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How many people are forced to work for Walmart?  


It never ceases to amaze me how certain leftist talking points continue to be made, when they are so obviously propagandist.

Well all of them of course…if you don't want to  live in poverty you MUST work at Walmart…….where they pay "Poverty wages"???

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WC J...I agree with you about Walmart, they take jobs away from Americans by sending factories over seas, and hire Americans and offer part time positions and have the rest of us "pay" their salary through govt programs.  It is a joke....there are many problems here and we are exploiting yet another group to keep the prices at a low. and who is that for?!?!?!?


Also I agree with raising minimum wage, but people will need to pay more for everything. Would you be willing to pay 20 bucks for a meal at McDonalds....or double, triple or quadruple for any and everything we buy now.  The unions have their flaws but they are good for the private sector as well. if it was not for the unions there wouldn't be a private sector.  Without union rates keeping the price up all workers would get slave wages.  


The problem is there is just too many handouts and not enough reward for the working people...you could make anyone earning over 250k a year pay 100% to taxes and it would not help.  Stop rewarding the lazy and giving them free money and the debt will drop.  Like I said before it is both sides buying votes, but one side tends to give much more away then the other.

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WC J...I agree with you about Walmart, they take jobs away from Americans by sending factories over seas, and hire Americans and offer part time positions and have the rest of us "pay" their salary through govt programs. It is a joke....there are many problems here and we are exploiting yet another group to keep the prices at a low. and who is that for?!?!?!?

Also I agree with raising minimum wage, but people will need to pay more for everything. Would you be willing to pay 20 bucks for a meal at McDonalds....or double, triple or quadruple for any and everything we buy now. The unions have their flaws but they are good for the private sector as well. if it was not for the unions there wouldn't be a private sector. Without union rates keeping the price up all workers would get slave wages.

The problem is there is just too many handouts and not enough reward for the working people...you could make anyone earning over 250k a year pay 100% to taxes and it would not help. Stop rewarding the lazy and giving them free money and the debt will drop. Like I said before it is both sides buying votes, but one side tends to give much more away then the other.

The last paragraph is pretty much it. The problem is there are a smaller subset of legit people who need a handout and we dont do a good job at screening the ones who are lazy or scammers. No idea how we do that.

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I could be wrong but the def of a serial killer is someone who murders 3 or more people in a time frame of over a month, if they started to classify gang members as serial killers the "white 30 year old smart male" would not fit the picture....again people not looking at the whole picture here.  


You can say it all you want that white young white males are the ones shooting up schools and doing the mass shooting I will agree... again I will look at the picture but i can not seem to wrap my head around the fact that some mainly the left can only see it half the time when it is convenient.

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Also I agree with raising minimum wage, but people will need to pay more for everything. Would you be willing to pay 20 bucks for a meal at McDonalds....or double, triple or quadruple for any and everything we buy now.  The unions have their flaws but they are good for the private sector as well. if it was not for the unions there wouldn't be a private sector.  Without union rates keeping the price up all workers would get slave wages.  


While meals at McDonalds would go up, it would be a much smaller percentage than what you post above.


I live 13 miles from the border crossing at Cornwall, On. Minmum wage is higher in Canada. I think it's over $11 an hour & long term full time employess make considerbly more I am told.. Strangely, the Prices @ McDonalds in Cornwall are only slightly higher there compared to those in Massena.


As far as unions?


I started working in Homestead Works of US Steel in the late .60s. Union/management relations were much different then. Different as in a more realist attitude, yet there was respect. Many of my co-workers were WW-II vets. The "greatest generation". There was no doubt were labor & management stood, but everyone knew that the job had to get done, & it did.


Mid level management in those days were from the rank & file. They knew the work & it was near impossible to bullshit them. They dispised the suck holes & stool pigeons just as much as those in labor. About 1973, things began to change. There was a brand new crop of college grads that went to school to dodge the draft in the Vietnam era. Suddenly the old hands were being replaced by snot nosed kids that didn't know there  a--  from a hole in the ground, but they had degrees, & they worked cheaper than the old guard.


