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als ice bucket challenge


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We lost a close friend to ALS . Lucretia had a beautiful voice and loved the outdoors ( biking , skiing , camping ,etc) . She was a song leader at church . She came down with ALS , was confined to a wheel chair and could no longer speak . She had to use one of the machines where she typed a bit and it spoke the message . She had lost most of her motor skills and passed away . It is a terrible sight to see someone's health degrade with this illness .

Nuts to the ice . I donate to ALS .

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Nuts to the ice.

Nuts to the ice? I rather keep mines away from the ice. But I'll accept the challenge and plan to donate when it eventually comes around to me.

It's a vicious disease. Some choke on their own saliva horribly because they lost the motor functions to swallow properly. Those who are unfortunate to have this disease suffer greatly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Elmo
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An internet fad... Good lord some of you are ridiculous. Not only do you not want to donate (that's fine) but you feel the need to put it down, voice your displeasure and hate on those who have donated to what is a good cause.

If you'd rather donate to other charities that's fine. I don't get the point of having to mention it and put it down.

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Als is a horrible way to go out. This challenge has raised alot of moolah for the leading group that spearheads research and ongoing care. My grandfathers best friend went through it and words fail to describe what I saw, let alone what the family and he had to endure.

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