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I will talk with them this week.  I agree Four Seasons.  I can see how addictive this can get.  Even though we would only have 46 acres I can see where you want to keep adding more and more. 


As stated my Brother is on ship and the more I think about it, this piece with a cabin would run in the 100,000 dollar range.  I'm already free and clear on my parcel so I would only owe on this new parcel.  They really respect us and said they'd be really fair...

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Good luck....It's always good to get to know the land owners around you...we started out with 9 1/2 and have 73 acres...would be more but...I won't over pay and ...I can't be a lying snake in the grass so it is what it is ...we still have one more option but we'll see taxes are starting to over ride potentials these days.


One would be surprised how just letting another owner know your there to look out for things with out wanting anything in return...especially hunting....can effect them...

 IE...I wrote one letter to this effect on one parcel...got no response and let it go...while another neighbor had hounded the owner for years....they passed several years later and put us in the will as the first option to buy the land from the family she willed it to........ I was very surprised when the laywer called...she wanted certain things for the land...Well.... they brought her ashes here to bury them and used us as access to put in a head stone...I negotiated based on all info and got 24 1/2 for 10,000 dollars 6 or 7 years ago....So look to the future when buying land.

Edited by growalot
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don't put yourself in the poor house for deer land. You will not find many more people as die hard about hunting as myself, but nothing is more important to me than my wife and 2 little boys. That being said, maybe there's something else you pay for or own that you could sell/stop to justify it. Maybe get some buddies to pay a lease fee? I would still just put it in one persons name. No mess that way.

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its worth it, if money gets tight you chop off a lot and sell for 5x what you paid for an acre. small building lots 60ft-120ft are 30,000 or more in a development. a city person looking for a camp thinks nothing of putting down 5000 or more for an acre . this has been the driving force of rising prices on land in my area as a 5 acre lot or under cost the same or more than if you buy 50 acres. a 190 acre piece with a small cabin (uninproved)just sold in the last 3 month for 89,000. the little 5 acre piece with cabin sold for 68,000. most land goes between 800 to 1500 an acre depending on size/ and what it contains

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Wow that's some cheap land . It's closer to 4 grand an acre around me and one guy is asking 190k for his 30 acres of rec. land . Of course it's just sitting there , while most land never even gets listed.

I would also try to conceal that you are the one making the offer at least as long as possible,if I knew the neighbor wanted my land to add on to his,well that's a buyer who can't just go 5 miles away and pick up a differant piece so there would not be much movement in my price.

Our 120 acres is on 3 roads with a few houses here and there butting up to a piece of it. Not a year goes by someone does not inquire about us developing it as it's headed our way. They all want to preserve their 1 or 2 acre lot with a buffer,well I'll give them right of first refusal , but they'll have to beat the developers price . Maybe one day Unicef will get in the land business.....

Edited by Larry302
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Not sure where you are located but if it is under $2000 a acre you better jump on it. I have been seeing land in my area go between $2300-$10,000 a acre. Vineyard land is getting hard to find and going out of sight. I was told by the farmer that rents my farm, that the land is worth atleast $10,000 a acre because of the soil types. Alot of the value in land for farming is based on the soil types. The other thing driving up the land in my area, is large dairy farms expending their herds and needing land to get rid of the manure.Also with such a small parcel of 40 plus acres I would not sub-divide it. You want to hunt and all you need to get is some person the is Anti Hunting and you could lose the right to hunt certain parts on your own property because of the 500 ft rule.

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If I pick this parcel up I see no immediate need or want to divide in the future. Correct me if I'm wrong but most of the value is the rd. frontage itself. I will have 1000ft. I wouldn't risk selling it off to make a few thousands knowing that in time the parcel could inflate tremendously.

I appreciate everyone's opinion and expertise on this.

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