That's when things started down the tubes. Everybody started bull shitting everybody else & industry suffered. Nobody in management had the balls to stand up to the unions anymore & things quickly got out of control.


In those days, unions kept everone's wages up. Now, the non union wages are dragging eveyrone that works for a paycheck to the bottom.


My wife is a teacher.  She is required to have a Master's degree. She works from 7:30 AM to 4:30PM daily not counting extra curricular activities & time spent grading papers, making out report cards & such. She dips into her own pocket for supplies & treats for her 4th grade class. She makes less than $50K a year & can't draw unemplymet during the summer like construction & other "seasonal workers". Now people are being turned against teachers by the union busing right wing propaganda machine. Same for postal workers.


What these sheep don't understand is that when these services are "privatized", their taxes won't go down. Here's what will happen. Those union teacher & postal worker wages will be replaced by lower wages in the "privatized" industry. There will be less $$$ being spent in their local economies so everone will have less. Meanwhile, the "private" industries will siphon off those taxpayer $$$ & pay exorbitant executive salaries that will never see those local economies. They will also pay less taxes on that $$$ than what the "well compensated"  union teachers & postal workers would have payed. Double wammy here. Less payroll $$$ to stimulate the local economy, less revenue for state & local tax base


When the American worker was hoodwinked into thinking that having their neighbors pay cut would somehow benefit them, a cancer started growing in the middle class economy.


As far as the comments by others about people not being "forced" to work at Walmart? That shows just how delusional their thinking is. Where the hell else are they going to work? Where are those middle class income jobs anyway? Do you think they would work for Walmart if good paying jobs were available?


Walmart is now the largest private sector employer in the US. Over 350,000 employees. That distinction used to be held by General Motars W/about the same number of employees when I started in 1991. You should see how Massena is deteriorating now that 300+ 'well compenstaed" GM union jobs have been taken away. A small town of 13,000 & according to a radio broadcast this morning, it now ranks as the 30th most dangerous city in NY state. And BTW, there are very few blacks & minorities here.


The right wing has reduced union membership that was at 35% in the 1950s to about 7%. Now they are going after the public employees & the cancer is going to spread unless the working class opens their eyes soon. If unions are so bad for the economy, why is declining union membership accompanied by an almost parallel decline in middle class income? Middle class  incomes should be booming since those damned unions are in decline right? Cutting wages is good for the economy. Yeah, right!

Edited by wildcat junkie
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I could be wrong but the def of a serial killer is someone who murders 3 or more people in a time frame of over a month, if they started to classify gang members as serial killers the "white 30 year old smart male" would not fit the picture....again people not looking at the whole picture here.  


You can say it all you want that white young white males are the ones shooting up schools and doing the mass shooting I will agree... again I will look at the picture but i can not seem to wrap my head around the fact that some mainly the left can only see it half the time when it is convenient.



also when there are drive-bys in poor urban areas where many people are shot and killed by minorities it is a different classification....WHY?

I think those are the product of the enviornment & culture of poverty more than race. Tiny little Massena, NY has recently seen a substantial increase in violent crimes & drug trafficing & it is predominantly white.


As far as drug related crime of which gang related activity is largely comprised of? Decriminalize drugs. Just like probation, the "war on drugs" has done nothing but accelerate the growth of organized (gang) crime. Today black/latino (drug) "gangstas" are yesterday's (booze) "gangsters" of European descent.

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Some excellent points...there was a time in the past when , when I would argue aagainst or bitch about the high wages of COs for example.No education requirements , yet high wages.. this is totally unproductive. We should be pushing to raise ourselves up not drag others down..

Something we have lost in most of our businesses is good leadership.. instead of working ones way up to management level while learning what it took to do the job.Management positions are given to our "more educated" inexperienced individuals. Whith no clue how to do the tasks they are managing.

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Something we have lost in most of our businesses is good leadership.. instead of working ones way up to management level while learning what it took to do the job.Management positions are given to our "more educated" inexperienced individuals. Whith no clue how to do the tasks they are managing.


