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Rochester Area Gunsmith (need scope rings/mount/bore sight)


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In a bind...need to help a friend out who has little time to get this task done (college). Have a scope for his mz, but need to get rings/mounted/bore sighted.

Usually go to Avon Gun Supply to get that job done, but they've gotten super expensive and slow to turn around. Gander has a real slow turnaround.

Anyone have suggestions?

Would put in Region 8...but this places gets much more traffic.

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why not just get a fat wrench (35 bucks) , a bore sighter (20 bucks) , spend an hour at the range , then never pay for scope mounting again. That is what I did , and it sure has paid off over the last few years.

Unfortunately, because that doesn't fit the situation. It's a time/distance issue. Tahnks for the suggestion though, that's surely on the horizon.

I typically spend more time with bows.

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his buddy is headed to the range on Monday but just lookin gto get on paper. I hate going out to the range with no bore sighting. depending on the model....( I have done it like this with bolt actions)...bolt removal and a line up with your eye looking down the back of the barrel hase saved me more than  a few rounds. I love my laser range finder...gets me on paper and is a great confidence check after a long trip to see if anything got knocked

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Yes, this will not be hunted with until paper tested. My friend is only available Monday for a few hours to get the sighting in done.

I have his mz and scope, but need to get it mounted/bore sighted for him. I'm out of town this weekend, and can only really drop it off for the work to be done, so he can pick it up Monday.

Some holier-than-thou people certainly like to jump to conclusions on the Web.

All I asked was for a reliable gunsmith in the area. Not a lesson on hunter ethics.  ;)

I've done the bolt trick on a few rifles before, too. This is a MZ, and I've not tried that before.

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Do not rely on bore sighters,Here is what I have done on jut about all of my firearms.I found this on the internet years ago.It requires a vice mounted on a stable bench or table.A plum bob and a line level and a carpenters or machinest level.And a few trees or a piece of plywood.Put your firearm with some sort of padding in the vice ,level the receiver you can do it on the side and or the top if there is a machined surface.Then mount the scope where you want it in the rings,put a level on the top adjuster ,without the cap and level it.Snug up the screws a little amount on each screw and check to see if it is still level.If it is a bolt action remove the bolt.About 25 yards away mount a large piece of cardboard or poster paper on a tree or a piece of plywood.Take the plum bob and put it above the paper near the center and let it hang down with out moving and draw a vertical line.Now tale the line level and mount it to something so you can get a horozintal line near the center.You now have a just about perfect cross hair to sight your scope to.Now look through the barrel and try to get it perfectly centered with the crosshairs on your target.Now move the scope crosshars to line up to the crosshairs on the target,with out moving the firearm.Now fire it to see where you are on paper you should be pretty close. 

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I did what Gthphtm mentioned above .I used one of those Black & Decker bench vices . I have several NEF single shots . I mounted the scopes will Millet Rings , attached the scope , placed the rifle in the vice and adjusted everything so that my neighbor's yard ligh that is approximately 75 yards away was centered when I looked through the barrel . I then adjusted the scope to get the same picture . A trip to the range with a few shots and I am done .

I like the Millet rings because you can loosen one side and tighten the other to get a vertical adjustment . 

Try calling The Custom Gun Shop in Walworth 315-986-1717  ...... Dave Dentino is the gunsmith / store owner . You might even catch him in a good mood .

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In a bind...need to help a friend out who has little time to get this task done (college). Have a scope for his mz, but need to get rings/mounted/bore sighted.

Usually go to Avon Gun Supply to get that job done, but they've gotten super expensive and slow to turn around. Gander has a real slow turnaround.

Anyone have suggestions?

Would put in Region 8...but this places gets much more traffic.

Ah you missed it. I ran an add for 4 weeks to do just that last month.

with the weather the way it is now I play hell getting to sight anything in.

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