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Why they wear Back Tags in Wisconsin


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I grew up wearing one sonce I hunted in the SZ. it never seemed like a big deal to me. The only time it bugged me was when I traded in wearing a fanny pack for my backpack. I started the on the pack....on the coat...on the pack...Finally I said screw it. it goes on my backpack and when I get to my treestand it stays on the pack ad is hanging in the tree. I guess if a ECO has an bad day he could ticket me.

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Is this really something that people lose sleep over?? Although I will say it odd that you don't need to wear it in the north but do in the south. There are places that I hunt where if I cross the road the regulation changes.. makes absolutely no sense

I agree . There should be consistant regulations and enforcement .

Then again , there are places in New York where you can hunt deer with a rifle but cross a boundary line and it would be illegal .

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there is nothing saying you can't wear it in the north ie guys saying sometimes nort sometimes south also this back pack swapping most hunting packs are of such design that ir your tag is at its attaching points that most new coats come with it will drape over your bag and be visible just seems like a bunch of complaining over notheing to me

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Precisely!  There is no logic to it unless you are on the side of the authorities.  It benefits them, not the hunters.  It's the law, so they have the upper hand.  Be careful in the future how easily you roll over when the authorities decide to impose another law on your life.  It's never going to be good for the lemmings, eh, citizens.

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Precisely!  There is no logic to it unless you are on the side of the authorities.  It benefits them, not the hunters.  It's the law, so they have the upper hand.  Be careful in the future how easily you roll over when the authorities decide to impose another law on your life.  It's never going to be good for the lemmings, eh, citizens.

Some issues that are laws I have problems with, but seriously, 'backtags' are giving up your power to the 'man'??

BTW, I surely hope you didn't sign up for that pesky social security number, cause you KNOW big brother will track your whole life with it..

Or a drives license, credit cards, static ip adress, health insurance, even a mailing address.. 

May I suggest you turn in the plates from your vehicles, pack up, & get into the wilderness.. Get off the grid..

The g-men dressed in black, THEY are coming for you..  ???

The Northern-Southern zone back-tag discrepancy can be explained this way..

  Low 'hunters to lands' density of the north, to moderate to way-too-high  density of some southern zone areas.. If there are more people 'doing'  something, you'll get more regulation- Hunting, driving, building, anything..

I'd bet that NYC has more laws than the whole state of Alaska.. Not a good thing, but just an example..

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To the contrary...I question alot…i also try to focus my effort on issues that I believe pose a real threat.....do I follow every law...no...anyone who says they do I believe is lying...I have 2 speeding tickets in my past to prove it...lol. I just think effort towards things like more uniform and timely access to pistol permits....illegal immigration...out of control spending by the govt...welfare and the anti business view of our current administration pose a bigger threat at the moment than wearing a back tag. I understand the point you are trying to make.....but that reg will not turn the tide on hunters in NY. I think there are much bigger threats to our freedoms

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"May I suggest you turn in the plates from your vehicles, pack up, & get into the wilderness.. Get off the grid.. The g-men dressed in black, THEY are coming for you..  alt=???http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/huh.gif[/img]"

A guy named Randy Weaver tried that at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.  It didn't help.  They came for him anyway.  Attitudes like, "This is America.  It can't happen here!",  are precisely why it can and does happen here.  Your liberties are not guaranteed and are very fragile.  Only the vigilant see the threats, the masses suffer under them.

Many laws seem to be innocuous and trivial and not worth fighting, until the day the law is used against you and you find out just how much of a threat to your freedom (or your wallet) it was.  But the authorities count on blind compliance by people who are oblivious or trusting.

Social Security number?  They're stolen everyday along with your identity and your life is ruined.  Not to mention we may never reap any benefit from it.

Driver's license?  The government made it a privilege, not a right.  Remember?

Health Insurance?  Until recently did you ever think the Fed would be able to order you to pay for it and tell you who benefits from it and when?

Laugh at your own peril people.  I find it funny you're all willing to bend over whenever the authorities ask you too.  It must feel good to you.


Culver, I won't allow street kids to take change out of my pocket because it isn't as big a threat as a man with a gun taking my wallet.  Every threat should be addressed as soon as it is identified.  Part of the strategy is to overwhelm the people with more laws than they can handle.  More laws equal more power and control.  How much are you willing to tolerate?

Funny how one of the big government agendas these days is "tolerance".


