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Coyote Den near my property.... need help


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Wow, I'm sure some are joking on here, but that anti's will eat this up.

I have a pack of coyotes who have lived near my home for 5 years. I hear them howling many nights year round, sometimes very close by. We also have a very healthy population of deer, large flocks of turkey, and rabbit and the small rodent population has exploded in the last few years. I realized coyotes will take fawns in the spring if they can, or chickens that are unattended. They are opportunistic and clever. But all wildlife seem to coexist in good balance here.  The hound hunters will be around for a month and they will take a few coyotes and fox and I'm sure a few were taken during gun season. The coyotes will just have more pups in the spring and more coyotes will move in from other areas.

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There wanting to get rid of them then there's just plain cruel for the sake of being cruel....which is sadly purely human nature...seldom found in the animal world...save Chimps I believe


Google what sea otters do to baby seals. Or what dolphins do to porpoises.


And there are plenty more examples in nature, don't kid yourself.

Edited by Sogaard
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Sponges stuffed in natural sausage casing, rolled in bacon grease. bite size .swallow them whole. cant pass sponge=dead coyote. most antifreeze is safe now...



Another cruel and indiscriminate suggestion that should carry lifetime hunting loss and probably a felony. 

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I dont have any antifreeze, sponges, or sausage casing laying around, but i do have a semi auto shotgun and a box of M80's. I doubt the M-80's are legal in the communist state of ny though. I'll probably handle this after this weekend, going to try and get my wife a deer with her muzzleloader. But i'm gonna head down Christmas week and have at them. 



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