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Cuomo's girlfriend

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Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?

They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses?  This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear.  Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion.  Some role model, huh?

Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.

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Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?

They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses?  This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear.  Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion.  Some role model, huh?

Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.

Did you just get your tax bill? Love to see him stick to his guns and not raise any more property taxes.

I don't think he making a mockery out of his religion, who died and left you Pope??

Let it play out, give the guy a chance.

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Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?

They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses?  This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear.  Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion.  Some role model, huh?

Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.

Did you just get your tax bill? Love to see him stick to his guns and not raise any more property taxes.

I don't think he making a mockery out of his religion, who died and left you Pope??

Let it play out, give the guy a chance.

The man has his girlfriend living with him and his daughters.  Talk about a bad example.  How did he ever get custody of his daughters anyway?  What man in NY state ever gets custody of his kids?  Unless one is politically connected, the odds are slim, and the fight is very expensive.

Yeah, I did get my tax bill last week and of course it went up.  Always does.  And with a tax and spend liberal in the Governors office, I expect taxes to get worse.  And don't even get started on gun control with this guy.

I see he went to church over the weekend with his daughters and his girlfriend.  If he went to communion he committed a mortal sin according to the Catholic Church.  Supporting gay marriage and abortion is also against his church.  Doesn't seem to matter to him who the Pope is or what he says, he does whatever he wants to.  Why not just drop out of the church then and stop giving Catholics a bad image?

Remember, this guy was also a member of the Clinton administration in Washington.  He's had plenty of chances as a public official.  He proved his character many times over in the past, and a leopard doesn't change it's spots!

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Ahh she's got her own money from her tv show, besides, didn't your buddy Paladino have a child from an affair? Oh No its blasphemy!!!

She has her own money, true.  So why are taxpayers being soaked for her expenses now?  What's the budget for her in 2011?

Any man can go astray.  But if he takes responsibility for it and does not repeat the sin, his religion forgives him, and so do I.  You are not forgiven as a Catholic if you continue to break the rules.  Besides, I don't believe he's ever asked for forgiveness anyway, he's convinced he's not doing anything wrong.

I suspect we will see the same pompous attitude when he forces unwanted change and higher taxes on NY, that the people don't want.  Heck, he's Obama's friend too ya know.

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Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?

They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses?  This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear.  Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion.  Some role model, huh?

Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.

Did you just get your tax bill? Love to see him stick to his guns and not raise any more property taxes.

I don't think he making a mockery out of his religion, who died and left you Pope??

Let it play out, give the guy a chance.

well one that died for those beliefs was Christ and VJP is spot on.....It is against the religion he claims to be a member of. It does speak to his character in my book.

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alt=2011-01-03-mg-sandra1.JPG width=380http://media.syracuse.com/news/photo/9167222-large.jpg[/img]Michelle Gabel/The Post-StandardSandra Lee, a Food Network star and girlfriend of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, helps pack boxes of food for families Monday at the Food Bank of Central New York's headquarters in Van Buren. At left is volunteer Kevin Moleski, of Solvay. Lee came to Onondaga County to promote hunger awareness. Van Buren, NY - If you’re wondering what title to call Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s girlfriend Sandra Lee, don’t ask her.

“How do we refer to you?” a reporter asked Lee on Monday at a news conference at the Food Bank of Central New York. “The (news) release said ‘close friend of the governor.’”

“Oh, I don’t want to talk about my personal life,” said Lee, who lives with the new Democratic governor.

“I can talk to you about any kind of hunger statistics you want to know about,” she added. “But right now, I want to focus on this.”

The television food star came to Central New York to talk about fighting hunger, a cause she’s worked on for years with the Food Network and Share Our Strength, a national organization that aims to end childhood hunger.

Two days earlier, she stood with Cuomo’s daughters and parents and held the Bible as he became the 56th governor of New York. In the afternoon, she shook hands alongside him in a receiving line of guests at the Executive Mansion.

Thus begins New York’s new modern family: a Food Network star with her own corporate identity partnered with a governor pledging to restore faith in a government wounded by scandal, deficit and closed-door dealings.

State law that requires governor’s spouses to disclose their finances, including income, assets and liabilities, does not apply to Lee, according to a spokesman for the state Commission on Public Integrity.

Past spouses of past governors have had staffs and budgets, issuing press releases on their work and issues. Michelle Paterson, the most recent First Lady, had three staff members with combined annual salaries of $256,000. Paterson also had a $10,400 budget for travel.

Cuomo’s office said Lee will have no state staff or state support for her work. Lee traveled to Syracuse with her publicist, Audra Boltion.

