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Is this a hunting website or a political site??

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a ha ha You are bass ackwards.  it is the obama lovers who want to limit freedoms.  But you know that as you bat cleanup for them.  I say 4 because your little poll had your side win by 4.  Hence 4 people were the majority.  BTW you asked for logic I gave it to you and you attack.  I am starting tio think you are in bed with VJP and papist.  But your silly little ploy worked.  very little political posts since your little rant.  but it will die out.  it is like watching a train wreck and it will eventually happen.  

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Now if you do not mind I am going to go play golf.  Please do not fill the recent posts with complaints about people filling up the recent posts so I do not have to wade through them when I get back to get to anything worth reading.  Thank you in advance

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To be honest I about never look at that hot list. I almost always hit the "view new content" button in the upper right. It is every post in the order they are replied to. very easy to sift through what I want to read and don't and see what I have participated in. About the only thing I go directly to the forum sections for is the recipes or the classifieds.

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Many people use recent/hot topics. Its very popular. You can see the ten most recently started or replied to threads. It can be similar to new content but is leaner. Admittedly, this is used when people are at work, in a tree, etc when people have 5 or 10 minutes to spare. Navigating through 40 subforums is time consuming. You and many others seem to keep stating 5 threads on the recent topics list. You can expand that to ten, so you can customize the number. Adding the ability to further customize is such a minor improvement that would help increase UI for many people while at the same time not hurting anyone. The yahoos screaming the sky is falling wouldnt even know or be impacted by another persons private choice, which appears to be ironic.

People keep going back to why people click on links if they dont interest them. Thats the thing, they dont interest some and they dont click on them. They still bog down the recent topics list. You can customize alot of features on this site but not on that list. It makes zero sense from a UI perspective. It has nothing to do with clicking on links thst have no interest. Political threads often have large post count, which is why they often sit atop the recent topics list. Being able to skim out subforums has nothing to do with not clicking on links.

Having the ability to customize that list would increase the UI quality. Many forums offer this. I dont see the big deal in why this is an issue for any forum looking to make the best experience possible for its member base. Can you answer that?

31 people took that poll. 17 didnt want political threads and 14 did. Customizing the recent topics list to improve the UI doesnt impede the 14 at all and gives the 17 an increased experience. I see no way how it is censorship, limiting right, big government, conformity or any other batwing nutjob crazy accusations being poo flung by certain people about those who dont want political threads about choppers flying over borders or homeland security conspiracies clogging up their main navigating site to a HUNTING forum that limits the amount of HUNTING threads to populate on that list.

Seems pretty reasonable. But I digress.

7 pages have been wasted on this non-topic that basically has only moved 17 people to care about it enough to vote for a change (and I suspect nearly all of those were just expressing disgust with recent direction of the political forum). As a percentage of the membership is concerned, this is a non-issue.  7 pages about nothing but nonsense. And the funniest part of it all is that it has clogged up the most recent list more than the political topics ever did. This is starting to get more and more goofy as time goes on. I'll tell you what, keep adding in the posts. Keep clogging up your "most recent" list. I don't use it anyway for reasons I already stated. And when you get tired of burning band width, maybe you will do what any other member would have done who has a requested change, and that would be to contact the site owner.

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To be honest I about never look at that hot list. I almost always hit the "view new content" button in the upper right. It is every post in the order they are replied to. very easy to sift through what I want to read and don't and see what I have participated in. About the only thing I go directly to the forum sections for is the recipes or the classifieds.


I believe when I stated to use the "view new content" Phade said thet very few people use that . And no , I am not going back through the threads to get the quote .

It's easy enough to get the "view new content" which is responses to the latest topics but more of them . 

Let's see if we can get 100 pages out of this ! :gamer:

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Here I go...brightening up that red target on my back again...lol


 Do not kid your self that new "lurking members " go away due to  the "packing of" political posts ...It is the nasty replies. The name calling, the BS that they draw...Same story just a differrent section and the story is narrated  by pretty much the same few members replies...It doesn't make a tinkers damn bit of differance whether it be a political forum, general chat,harvest forums,management,or trail cams there is always something. The name calling ...not believing pics...stories...not liking plotters ...weapons...ppl that use guided hunts..ect..ect..ect.I mean really If you think it is just the, "political Flavor of the month " , that would keep a new member at bay,well your dilutional...They could spend their lunch hour in a high school cafiteria and get the same experience.

