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Proper Way to Tag


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Thanks cdmckane.  I'm gonna consider myself lucky that didn't happen to me. 


JRM you got it.  The regs are straightforward, I just wasn't looking in the right place.


jjb4900, where would you go to be grumpy if people like me didn't ask stupid questions?

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Thanks cdmckane.  I'm gonna consider myself lucky that didn't happen to me. 


JRM you got it.  The regs are straightforward, I just wasn't looking in the right place.


jjb4900, where would you go to be grumpy if people like me didn't ask stupid questions?

not a stupid question at all...but it's all in the regs and a better place for sound advice as opposed to getting "variations" of the way others interpret them.

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i've only ran into one dec officer while i was at car with deer, he asked why it wasnt tagged already i said "well it's a mix, the ground tears these things off all the time, and the pen i carried into the field with me turned out to be dead. i was filling out tag when he got there deer still on ground not loaded, he said okay and drove away. as far as i see it , you have the tags its filled out before its loaded into car, the dec officers are going to be totally cool with you if you say you're worried about tag getting torn off or anything like that. heck i dont have a pen that will work on these new tags i had to buy a sharpie pen thing

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I know it's a bit unusual, but I made a slice thru my own ear years ago to zip tie the filled out tag to while I am dragging the deer out.  This way I know I won't misplace it or lose it and it will be readily available if I am stopped by a DEC officer.  When I finish the dragging I cut it off and put another zip tie thru the deers ear along with the tag.  I can make the slice in your ear for you, if you are squeamish about doing it yourself.  I promise it won't hurt (too much).  








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I know it's a bit unusual, but I made a slice thru my own ear years ago to zip tie the filled out tag to while I am dragging the deer out.  This way I know I won't misplace it or lose it and it will be readily available if I am stopped by a DEC officer.  When I finish the dragging I cut it off and put another zip tie thru the deers ear along with the tag.  I can make the slice in your ear for you, if you are squeamish about doing it yourself.  I promise it won't hurt (too much).  


Good thinking, LMAO!

I like to use my "butt-out" tool to pull the cork on my deer..., then I'll tuck my tag where the sun don't shine and put the plug back in to keep it safe!

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IN a deers mouth, or just carry a roll of electrical tape and wrap around a leg. Many ways to meet this legally.I don't mess with one until we are done dragging other than filling out. I've lost tags before and just hoped I didn't get ran into by a ECO. Not worth it.

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Steve863, you should have just got your ear gauged. I just use a zip tie in the ear or on the antlers. I remember when the DEC had DMP that where like a sticker and you had to put them through a slit you made in the hind leg. I have noticed a lot of picture on FB of deer from CNY Big Bucks and other groups, and I have not seen one tag on any of the bucks.

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Rewind last year opening morning around 10:30. I have 3 doe and a buck in the wagon behind the quad. The buck has an antler of about 3 inches the other one is missing. I tell my friend to wait to fill it out the tag until we get back to the cabin so we can measure and maybe put it on a doe permit. Up pulls DEC officer. I never expected this and comes over to check the deer. There is a tape measure on the back of the quad. All three checked out fine but there was no tag on the buck. I explained the situation to him. He explained the rules to me and let us get off from receiving a $350 ticket. He was cool and explained deer transported on a quad need to be tagged. Have something that measures 3 inches and use it as a gauge in the field. (no wise cracks) He was a nice guy and I will never do something like that again. 

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