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Some excellent points...there was a time in the past when , when I would argue aagainst or bitch about the high wages of COs for example.No education requirements , yet high wages.. this is totally unproductive. We should be pushing to raise ourselves up not drag others down..

Something we have lost in most of our businesses is good leadership.. instead of working ones way up to management level while learning what it took to do the job.Management positions are given to our "more educated" inexperienced individuals. Whith no clue how to do the tasks they are managing.

what's CO's and what's considered high wages?

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Another thing. In today's sycophant dominated corporate culture. Incompetant yet polically savt "rising stars" advance through the layers of managment before the consequeces of their poor judgement can catch up with them. Some poor sacrificial lamb is left holding the bag. Kinda reminds me a GW Bush when regan's voodoo economics came crashing down on him.


This is something that doesn't happen in Japanese corporations. If you are fortunate to gain a corporate position & you expect to excel there for life. It shows in the quality of there manufactured products.

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Ok, VJP. I'm sure that site where you found your article is frequented mostly by people just like yourself- people interested in equality. Just seems to be an interesting place to look, considering that that organization is classified (by the SPLC anyway) as a white supremacist organization.

I am glad to see that only the forum's most committed wingnuts chose to defend or support you on this thread.

Growie, please. I usually ignore your posts because they're mostly incoherent ramblings. And, I'd hate for you to throw another fit and threaten/promise to abandon this site forever-again. But, you might want to check what kind of mushrooms you used in that omelette this morning.

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Ask for specific content you find to be a lie and this is what I get.  No surprise.  I have to tell you the SPLC is about as respected as Al Sharpton these days, so anything they do is not very credible.  I think they also classify the NRA as a hate group, so there you have it.


BTW, I didn't look for that article.  I found it on another site posted by someone else.  I just found it interesting and decided to put it here for comments.  I guess I expected too much from some here who can't seem to defend their views, preferring to stoop to personal attacks on the person who posts.


Virgil, I don't know anything about you, but your vehement reaction to the post leads me to believe you may be of the minority persuasion.  If that's true, maybe you become offended and defensive a little too quickly when you take things personally.   And if you are not a minority, you're certainly suffering from a massive amount of guilt.


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You say to decriminalize drugs....What drugs are you referring to??? Marijuana...no problem to an extent and I agree but most gang members do not deal in marijuana.  They sell cheaper drugs with a higher profit margin...ie crack.  Have you ever seen what crack does to a person?  There is no such thing as a functioning crack head!  


Again sweep the problem under the rug...and who pays for the rehab? Do you have kids? have you really seen first hand what drugs do to people?


Now you decriminalize marijuana, someone walks into a bar high as a kite has 2 beers and drives home...crashes his car kills a family...fails a sobriety test...was it the two beers that we can test or was it the fact that he was high as a kite? Now the bar tender and bar owner get sued lose everything they have.....what a great idea!

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The Progressive mindset is one that believes whatever is currently good in American society, is really bad.  But whatever is bad, must be shown to be good.  Seems I read that predicted in a book somewhere as prophecy.

That is what is happening now.  Guess the kids won't have to worry about paying off the mortgages after all.


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You say to decriminalize drugs....What drugs are you referring to??? Marijuana...no problem to an extent and I agree but most gang members do not deal in marijuana.  They sell cheaper drugs with a higher profit margin...ie crack.  Have you ever seen what crack does to a person?  There is no such thing as a functioning crack head!  


Again sweep the problem under the rug...and who pays for the rehab? Do you have kids? have you really seen first hand what drugs do to people?


Now you decriminalize marijuana, someone walks into a bar high as a kite has 2 beers and drives home...crashes his car kills a family...fails a sobriety test...was it the two beers that we can test or was it the fact that he was high as a kite? Now the bar tender and bar owner get sued lose everything they have.....what a great idea!


