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Which explains your dismally small yet vocal following.


Ah, the Democratic Fallacy. And no, that is not a political statement, but rather a reference to the logical fallacy. look it up.


And it appears that there is a growing number of voices that are not down with your worldview. In fact, I dare say we have bigger numbers than your cohort right now.

Edited by Papist
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Ah, the Democratic Fallacy. And no, that is not a political statement, but rather a reference to the logical fallacy. look it up.

And it appears that there is a growing number of voices that are not down with your worldview. In fact, I dare say we have bigger numbers than your cohort right now.

What exactly is the worldview you hold?

Can you live next to a muslim? Have you ever met a muslim that was a "good" person in your view?

What should be done to Muslims worldwide? I do not believe you have ever stated your worldview that you mention.

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Ah, the Democratic Fallacy. And no, that is not a political statement, but rather a reference to the logical fallacy. look it up.


And it appears that there is a growing number of voices that are not down with your worldview. In fact, I dare say we have bigger numbers than your cohort right now.

The only unsound reasoning is your poor grasp of mathematical evidence. 

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Which explains your dismally small yet vocal following.





And it appears that there is a growing number of voices that are not down with your worldview. In fact, I dare say we have bigger numbers than your cohort right now.

The only thing more dismal than the small number of toadies that follow your delusional rants is your microscopic aptitude for basic mathematical data.


Since you brought it up (AGAIN) your up-votes since the LAST REALITY CHECK =  67. My up-votes in the same time period = 122.


So, it seems that by the numbers, your recent (comparative) number of followers is now lagging by 73%.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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I don't see anyone Celebrating 9/11. And the fact that you think Muslims around the world celebrated 9/11 shows how pointless it is to talk to you. If anything the opposite happened. 


I was  firefighter in NJ on 9/11/2001.  My central NJ Fire Co. was dispatched to Hoboken, NJ to fill in for emergencies there while the entire Hoboken Fire Dept was in NYC.


We rode up through Jersey City into Hoboken.  I can tell you first hand I personally witness hundreds of people in the streets of both town's Muslim districts gleefully celebrating the destruction of the Trade Center towers.  There was even a news report on CBS the evening of 9/11/2001 showing a video of what I witnessed.


Apparently, both the state and Federal government clamped down on the reporting, claiming it would be unwise to show it as it would probably incite hatred and get a lot of Muslim's killed.


No further reporting on the matter was ever done.


Don't try to tell me there aren't many Radical Muslim sympathizers living in America, because I have seen them with my own eyes.  And since 2001, their numbers have increased dramatically.


BTW:  The first trade center attack by a truck bomb in the parking garage was a plot hatched in Jersey City, NJ and that's where they arrested the blind sheik.

Edited by Mr VJP
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 I read these responses and see anti Christian views here and soft on Muslim extremist. If only you stuck up for all and stand for more than if its not my way its the highway, I have a Pen thinking. When you can look at others without resentment and hate for there belief's than I'll take you serious. 

The fact that you view anti-bigotry as anti-Christian would seem to bring your own Christian values into question.


The fact that you view NOT lumping all Muslims into a group that is to be hated as anti-Christian seems to suggest that you are full of hate yourself. Again that brings your Christian values into question.



Edited by wildcat junkie
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But bold faced derogatory statements about Christians in general is evidence of Christian bigotry.  Someone who says those things is obviously biased first, perhaps giving them a pass after getting to know them, but always harboring mistrust.


