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ASAT camo.... worked


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Had in interesting encounter this morning that i thought id share.


Got an ASAT coat and matching pants this year because i liked the idea of the open pattern and im 6'1 300# so i stick out in a tree. 

I had two doe come in this morning behind me, and the lead one picked off my movement when i turned around.  I stood there in the tree 25 yards from them for 20 minutes as they stared right at me. Stomping there feet, walking around to get a different view, while looking up my tree but they couldnt identify me. It was like they could see my movement, but couldnt pick me off. They ended up just walking away.


May have to pick up some cold weather gear, this pattern seems to work.




Edited by NYbuck50
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I've had ASAT for idk 20 years ? Need to get more warm weather ASAT and a size that fits me today.....

I've been amazed with it. My throughs are I don't need to look like a tree,which at a distance you just look like a dark blob anyway.

Like fish lures are made to catch fishermen more then fish, camo is made to look good to the hunter.

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I've had the same thing happen to me, but I was wearing blue jeans and a SaF T Bak field coat with blaze patches while sitting at base of a tree while squirrel hunting last September. Went on for 15 minutes or so.

I wasn't silhouetted like u though as I was sitting at base of a tree. Makes me wonder if it's just a movement thing.

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So i got the asat gear soaking wet saturday morning and wore out some dark brown wool camo for my evening sit. Wouldnt you know it a fat 4pt walks right down the trail and picks off my silhouette in the tree upwind at like 10 yards? 


Next time ill throw the wet stuff in the dryer.


Predator camo is great stuff as well, same concept as ASAT, i like the predator fall gray alot.


bkln, lancaster archery has some as do many other local archery shops, a quick google will show you some options

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In my opinion, Asat, skyline, and predator are by far the best patterns for ny... maples, beech , hickory are grey barked trees..realtree and mossy oak are just cluttered brown patterns.. look good to the hunter but blob to the deer and other game.

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In my opinion, Asat, skyline, and predator are by far the best patterns for ny... maples, beech , hickory are grey barked trees..realtree and mossy oak are just cluttered brown patterns.. look good to the hunter but blob to the deer and other game.

What about sitka camo, how well does that work in nys well the wny region?
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