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Whats your plan for next year??


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I have a lot on my list.

1) clear out a 2-3 acre clearing for a food plot

2) Expand and enhance their current bedding area to 8-10 acres.

3) Clear out competing trees around our oaks. They play such an important roll in our food source where our land is.

4) Try and revitalize the existing patch of thorn apple trees.

5) Fix up the cabin and try to mouse proof it (damn things)!!

6) Dig some culverts around some of our trails that were a sopping mess this past weekend.


And grow im with you, im looking to build maybe an 8x8 enclosed stand. Equipped with bunk beds, some type of heat.

I wanna take my son (will be 7 next yr) hunting with me more and i thought it would be cool to get in the night before spend the night and wake up hunting!! I gotta figure out a bathroom system though. Will see

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I'd like to find a newbie or two to introduce to the sport..., or take a really crappy experienced hunter under my wing,lol.

I probably wont even do any hunting/killing myself, but I would miss the preparation, scouting, seat time, and encounters, so I could never give up hunting without still being involved in those aspects of it.

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I'd like to find a newbie or two to introduce to the sport..., or take a really crappy experienced hunter under my wing,lol.

I probably wont even do any hunting/killing myself, but I would miss the preparation, scouting, seat time, and encounters, so I could never give up hunting without still being involved in those aspects of it.


Take me, Wooly...  I'm experienced but I can be very CRAPPY..


I like to shoot stuff, and I am sure you would enjoy dressing them and dragging them out for me..


I have also been told that I am kinda CUTE.....<<wink>>.....

Edited by Pygmy
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Well, my plans have changed.  I was planning on picking up a 8N, single bottom plow and disc.  I was going to put in my first food plot about 1/2 acre but now an opportunity has come up and am trying to acquire 25 additional acres. 


I will be adding two more Moultrie game cameras.


I know one thing I won't be doing differently.  Hunting the first two weeks of November.  It will be my Brother and I fourths straight year we've hunted the first 2 weeks in November.



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Zag...for something that big...an old small vanity sink...set in a frame you make. This will hold a toilet seat over it... sawzaw around drain to fit a bigger sewer pipe.glue in place and seal...have pipe go into a 5 gal bucket with holes in it...parcially filled with gravel and charcoal...have bucket below ground level and on sand and gravel... a hole in top to fit the pipe glue and seal...loosely wrap bucket in weed mat..to keep dirt from plugging holes and bury...keep a supply of 1 gal.water jugs for flushing....camp paint exposed pipe..

Edited by growalot
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Spend about ten times the amount of time I did this year scouting. Other than that, I want to find some good hunks of big public land to do some tracking. Either on tug hill or the southern Adirondacks. I enjoy tracking now and have had some success, I just need more room to roam.

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I really wish I would have grew a few smaller food plots in the thicker stuff gun and late season. I will be doing that next year for sure. And I noticed a few bucks that will be brutes next year and their sticking in the swamp lands so I need a few more stands in that area.


Had a great year this year ended up tagging out so I won't complain. But always looking to improve.

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