No not anyone should expect polyanna replys to all posts...nor should they expect they have to step through a land mined feild any time they post...and as I stand by...its a relative few members...Just like it's  a few members that post political stuff...which has now due, to nasty replies, I will take a guess here...has increased their posting.  Well thats my veiw on it and who gives a crap...lol


disagree. I belong to many forums, and this place is tame when it comes to "name calling". Without debate there is no forum. that's what bring most of us back. This thread is case and point. Crossbows, ARs, baiting, etc. All have different viewpoints. Sure every once in a while someone says something a little over the line, but rarely if ever have I seen it go too far. New Yorkers are supposed to have thick skin. If we avoid keeping it to personal, than it should never be a problem.

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You know, we don't have a forum on religion, knitting, or flower propagation, so we do kind of try to keep things on theme here which is hunting fishing, trapping, and all things outdoors. Is that such an unusual thing for forums to insist that content have some general theme?


if that's the case why do we have half a dozen threads on Obama's approval rating, boarder control policy, secret Chinese camps and the list goes on? If the mods and owners really cared they'd get deleted and the posters would get the hint. I've seen it so many times on other forums that it's surprising sometimes here. All I ever see get moderated is the F word...

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the freedoms and censorship thing is hilarious. This is a privately owned forum. Not a government website. The owner has every right to do with it as he pleases. He could have purchased this domain and dedicated it to fishing, or gardening or basket weaving. He chose hunting and decided the rules, the moderators etc.


If he's smart and is looking for more members, which equals more money he'll figure the political stuff out. There's a reason 90% of forums don't allow political and religious discussions.


Figure a way to filter out the political stuff for the news feed and nobody gets hurt. Those who are interested are free to go in with their tin foil hats and post away.


Look through Mr VJP's topics... not one has anything even to do with hunting. Why are you here?


Edited by Belo
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For your information, firearms and hunting are two of the most attacked freedoms in America today.  Those attacks are coming from the party of the Left.


Too many hunters and gun owners support that Leftist party.  Those posts are meant to enlighten the low info voters, who don't seem to be able to make the connection between Liberty, and Tyranny by the party they support.


Apparently, you are too short sighted to see the connection between what is going on in this country and your freedom to hunt or own firearms.  Maybe if you actually opened your mind and read of few of those posts you might get a clue.


P.S.  I also post many replies on other people's posts.

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For your information, firearms and hunting are two of the most attacked freedoms in America today.  Those attacks are coming from the party of the Left.


Too many hunters and gun owners support that Leftist party.  Those posts are meant to enlighten the low info voters, who don't seem to be able to make the connection between Liberty, and Tyranny by the party they support.


Apparently, you are too short sighted to see the connection between what is going on in this country and your freedom to hunt or own firearms.  Maybe if you actually opened your mind and read of few of those posts you might get a clue.


P.S.  I also post many replies on other people's posts.


Hopefully I can express my opinion without delving into this with you or others. 


Bipartisan support is what is needed to preserve what hunting opportunities are remaining and/or  to expand them. Most politically-charged sportsmen are very eager to attack people who disagree with them, but very few do what actually makes a difference by forming partnerships emphasizing common ground. This was important decades ago, when the sporting community had a louder voice, and presently more important then ever, now that we are one of the smallest minorities on planet Earth, yet many of you carry on like sportsmen have all this political strength.


When non hunters who are neither pro or anti hunting encounter hunting issues, they most often ignore them. However, depending on how much media coverage an issue is given, a percentage of these neutral people become interested and engaged in the issue. These are often somewhat intelligent people, and the most rational arguments usually persuade them. Sportsmen (think) they always have science on their side, but they often do not. Or, they misrepresent science. Either scenario costs us friends and potential new friends; and hunters have very few friends in the world. The only better way to lose friends is to stereotype and criticize others, especially on the occasions when they have the more factual argument. Going off on partisan rants does nothing conductive and everything non-conducive to a pro hunting agenda.

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if that's the case why do we have half a dozen threads on Obama's approval rating, boarder control policy, secret Chinese camps and the list goes on? If the mods and owners really cared they'd get deleted and the posters would get the hint. I've seen it so many times on other forums that it's surprising sometimes here. All I ever see get moderated is the F word...

That is because we have the forum whose title includes politics. My point was that perhaps it should not. As a moderator, I do not feel that I have the power to change the layout or structure of the forum. I see that as the site owner's area of power and decision. The fact is that as long as it is entitled a political forum, I should have no grounds or rightful power to delete those posts in that forum. That doesn't mean that I don't have an opinion (which is what you are referring to).

