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Deer Search Inc. Bob/Thor


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I just wanted to put a post on here about Deer Search Inc.  I hit a 9 pointer on Sunday morning around 10am.  It was a 15 yard shot that I have made multiple times but this time I didn't settle the pin in behind the shoulder and hit him back several inches further then I wanted to.  After I hit him he took off about 75 yards stopped and walked off slowly.  I could see he was a hunched up a little and about 10 inches of membrane hanging out of the exit hole.  My dad and I have been hunting for quite some time and have done many tracking jobs over the years of course we are still learning.  We do know however it is better to wait and give the deer time to expire.  We waited until 7 pm to head out and look for him.  We went about 125 yards and he bedded up then we lost blood after another 20 yards.  We looked for about and hr for more blood and just couldn't find any.  so we headed towards water which wasn't far to see if anything was there and nothing.  We decided to head back and look again in the morning.  Back at the cabin my dad said what about calling Deer Search Inc. to see what they thought we should do.  So I called and within 10 minutes Bob gave me a call to talk about the hit and said he could be there around 10am to pickup the search.  My dad and I are from PA where you are not allowed to use dogs to track deer so we had no idea what to expect.  Bob showed up at 10 am and we started at the hit sight.  His dog named THOR took off right on the blood trail and followed it right to the bed within 5 minutes something that took us 30 minutes.  He then had to circle for a little bit where we lost blood but after about 15 minutes he started heading in one direction.  My dad and I were staying back about 75 yards to let the dog work and Bob yelled got some blood.  What a relief that was to be back on the trail not even 5 minutes later and 75 yards downhill there laid my buck!  I ended up going through the back end of the liver.  What a relief it was to find him because I knew he was not going to make it.  I can say that watching Bob and Thor work will be a memory that will last a lifetime.  Bob was very knowledgeable of deer anatomy and the pictures and stories he has are unbelievable.  He remembers stories down to every last detail and my dad and I learned several new things from him.  I wanted to just put a post on here to share my experience with Bob THOR and deer search inc.  I hope I don't have many more marginal hits but if I do I know who I will be calling!  Thanks again Bob and THOR.


Thanks for reading.





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Bob is a great tracker and I've learned so much from him. And Thor is an awesome little dog! I joined deer search a couple years ago and have learned a ton and also have a dog learning. It's a free service but we do take donations and thats what keeps the club functioning. The absolute biggest thing I see in my short time doing this is two fold: 1) poor shot selection specifically 1/4 toward the deer hitting shoulder 2) Hunter loses the blood and continues to pursue the deer far too soon and jumping a deer that otherwise might die in it's bed over night. Bob is the one who taught me an intestine hit takes 18 hours to expire as compared to a true gut shot which takes 8. Thanks for sharing the great result. 

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Congrats, what is an appropriate tip or do they charge?



Thank you.....Like chiefBKT said they do not charge but do take a donation for the club.  That obviously is up to the person on what they think they should give....We gave them $150 which I think is an appropriate/good donation.  I am also going to stay in contact with Bob and see about becoming a member  to help support them even though we are from PA.  Sure do wish Pa would get their act together  and let dogs do some tracking.  Like I said it was a great experience and would use them again if needed.       

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