn feeders next to them which were put out by the "locals" I can show you where they park their quads to get to their stands which is very illegal in the catskills.  I have climbed a mountain for an hr to hunt only to have a NY registered quad pass me !! talk about frustrating. I hear gun shots from dark until morning when I am there. I am not saying anyone here does it but  some do.


Someone here says " this is my kind of forum " that makes me not want to post on this forum now. A simple " nice video, thanks for posting" would have been enough. So instead of seeing an opportunity to show you cock feathers and pound your chest lets try to stay positive and REALISTIC. Just sayin

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