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Even the official unofficial mouthpiece of the Republican party is finally seeing that weapons designed for military use have mo place in the hands of the public, Can Orlando be the straw that finally breaks the illogical back of the gun crazy right? Has the time finally arrived when even those who sit on the extreme right realize that such weapons should not be available for sale to the public? Hopefully this might lead to the beginning of the end that is the foolishness that is the NRA. 

P.S. Good job Bill in finally seeing the light.

Edited by Uptown Redneck
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Yes, I can see the logic in having some controls on weapons. I don't really want people to have grenade launchers at their disposal. I guess I am against personal suitcase nukes, and bazookas probably would not be a real good thing to have easily obtainable. Fully automatic weapons have been illegal without special permits for decades and probably rightfully so. So yes, the discussion has to take place about where that line needs to be drawn? Is it anything that can take a life that needs to be banned? Do we use criteria that involves perception or appearance as the place to draw the line? Tell me the functional difference between any currently legal semi-auto hunting/target rifle and an AR-15 that does not involve arbitrary perception or visual bias. So are we ready to make all semi auto weapons illegal? How about pump actions next? Lever actions? Where do you draw the line? Because the argument against AR style rifles while ignoring any semi-auto hunting rifle just doesn't make sense or certainly is not consistent. You can call these AR style rifles anything you want .... weapons of war, assault rifles, black rifles, but none of that makes them anymore of a weapon of murder than your dad's old semi-auto hunting rifle. Those are emotional descriptions that reflect how you feel about cosmetic design. Is that where we draw the line on constitutional issues, cosmetics and perceptions? Not in my mind. 

Edited by Doc
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The Obama administration's 'political correctness' put those guns in the hands of the Orlando shooter, and facilitated the eventual carnage. The FBI was twice told to stand down from it's investigations. The laws that could have stopped the guy from purchasing guns were/are already in place, and they were ignored.

The fact is, quite simply, the leftists have no desire to stop the carnage. They only want to control it to suit their ends.

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The fact is, quite simply, the leftists have no desire to stop the carnage. They only want to control it to suit their ends.



The UK are about to vote on whether to remain in the EU or not. A member of parliament was killed yesterday by a known mentally deranged man. In Britain, mental people wander the streets. It is called 'care in the community'. They kill people from time to time. The Remain side is erroneously claiming that this mental-case was a right wing supremacist who shouted Exit EU slogans during the attack. This is refuted by the main witness but the press are running with this false account none the less.

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The UK are about to vote on whether to remain in the EU or not. A member of parliament was killed yesterday by a known mentally deranged man. In Britain, mental people wander the streets. It is called 'care in the community'. They kill people from time to time. The Remain side is erroneously claiming that this mental-case was a right wing supremacist who shouted Exit EU slogans during the attack. This is refuted by the main witness but the press are running with this false account none the less.


The entire EU thing is even more screwed up than US politics. It's also more blatant, but the citizens are generally more cowed, (they are all basically 'Socialist' States) so it's become a matter of sheer propaganda and herding sheep. Thankfully some of the 'sheep' are fighting back.


I have no familial ties to Great Britain whatsoever, and no particular favoritism one way or the other, but I've been watching the Brexit discussion closely because it is important on a global scale. The European Union is a global Communist construct which I adamantly oppose. I'll support anyone who stands against it. The TPP and TTIP are US buy-ins for that global poker game. I say. f*** them too.

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Even the official unofficial mouthpiece of the Republican party is finally seeing that weapons designed for military use have mo place in the hands of the public, Can Orlando be the straw that finally breaks the illogical back of the gun crazy right? Has the time finally arrived when even those who sit on the extreme right realize that such weapons should not be available for sale to the public? Hopefully this might lead to the beginning of the end that is the foolishness that is the NRA.

P.S. Good job Bill in finally seeing the light.

There are a great many ( most ?) long guns that were designed for military use. From muskets to bolt action rifles .

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There are a great many ( most ?) long guns that were designed for military use. From muskets to bolt action rifles .

The military currently issues, pump action shotguns, semi automatic pistols, revolvers, bolt action rifles, knives, clubs multi tools and nail clippers...

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Most firearms can be classified as "military or police style weapons" .. The Left writes their own definitions…..Thats how they get away with a lot of their B.S.... Idiots just accept the leftist definitions. Because after all, the Leftists are smarter than the average person…..Right????




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