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For your information, firearms and hunting are two of the most attacked freedoms in America today.  Those attacks are coming from the party of the Left.




The right is pro hunting?  Give me a break.  Isn't it the right that continues to try and sell off our public lands to private interests which is the only way most hunters get to hunt in this country?  What will that do to hunting in this country if there is no access?  You should take an honest look at where both parties stand on issues, but you won't find that if you get all your information from one side. 

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For your information, firearms and hunting are two of the most attacked freedoms in America today.  Those attacks are coming from the party of the Left.


Too many hunters and gun owners support that Leftist party.  Those posts are meant to enlighten the low info voters, who don't seem to be able to make the connection between Liberty, and Tyranny by the party they support.


Apparently, you are too short sighted to see the connection between what is going on in this country and your freedom to hunt or own firearms.  Maybe if you actually opened your mind and read of few of those posts you might get a clue.


P.S.  I also post many replies on other people's posts.


I don't see where I have ever disagreed with you or shown that I don't care. You're totally missing the point. There other plenty of political forums out there.



What I can't figure out, is why you come to a hunting website and never post about hunting. Wouldn't it be weird if all I did was post about apple trees? Not that the occasional apple tree post isn't relevant to deer hunting, but if that's all I posted about you might wonder why I didn't just join a forum dedicated to apple trees.


Bubba and I butt heads, but at least he's active in what he's passionate about. All you and papist do is post links and go on rants. Bubba also posts quite a bit about hunting, and at least is political stuff is relevant to the safe act which affects hunting... not about obama's approval rating.


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The right is pro hunting?  Give me a break.  Isn't it the right that continues to try and sell off our public lands to private interests which is the only way most hunters get to hunt in this country?  What will that do to hunting in this country if there is no access?  You should take an honest look at where both parties stand on issues, but you won't find that if you get all your information from one side. 

I have been saying for years that the day will come where only high fence and private lease will have anything to do with hunting but many will never see or believe untill it hits them and they are taking their stands down. The day will come!!

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The Left is the side that wants to ban all forms of hunting and are always blocking hunts for bear, cougar, etc.  They are also the ones who hate your gun rights, align themselves with anti-hunting groups and PETA.  They are looking to control all of your liberties as much as they can.  Or just eliminate them.


That's why I post the things I do.  But it seems not many understand the reason for them.


I respond to many posts about hunting, and that's what I prefer to do.  I've been a hunter for 45 years, but don't usually see anything worth posting that I find to be new, unless it's about people trying to take my hunting and gun rights away.



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There's really just 2 knuckle heads that drive the political crap to death. Best to try to avoid it... Or as I've said, keep all their "news stories" in 1 thread.

The ignore button works wonders,for those concerned .....

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The Left is the side that wants to ban all forms of hunting and are always blocking hunts for bear, cougar, etc.  They are also the ones who hate your gun rights, align themselves with anti-hunting groups and PETA.  They are looking to control all of your liberties as much as they can.  Or just eliminate them.


That's why I post the things I do.  But it seems not many understand the reason for them.


I respond to many posts about hunting, and that's what I prefer to do.  I've been a hunter for 45 years, but don't usually see anything worth posting that I find to be new, unless it's about people trying to take my hunting and gun rights away.


Start right here Mr VJP and sign this...


Its not "bear,lions, etc", - it just right here in New York state...



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The ignore button works wonders,for those concerned .....


I know... and i hear that argument a lot. But because I genuinely do enjoy this site and especially enjoy it in the fall I would like to see it grow. The kind of nonsense brought on by some will push new contributors away. I am not to blame for some of the nonsense I know, but at least my nonsense has been related to crossbows and other HUNTING debates. I think new members can at least understand that... I also think most of that BS is now over with, so it's to ARs and food plots! haha.

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LoL.  Hyperbole much?  May I suggest a pill to calm the nerves.And the irony of you being one of the more contrarian posters here is not lost on me. Anyone else find this amusing?



so because you and I butt heads, you discount the fact that at least I post about hunting? why don't you just hang out at prison planet and hide in your bunker? I've yet to see you or VJP actually post about something you've done to free us from our dictatorship. At least Bubba is out there doing stuff.

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There are people who want to see us divided. Let's not let them win. The fact that there is political venting is normal considering the bad actors who are presently in charge of the country. Let's hang together, we represent something that is at the core of being American. It was the free hunters and trappers who stepped up and made this vagabond bunch of colonies a Nation. God Bless us all.

Edited by adkbuck
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