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Proud of my Daughter In Law

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Since things are slow ,I thought I would share . My daughter in law is from Venezuela and came here legally about 10 years ago . She had come to the country previously for visits and that's when my youngest son met and dated  her . Erika has a good job working for a company in Victor NY . This past Tuesday , my wife and I met my son and Erika at the Federal Building in Rochester for her Naturalization Ceremony . The participants had to say the Pledge of Allegiance . There were 41 participants from various countries . When Erika arrived at work Wednesday she was surprised that the work place was all decorated in red , white and blue with flags all over the place . We are proud of the fact that she is a naturalized US Citizen . 

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Congratulations Erica! 

I just happened to be in downtown Buffalo one year walking by the Federal Building right after the Naturalization Ceremony was over. There was maybe 4-6 newly naturalized citizens still lingering about taking pictures with friends and family holding little American Flags and the smiles on their faces probably could have been seen from space!  

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