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How Come........(Man Hunt Question)


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I've heard differing reports on the cost of the search for the two DB's in question.  One report was 10 million and the other was 1 million a day, either way it is a small truck load of cash....


Why don't they offer $1,000,000 reward RIGHT NOW.  If they are being helped out by anyone, a cool 7 figure number may be just enough for them to drop a dime. :)


If they are spotted and turned in by some local yokel in East Cornhole TN who cares, give them the million bucks.


Lets get this thing done............



Now back to your Father's Day Festivities....................... :derisive:

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No disrespect intended.

None taken .

How's the taxes and hunting? :)

Taxes are good and the deer hunting is as well. My sisters son lives there, he owns a company inc. mag ranked as the fastest growing financial services company is the U.S. His kids go to private school with the children of Luke Bryant , he shoots on the farm owned by Blake sheltons producer.

He has access to some great deer hunting land as well. This one is last years bow kill from right behind his house.


Edited by Larry302
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I've seen dogs in action why the heck haven't they found them yet is beyond me.  if there's a creek or something where the dogs lose the trail work them down stream.  I was just down in the Binghamton area were the alleged siting was but it sounded not very reliable.  they just rolled up on bicycles into a fast food restaurant?? seems odd.  if you make the reward too high they be on "wild goose chases".  I think they should make it a floating reward sum.... at least this amount but not to exceed this amount based on quality and quantity of info given.  limit can then be really high.  very annoying as the wife is all worried at night now.

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