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Social Security number?  They're stolen everyday along with your identity and your life is ruined.  Not to mention we may never reap any benefit from it.

Driver's license?  The government made it a privilege, not a right.  Remember?

Health Insurance?  Until recently did you ever think the Fed would be able to order you to pay for it and tell you who benefits from it and when?

Laugh at your own peril people.  I find it funny you're all willing to bend over whenever the authorities ask you too.  It must feel good to you.

So, can I assume that you live a life of breaking as many of these kinds of laws as possible to show your independence? Do you hunt without a license. Do you kill whatever and however many of whatever you hunt just to show the government that they don't have control over you? Just how far do you actually carry this line of reasoning?


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That would not be a very well thought out assumption Doc.

My answer is No.  I make sure I protest and notify the authorities of my displeasure with the laws that are unjust.  I follow them all, no matter how much they disgust me.  I am well aware of the consequences of not doing so, ergo my anger, but I fight to repeal as many as I can.  If the law doesn't do anything but harass law abiding citizens and hunters, I'm against it and want it repealed as soon as possible. 

I also vote against any elected officials that were responsible for enacting the laws.  Trouble is, many times these laws come from appointed hacks, who don't get elected.  So you have to go through the elected officials they report to.  Then you find these elected folks are so far removed from the hack's decision making, they don't even know the law has been imposed.

Unless enough people protest, nothing changes.  That's why the apathy from those affected by oppressive legislation annoys me.  Too many people roll over and allow our freedoms to be chiseled away little by little.  An encroachment here, another restraint there, and eventually you find you have given up so much you have little freedom left any more. 

This country's history of insidious gun control laws is a prefect example of how we have allowed our freedoms to be taken.  NY state is especially bad in this regard.  NY citizens have themselves to blame for it too!

Doc, the last thing one does when challenging the authorities, is give them the ability to take you out.  The one thing I always remember is the government is not my friend.  I just wish I could make more of the people open their eyes and wake up!


P.S.  The number of hunters is declining.  Part of the problem is the cost of hunting these days, but the confusion and fear the preponderance of laws and fines create in the minds of new hunters, keeps many of them from taking up the sport at all.  Without a mentor to guide them through the maze of regulations that must be mastered in order to shoot a deer, many of the new people who want to hunt just give up.  That costs us lots of money in lost license fees and sporting goods spending.  It also costs us numbers and votes.  If you think about it long enough, you start to get some idea the impact laws can have on our future.  It also makes you wonder if these laws aren't aimed at eliminating hunting altogether.

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Yeah but that back-tag gets so darned heavy to carry around all day. Not only that, but I had to poke two holes in my coat to hang the darn thing.

I think it's time we all stood up and protested this evil invasion of the civil rights of hunters. We must rise up and cast off this yoke of oppression. I suggest a day in Albany where we each can burn our back-tags in protest on the steps of the capitol.  >:)



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VJP, you act like backtags are a new thing, or that they affect you in any way other than having to pin something onto your jacket. Im no lemming, and get plenty active about issues that would truly affect me or others in a negative fashion. I do not think that efforts to get rid of backtags are going to have any affect on any aspect of hunting. The effort should really be directed at real issues instead of this nit picking nonsense. It just serves as another distraction to the real issues.

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Wow, I love conspiracy theorists and anti-govt rambling. Hey Mr VJP, ask Somalia what its like to have little or no govt making laws. I bet they would take laws and govt any day over what they have. This started as a simple thread about back tags and an explanation of why they are used in Wisconsin. Now it has turned into an anti govt get rid of all laws and lets have total anarchy thread. Yes there are some laws that don't make sense but to have such strong feelings about back tags shows some serious paranoia.

After reading the article I think a great explanation was given and because of this I think back tags should be required in all areas, not just southern zone but northern also. If it helps catch trespassers and possibly poachers then I support it. I don't think it has anything to do with "Big Brother" imposing on our freedoms.

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In another state. We are talking NY. 1..out of how many? Back tags prove nothing.

If we are going to get into a debate over infringment on personal liberty and that tags don't work or serve any purpose I don't believe that state lines even exist. The facts are that in some cases they serve a purpose to identify people for various reasons.

I agree that a person who is setting out to intentionally break the law would probably be smart enough to take his tag off. I am bettin some wouldn't. I have heard quite a few stories of lawbreakers doing stupid things...like writing hold up note on the back of their personalized deposit slips.

If nothing else if you see a guy without one ...it would be a pretty good indication he is up to no good.

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