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Junkie this my last dance with you on this subject. You quote Thomas Jefferson The man owned salves! You Must be old to have lived in Nazi Germany in 1930, to know the truth. Well my family was and my mother survived now in her 80's would slap the BS out of you because you talk about something you don't know nor understand. Guess what Junkie we are not Jewish, My grandfather lived(if that what you can call it) in Concentration camps from 1938-1945 and is still missing. he was sent to the camps as a political Prisoner. All of his daughters of child bearing years Sterilized, his sons sent to the front lines forced to fight or there family would be killed. The youngest Children at 5-7yrs old sent to a cider block factor to WORK, and my Grandmother to clean the floors of the SS. You show your ignorant clips of noting you truly took time to educate yourself in. Palin in a flag and cross reminds you of Nazi Germany, you haven't got a clue. Once again you drag religion into this by assuming mine, so who is the one hating or baiting or belittling others by there belief's YOU. Don't you read before your finger spouts off, your Lumping people by what the are. Being caution because the biggest threat out there is Extremists are Muslims that are Radicalized killing in the name of God, Allah. Who have killed more Americans in modern time NOW than any other, you live in the past and its sad you don't see now. When a man pulls the trigger your not think of their color or religion you protecting those who can not do it themselves. You have an African American President and most of his Administration, is that Racist. Only way the card can be played the weak play it. That's something Martin Luther King Jr never did nor would he agree with the way Obama is running this Country. Ask his Family the are disgusted with it. So there is a difference between Hate and being discussed Muslim people of and I'll tell you the last time don't assume. Those people that were dancing on 9/11 on US soil were dancing on you, and your saying yes mam my I have another that's Ignorant. Still I dare you drag your self out the door hop a plane and Try to be what you are on here in their world, I dare ya.

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I wonder how anyone can ignore all of those crosses on the graves of dead WWII soldiers buried in foreign lands?  If Christians are fascists, those guys must've been fighting on the wrong side.

There you go again, your feeble intellect is incapable of separating the bad apples in any group from the peace loving multitudes.


How dare you lump  all Christians in with the  fascists!

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I wonder how anyone can ignore all of those crosses on the graves of dead WWII soldiers buried in foreign lands?  If Christians are fascists, those guys must've been fighting on the wrong side.



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How dare you lump  all Christians in with the  fascists!


Excuse me, but it was you who lumped all Christians in the fascist category, Junkie!

I was pointing out how you always like to say the Nazi's were Christians but not how many Christians died stopping them.


BTW, do you think we'll see a lot of Muslims fighting Radical Muslims when they invade America to kill all the Christians?  I don't see many of them fighting to keep the Radicals from killing Christians in their own lands today?


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Excuse me, but it was you who lumped all Christians in the fascist category, Junkie!

I was pointing out how you always like to say the Nazi's were Christians but not how many Christians died stopping them.


BTW, do you think we'll see a lot of Muslims fighting Radical Muslims when they invade America to kill all the Christians?  I don't see many of them fighting to keep the Radicals from killing Christians in their own lands today?

Please be so kind as to point out, without FOX News style editing, where I lumped individuals in any religious group into one category. That is your MO.


Even bigots can't be lumped into one homogeneous group. They come in all religions & ethnic groups.


That's the point. Again, POST #62 is proven by your actions.

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Well, this was recently.  I don't have time to go back through all of your posts and point them all out, but I'll be sure to point it out any time you do it from now on.  How's that?



OK, do the 20th Century too.




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Wildcat wrote:

When you lump all Muslims in with Muslim extremism, that is bringing religion & religious bigotry into the arena.


Do I have to point out Christians doing the same sort of things? Would you want to be judged by the actions of Christian extremists?






Ye, you seem to have a particular pathology about Christianity wild. It comes up time and again for you as one of your chief fears in life. I too will be on the lookout from here on in.

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More wildcat hate-speech here:





It would be interesting to see how the 62.4% anti-Jewish hate crimes break down. I'm sure that the majority are from Muslims, but good old fashioned Christian fundamentalsts are pretty anti-any religion that isn't there own. Only Baptists go to heaven you know.





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Well, this was recently.  I don't have time to go back through all of your posts and point them all out, but I'll be sure to point it out any time you do it from now on.  How's that?

Only in your delusional mind does that constitute lumping all Christians into that group. Just because some Christians were Fascists doesn't mean all are fascists just as I'm sure not all fascists are Christian. Your challenge was to name one Christian group that persecuted another religious group. That is exactly what I did. No more, no less.


You're the guy that has a penchant for lumping all those of a particular religious sect in to one category. After all, isn't you are trying to do with Muslims with this thread?

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