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What Camo Do You Wear

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Brown Carhart bibs and jacket during deer season. When someone shoots at me, the squirrels move over to my side of the tree so I can get a shot. :sorry:


To be serious, it's not what you're wearing, it's how much and when you're moving. And whether or not you want to be seen by other people.

If you're stealthy it doesn't matter to a color-blind animal, but sometimes I'd rather not be seen by the humans.

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Just asking as I never really put any thought into camo for squirrel. Turkey and deer yeah. I used to just wear a pair of jeans that would fit over a light insulated layer, and my everyday coat and orange vest. Never stressed about it. I never used to really sit for small game, just walk through the woods.

One of the big things I liked about hunting squirrel was it's isn't rocket science, you wake up, decide you are bored, grab the shotgun and ammo and just went out.

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Pattern doesn't matter, but I do wear camo, as well as a mask & gloves. Squirrels may not be as likely to bust me as other game, but I'm investing the time & effort to hunt them, so why not be serious about it? It can't hurt to be fully camouflaged, & if it pays off with an extra shot or two, it was worth it. If not, I'll never know the difference. Squirrels are my No.1 game, so to me, going all out is a must.

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In the winter, I wear the same cold weather gear I use for deer which is usually real tree pattern. During the fall, my camo is usually blue jeans and a comfortable sweat shirt.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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