When asked if she used state money or staff to visit Syracuse, Lee said: “No, of course not. Absolutely not.”

Her visit to the Food Bank coincided with Sam’s Club donating $10,000 to the charity.

In jeans, a sweater and boots, Lee wanted no part of politics. She introduced herself to people as Sandy. She chatted with a worker about the importance of volunteering as they sorted Hormel’s Chili, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, dried beans and other staples into boxes for families.

“I was raised on welfare and food stamps myself,” Lee said before cameras at the Food Bank’s headquarters in Van Buren. “Children being scared of where their next meal is coming from is a big deal. We need to do something about that.”

Lee said she planned the visit for after the holidays because food pantry supplies can become sparse then.

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So after reading that article does that mean this statement is at least partially false? "

Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?"

It sounds as if the state just saved @$266K by them not being married and her having a career of her own. OH NO!!!! Welcome to 2011 guys. As for the rest MRVJP,reguarding his "career accomplishments" and what he will do, I most likely agree with you.

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So after reading that article does that mean this statement is at least partially false? "

Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?"

It sounds as if the state just saved @$266K by them not being married and her having a career of her own. OH NO!!!! Welcome to 2011 guys. As for the rest MRVJP,reguarding his "career accomplishments" and what he will do, I most likely agree with you.

I am betting the Gov. doesn't make it through his term without there being cost for her somewhere. Whether it is security or just food

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Does anyone else think it is an unprecedented assault on NY taxpayers to force them to pay for the support of the new top exec's girlfriend?

They are not married, so why is she considered the first lady of NY, and why are taxpayers not rebelling against being billed for her living expenses?  This governor is a Catholic in name only, as he obviously doesn't respect any of the teachings his religion holds dear.  Actually, he is making a mockery out of his religion.  Some role model, huh?

Can't wait to hear what he says when his daughters shack up with their boyfriends.

Did you just get your tax bill? Love to see him stick to his guns and not raise any more property taxes.

I don't think he making a mockery out of his religion, who died and left you Pope??

Let it play out, give the guy a chance.

The man has his girlfriend living with him and his daughters.  Talk about a bad example.  How did he ever get custody of his daughters anyway?  What man in NY state ever gets custody of his kids?  Unless one is politically connected, the odds are slim, and the fight is very expensive.

Yeah, I did get my tax bill last week and of course it went up.  Always does.  And with a tax and spend liberal in the Governors office, I expect taxes to get worse.  And don't even get started on gun control with this guy.

I see he went to church over the weekend with his daughters and his girlfriend.  If he went to communion he committed a mortal sin according to the Catholic Church.  Supporting gay marriage and abortion is also against his church.  Doesn't seem to matter to him who the Pope is or what he says, he does whatever he wants to.  Why not just drop out of the church then and stop giving Catholics a bad image?

Remember, this guy was also a member of the Clinton administration in Washington.  He's had plenty of chances as a public official.  He proved his character many times over in the past, and a leopard doesn't change it's spots!


I'm a Catholic, don't you think the Catholic church has done its own part about making a mockery out of the religion.

We all live in glass houses don't we.

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Cuomo’s office said Lee will have no state staff or state support for her work.

That's a classic line of political double speak straight out of Orwellian teaching. Notice the phrase "for her work".  That line refers to her food and hunger efforts, it doesn't say the state has not budgeted money for her that she will have for "official" expenses.  It also doesn't say she will not have a paid staff.  I can see this all coming back to bite Andrew in the butt in the very near future.

As for the Catholic Church, what happened in the past happened because Catholics weren't voicing any outrage about it.  Well, it's time the outrage comes out whenever anything goes against the faith.  Start kicking people out and get things back on track, or just give up and shut the doors.

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I have to admit that it is a strange situation. I'm still a bit old fashioned about such things and that arrangement doesn't really sit all that well with me. However, let's not dilute our focus on more important, critical, and relevant issues. I'm willing to temporarily cut him some slack if he surprises me with moves to the right. Given the challenges he has on his plate, he is going to be forced to shed some of his liberal idealogy. If he doesn't, then we will have some real and tangible items to hang out there. Right now I have no interest in drumming up sympathy for him by appearing to be nit-picking his romantic choices. I suspect that the public has had it's fill of those kinds of campaigns, and such comments may just create a back-lash.

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Here's a new slant.  She volunteers at a food cupboard that supplies menu items for basically "food kitchens" in New York State.  These same "food kitchens" accept meat for their patrons through the Venison Donation Program.  Maybe our new govenor will have an indirect sympathetic ear for hunters.  Could be we need to lay off the negative and work on the positive?  I think it may ultimately benefit us as sportsmen.  Just my $.02 though.  What do you think?

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