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Spring Ahead Sunday

Water Rat

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Who ever came up with changing the clocks at 2 am on a Sunday should be shot .


They should change the clocks on a Friday afternoon at 4 pm . Setting them ahead 1 hour on a Friday afternoon work day  would make a lot of people happy !  :taunt:



Totally agree!!! Dumbest thing you ever heard!!! :cheese: 

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My Dad used to fix old pocket watches. "Old" as evaluated back in the late 50's. He collected ten or so watches and, every once in a while, he'd tinkered with them to get them running. There were a few that never ran. When asked; "Why not just throw the bad ones away?", he'd say; "Even a stopped watch is right twice a day".


I still have three of his old watches but only one watch still has its hands to keep it right twice a day.


Another saying he had was: I man with a watch knows what time it is, A man with two watches is never sure.  

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