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Liberals have no sense of humor or sarcasm. Fact.

Then I can't be a Liberal....I am extremely sarcastic and have a great sense of humor, even though it's a little on the dry side. Dry humor and sarcasm go hand in hand.....


In all seriousness, Trump is brash and says it like it is. Is he playing the 'emotion game' ? Who knows. I have to say he is the best option we have. If you look at the alternatives, it will just be a continuation of what we have right now. Which stinks.

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America Should Not Become Like Brussels’ Says Belgian Pro-Trump Politician



America Should Not Become Like Brussels’ Says Belgian Pro-Trump Politician




“We are a very weak state with no identity. A weak state with very weak politicians for the last 40-50 years. Socialism dominates along with multiculturalism in Brussels and Wallonia, and they turn a blind eye to Islamism. They close their eyes”.

Explaining why politicians in Belgium were so happy to look the other way when it came to Islamism, he said: “The leftist parties would have vanished from Brussels without the support of the Muslim population here. And we have to let people know in the United States that according to demographic reports, we now have approximately 30-35 per cent Muslim population, and this is re-enforced every day by the migrant invasion.




Edited by Papist
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Video: Man With ‘Trump’ Sign Assaulted by Violent Bernie Supporters




A social experiment conducted by popular YouTuber Joey Salads suggests that it’s Bernie Sanders supporters and not Donald Trump voters who are the most violent.




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We've moved on Papist. You're just talking to yourself... Or copy and pasting to yourself.



Nice try. Another sad attempt to stifle debate around these parts. You are most welcome to move on however. And the irony of you being here at all, given your past statements regarding politics, is quite delicious.


More posts to come.

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Black Lives Matter Protestors Burn American Flag 




Angry Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis chanted “I am a revolutionary!” and set fire to the American flag after a Hennepin County attorney announced there will be no charges against police officers involved in the shooting death of convicted felon Jamar Clark.

As Breitbart News reported yesterday, an investigation found the shooting was justified. At a press conference early Wednesday morning, Attorney Mike Freeman contested one of the chief claims of the protesters; that Clark was handcuffed when shot. Freeman said “Forensic evidence and video evidence both support the belief that Clark was not handcuffed at any time through the altercation.”




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Love it!! Loud and proud!

I'd have to sell my tractor to get another bike, but it's been on my mind. The tractor makes things easier for me now, but the bike was Freedom Incarnate 35 or 40 years ago!

The Soros-backed disrupters are going to have to rethink their game plan.

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i can see if i can find you a list of upcoming trump rallies.  he's in ny now if I'm correct (or coming soon).

I don't need to go to a rally....I fought for that flag and saw guys die for that flag. While not much is sacred in this country the flag used to be and still should be regardless of what the supreme court says.


He or she can express their rights and say what they want , dress they way the want, and be the sex that they want,  but standing on and defacing the American flag crosses the line and is

un-acceptable to me.


All I'm sayin is I wouldn't stand by and watch it happen! He would be a hero & I would be in jail.

Edited by Steve D
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GOP cancels Colorado elections, hands Cruz all the delegates:




A person posted “We did it. #NeverTrump” from the Colorado GOP’s Twitter account minutes after Cruz swept 34 Colorado delegates on Saturday.  According to ABC 7, the tweet was quickly deleted and a subsequent tweet said that the previous one had been posted by a person “with unauthorized access to our account.”  



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I liked Ted Cruz.  While Trump is my #1, I had no problem with Cruz being my #2.  But the same elites that he was fighting are the same one that he is now in bed with and there is no way he can accomplish any of what he set out to.  I doubt he can repeal Obamacare anymore because the republicans are not going to turn down all that money.  It belongs to the establishment now - all of them - Reps and Dems alike.

It will not surprise me if they also throw Cruz out at the convention after the first ballot.  They do not like him but they like Trump less.


And for records sake, Trump is not perfect and Colorado was his own fault.  He needs a much better ground game in all the states. 

But Cruz is not a tool be it a short-term tool or a long-term tool.


Unfortunately, the #NeverTrump movement has created the #NoTrumpNoVote movement.




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Trump has a lot of old money DC politician's shaking. They are worried to the point they are flocking around Cruz but hoping for Kasich. I keep hearing Trump is not Qualified to be President, but Obama Was! Trump is by far more qualified than Obama. Now like I said before I didn't start out a trump supporter, but he is a hell of a lot better than what we have now. I don't want to live in a Hilary lead America, its bad enough waking to Obamas America. To all that hate Trump think about the alterative. We have to stop the Liberal agenda. 

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