Legalize marijuana, it's a ridiculous policy anyway.  Your bar scenerio really really doesn't hold (much) water as THC levels can also be determined if the BAC isn't high & there seems to be some other factor present. After all, the same penalties hold for driving while under the influence of prescription drug too.


Yes, there is more profit margin in other drugs, but marijauna is the bread & butter, the high volume cash flow base that helps finance the rest.


Decriminalize POSESSION for all others. Treatment would be far less expensive than incarceration & so far seems to have proven to be more effective in reducing drug use.



Reduce the demand, reduce the market, reduce crime. Give the addict the option of staying out of jail dependant on successful rehabilitation. Isn't "rehabilitation" suposed to be what it's all about? Are drug addicts rehabilitated in prison? Yeah, right.


Of course our "for profit" privatized "corrections" industry wants to keep inmate numbers high. It seems that most state contracts with private corrections corportions gaurantee a specific minimum number of new inmates. More inmates, more profits. Not a good way to reduce the prison poulation now is it.



 Our failed war on drugs has exploded the number of people that are incarcerated for simple posession, a non violent offense, thus increasing the tax burden. Estimates are as high as 25% of the prison population.



One thing is for certain, our current system is only benefiting the profit margins for privite corrections corporations at the expense of the taxpayer.

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Government Workers Earn More Than Their Private-Sector Counterparts



A new study from the Congressional Budget Office undercuts the argument from progressive policy shops and union leaders that government workers make less money than their counterparts in the private sector.

The CBO study shows that federal employees earned an average 16% more in total compensation, meaning pay and benefits, versus workers at private companies.

The study comes at a time when President Barack Obama has called for "shared sacrifice" in the form of higher taxes in his State of the Union address and campaign speeches.

The full-time federal workforce has grown by 140,000 employees during the president’s term, to about 2.2 million workers, not counting the military or postal workers, government data show.

Federal-worker compensation was higher versus what private-sector workers receive in almost all categories, the CBO study says.

Compensation was 36% higher on average for federal employees with a high school degree; 32% higher on average for federal workers with some college education; and 15% on average higher for federal employees with a bachelor’s degree.




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The right wing has reduced union membership that was at 35% in the 1950s to about 7%. Now they are going after the public employees & the cancer is going to spread unless the working class opens their eyes soon. If unions are so bad for the economy, why is declining union membership accompanied by an almost parallel decline in middle class income? Middle class incomes should be booming since those damned unions are in decline right? Cutting wages is good for the economy. Yeah, right!


Government Workers Earn More Than Their Private-Sector Counterparts






I will break from my usual policy of ignoring your inane drivel as I feel like I must thank you Papist for posting the perfect data varifying that the decline of unions has depressed middle class income in the private sector.


I knew you couldn't help yourself, keep up the good work.


Now it's 4. :clapping:

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thank you Papist for posting the perfect data varifying that the decline of unions has depressed middle class income in the private sector.



You have got the cart in front of the horse there. Unions don't provide Jobs, paychecks  or create industrial bases.

 You have once again let your marxist fantasies run wild.


Ever wonder why Unions are in decline? It's because their membership base are losing their jobs. There are other factors at work too. Union greed being a big one:


Steve Early exposes how selfish union officials contributed to the 80% decline in union membership



Democrats and union officials usually blame management obstruction, international competition, and growth of robots to explain the 80% decline in the percentage of Americans working in the private sector that are unionized. But Steve Early, longtime union staff member and prolific socialist writer, just published Save Our Unions: Dispatches From a Movement in Distress that directly blames bloated union overhead costs as a major contributor to the decline of the movement.  Early argues the “much expanded role of union staff experts, personnel managers, and outside arbiters” was never downsized as union membership dramatically declined.  Early highlights the U.S. ratio of “union officialdom” is now over 5 times greater than Sweden and 6 times greater than Britain.  He blames union bosses for spiking dues to protect their own dwindling empires as contributing declining membership.





You have my blessing to continue to play the clapping fool. I do enjoy your bouts of childishness.  Oh, and I will never consider ignoring you. Too much fun.

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