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American Tragedy

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I stopped reading after this:


The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. T

Should I go back? I will but only if there is something new. The tired narrative that this is all racism I'm just not interested in. Is there any real, thought-provoking meat in this article? Is there any consideration at all that maybe Trump spoke to some legitimate problems, or is it just an anti-trump, boring hit piece?

If the left think they can keep calling everyone a racist they are going to find themselves losing to people like donald trump. The rest of us are unimpressed by that denigration. We want something real. What the left thought would work didn't.

Now the left is looking down the barrel of a gun with a republican president, house, senate. So will they learn anything or keep doubling down on the ineffective attacks?

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Trump wins, what's next ? The Cubs winning the World Series ?

Im not sure what I enjoy more, Trump winning , or seeing the libs so taken back.  

Now let's get that SCOUS loaded with conservatives ! That'll make a lasting impression .

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The timing of the scotus with the Biden rule already keeping a spot open means at least a generation will be impacted by scotus appointments. Also four years of keeping the insane immigration of the ME at bay is great because by then we can see fully how much damage it has caused in Europe.

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It is so amusing and comforting to hear the pinkos rolling on the ground, weeping, and wailing. It means something good has happened in this country. Each whine and whimper and boo-hoo from these pathetic people boosts my confidence that perhaps there is hope for rescuing this country from the Marxists.

The Khrushchev quote that explains exactly where we were prior to this election is as follows:

“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

What he was envisioning was a political movement that looks exactly like the Obama administration, and the ascendency of his clone Hillary Clinton. All I can say is thank God for Trump's offering of an alternative. And thank God to the American voters who finally woke up and said, "enough is enough" and chose that alternative.


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7 minutes ago, Doc said:

It is so amusing and comforting to hear the pinkos rolling on the ground, weeping, and wailing. It means something good has happened in this country. Each whine and whimper and boo-hoo from these pathetic people boosts my confidence that perhaps there is hope for rescuing this country from the Marxists.

The Khrushchev quote that explains exactly where we were prior to this election is as follows:

“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

What he was envisioning was a political movement that looks exactly like the Obama administration, and the ascendency of his clone Hillary Clinton. All I can say is thank God for Trump's offering of an alternative. And thank God to the American voters who finally woke up and said, "enough is enough" and chose that alternative.


They would have woken up long ago if not for the lies of the media who is supposed to be neutral  .  While you cant stop people from saying what they want the companys that hire these people need to control them or face fines I believe if you have news guys whos job is  that they  are suppost to be neutral on issues when reporting them and there not there should be some form of fine for that .  Or just have them admit they are for one side or the other instead of lying about it . Up till now many people  had know idea this was going on .  Look how one sided negtive the media coverge of trump was. Compared to hilary it was crazy .

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The biggest loser in this election is the main stream media.  The American people have proven it has become completely untrustworthy and insignificant.  Nothing they say means anything anymore and has no credibility.  They are all part of a government propaganda machine.  This New Yorker article is proof positive of that.

The sooner they all fade away, the better.


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