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An honest assessment of Islam

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You guys should tell him that you are the Three Amigos.  I couldn't imagine that being Mexican will sit well with VJP either! LOL

Yes and the three gay amigos would mean the end of days to him...honestly I still don't know who the other two are as they haven't picked their names yet. Who am I supposed to be siding with? Did I form an alliance some how.. man what happened when did I say I agreed with any one, oh well back to hateing my terrible life of mind oppression. 

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Yes and the three gay amigos would mean the end of days to him...honestly I still don't know who the other two are as they haven't picked their names yet. Who am I supposed to be siding with? Did I form an alliance some how.. man what happened when did I say I agreed with any one, oh well back to hateing my terrible life of mind oppression. 

well, if you're gonna be shemp, then there's actually room for three more.  don't forget, shemp was a replacement stooge.  i'll be curley. how's that?

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great movie.  glad to see that you weren't actually watching cartoons.  let me guess- we must be fat, drunk, and stupid.  is that the implication, neidermeyer?  pretty clever.  as someone who's thin, sober, and has a master's degree, i think you're off target.

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What happens in college, and even high school today is, educators encroach on the parents area of teaching and tell the students their parents are wrong, they are stupid, they lied to you, and we are smarter than they are.  We are superior in our views.

Since the students look up to teachers as leaders, they will often adopt their views to emulate them and get a good grade.  They may also turn against their parents and all of their family's values, causing a breakdown there and psychological confusion for the youth well into their years.

This was the process practiced by the Communists during the Cold War years.  It was so effective, children even turned their own parents over to the secret police to gain approval from the state.

Observe the massive rise in Charter schools, private schools and home schooling in America now.  All signs of parents not being happy with state educators.

We see a lot of graduates in America with degrees in Sociology, Psychology, English Literature and various Liberal Arts areas.  These areas of study leave lots of room for indoctrination into the Leftist manifesto.

we have identified that latest and most dangerous threat.... and it is......education.

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we have identified that latest and most dangerous threat.... and it is......education.

Or lack there of  :)

And no disrespect intended Virgil, but I have come in contact professionally with many people with masters degrees and many have come across lacking. While the education is important, there are so many aspects that really make a person shine professioinally and personally...Ethics....hard work and common sense. Paper really doesn't mean much to me...the person does though.

As long as we are on education...this just came up in a conversation with my daughter. Luckily I have never had to worry about this type of thing with her because....well....she is brilliant ;D . In her classes. there are required components of the class and then the non required. If a student does not complete a required component they get an incomplete and must complete it. made sense to me. Here is where it gets crazy. If a test is a required component and the student fails it they have to keep taking the test until they pass it of the incomplete stays. WHAT? ??? ? If you have 1 incomplete you can not participate in sports....if you have one F you can. My head was ready to explode.....No child left behind.

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If a student does not complete a required component they get an incomplete and must complete it. made sense to me. Here is where it gets crazy. If a test is a required component and the student fails it they have to keep taking the test until they pass it of the incomplete stays. WHAT? alt=???http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/huh.gif[/img] ? If you have 1 incomplete you can not participate in sports....if you have one F you can. My head was ready to explode.....No child left behind.

you lost me there.  so, if failing leads to an 'incomplete', how do you get an 'F'?

i don't disagree entirely on the issue of a degree earned.  it's not automatic proof of intelligence- in my profession, i've worked with plenty of physicians, nurses, and therapists, all with advanced degrees who have left me wondering how they got them.  but, in general, there's a reason why people with an education achieve more than those without.  either way, a person's morals and ethics are most important.

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  Nice guys finish last, A-holes finish 1st. The cream of the crop doesn't necessarily rise to the top these days.    copout.  so, which are you, a nice guy that finished last or an A-hole that finished first?  the cream has never automatically risen to the top.

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you lost me there.  so, if failing leads to an 'incomplete', how do you get an 'F'?

Made me really scratch my head too. say you just squeak by on the required components and do get failing grades on the non required ones...like homework and quizzes. you can fail. What really bothers me about the whole system is the kids that bust their butts and excel the first time, They end up with more competition when it comes to moving on in life and it just doesn't seem right

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  Nice guys finish last, A-holes finish 1st. The cream of the crop doesn't necessarily rise to the top these days.    copout.  so, which are you, a nice guy that finished last or an A-hole that finished first?  the cream has never automatically risen to the top.

Must be that degree getting to your head and skewing how you interpret things. LOL, good for you on the degree. I'm pointing out that neither a degree or good work ethic and common sense guarantees success as indicated in the previous posts of other forum members.

  BTW, in reference to your question, I'm on the fence like you buddy  :) .

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