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Columbia University students heckled a war hero

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Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.

"Racist!" some students yelled at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia  freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after  being shot 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008.  Others hissed and booed the veteran.

Maschek, 28, had bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday at the  meeting to issue an impassioned challenge to fellow students on their  perceptions of the military.

"It doesn't matter how you feel about the war. It doesn't matter how  you feel about fighting," said Maschek. "There are bad men out there  plotting to kill you."

Several students laughed and jeered the Idaho native, a 10th  Mountain Division infantryman who spent two years at Walter Reed Army  Medical Center in Washington recovering from grievous wounds.

Maschek, who is studying economics, miraculously survived the  insurgent attack in Kirkuk. In the hail of gunfire, he broke both legs  and suffered wounds to his abdomen, arm and chest.

He enrolled last August at the Ivy League school, where an  increasingly ugly battle is unfolding over the 42-year military ban  there.

More than half of the students who spoke at the meeting -- the second  of three hearings on the subject -- expressed opposition to ROTC's  return. Many of the 200 students in the audience held anti-military  placards with slogans such as, "1 in 3 female soldiers experiences  sexual assault in the military."

The university has created a task force polling 10,000 students on  the issue, but would not release the vote tally of the 1,300 who have  already responded.

In 2005, when the university last voted to reject ROTC's return, it cited the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

That policy was overturned in December, but resistance remains.

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Wrong again fool.  I'm well aware of the ideology of some of the student body.  That doesn't mean it shouldn't be exposed when ever such disgraceful actions occur.  I assume you are of like mind since you took offense to the post, but not to the disrespect of the soldier.

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VJP, you are so one-sided in your thinking that it isn't even funny.  Whether these Columbia student were right or wrong to heckle this former soldier is not at issue here.  It is their freedom of speech that is.  Obviously you could give a rats ass for their freedom, while you want everyone to let you do and own whatever you damned well please.  Now if one of your right-wing cronies heckled a rabid anti-gunner you would be considering them a hero and be praising them until you were blue in the face!  Someone heckles someone that you happen to like and that is bothersome to you.  Well, if you can't figure out that things like this work both ways in this country, there is very little hope for you.  The America that YOU want to see is history and has been for a good long while now.  You better start getting used to it. 

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regardless of your politics, heckling a military veteran is hard to defend.

Yes indeed, but freedom of speach should not be hard to defend. You can't limit any of our freedoms reguardless of what they are and how distasteful they might turn out to be. That is the reason that wacko group has been aloud to protest the funerals of our fallen soldiers.

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regardless of your politics, heckling a military veteran is hard to defend.

It is hard to defend, but it is their right. I would love to exercise my right too, to get in their face and let the kids know what I think of them.

I am pretty sure Columbia is private but just how private and how much federal money ends up trickling into there. In my perfect picture of a world Columbia has ever right as a private University to say they do not want ROTC in there. The Feds also have the right to not allow any student aid that is Federal to be used there. No low interest loans. no grants. nada. if they qualify then they can get the monety as long as they use it at a participating University. After all no one is saying they all have to join, but that takes away the option for any that might want to. ROTC is a great program and offers some great benefits to some who might not be able to attend college otherwise

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Yes indeed, but freedom of speach should not be hard to defend. You can't limit any of our freedoms reguardless of what they are and how distasteful they might turn out to be. That is the reason that wacko group has been aloud to protest the funerals of our fallen soldiers.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't have the right to express themselves.  just that they should be ashamed of the way they are doing it- same as in the example you gave.

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VJP, you are so one-sided in your thinking that it isn't even funny. 

And you are not?

Whether these Columbia student were right or wrong to heckle this former soldier is not at issue here.  It is their freedom of speech that is.  Obviously you could give a rats ass for their freedom, while you want everyone to let you do and own whatever you damned well please. 

I stand up for all freedom, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's or breaks the law.  That doesn't mean I can't point out injustice and stupidity.

Now if one of your right-wing cronies heckled a rabid anti-gunner you would be considering them a hero and be praising them until you were blue in the face! 

Wrong.  I would expect them to intelligently argue their position after the speaker was respectfully allowed to speak his piece.

Someone heckles someone that you happen to like and that is bothersome to you.  Well, if you can't figure out that things like this work both ways in this country, there is very little hope for you.  The America that YOU want to see is history and has been for a good long while now.  You better start getting used to it.

And it is a God awful shame it's gone too.  I don't see where this America is going to be an improvement.  Like I have said before, I've witnessed this decline for decades an it amazes me.

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VJP, you are so one-sided in your thinking that it isn't even funny. 

And you are not?

Whether these Columbia student were right or wrong to heckle this former soldier is not at issue here.  It is their freedom of speech that is.  Obviously you could give a rats ass for their freedom, while you want everyone to let you do and own whatever you damned well please. 

I stand up for all freedom, as long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's or breaks the law.  That doesn't mean I can't point out injustice and stupidity.

Now if one of your right-wing cronies heckled a rabid anti-gunner you would be considering them a hero and be praising them until you were blue in the face! 

Wrong.  I would expect them to intelligently argue their position after the speaker was respectfully allowed to speak his piece.

Someone heckles someone that you happen to like and that is bothersome to you.  Well, if you can't figure out that things like this work both ways in this country, there is very little hope for you.  The America that YOU want to see is history and has been for a good long while now.  You better start getting used to it.

And it is a God awful shame it's gone too.  I don't see where this America is going to be an improvement.  Like I have said before, I've witnessed this decline for decades an it amazes me.

I am NO where near as one sided in my political thinking as you.  You take the prize here, there is no doubt about that.  All I can tell you is that if you think that America has become such a God awful shameful place, you should then find some place else to live where you will be more comfortable.  Thinking that everyone will conform to your way of thinking will NEVER happen in this country or any place else for that matter.  Like I said before, you'd better start getting used to it.  You are obviously a very unhappy man.  I feel sorry for you.  It honestly has to be your own doing and your own failures to accept the fact that other people will have differing opinions on things that has led to this. 

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I have to laugh at the fact you guys don't address any of the issues I post.  You'd rather attack me personally, and quite desperately at that, because you appear to be unable to debate the posted issue.

I can't help but laugh at your accusations, because you know nothing about me and you ignore the tidbits of beliefs that I allow you to view.

If anyone goes back over my posts, I think they will find I try very hard not to personally attack another individual on here.  I will address what they post, and vigorously if I feel strongly about it, but I will not be so crass or presumptuous to assume I know what they think, or what they believe.

I don't feel any need to respond to personal attacks with childish abandon, and it's not because I am ignoring you, you're just insignificant.

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After being shot eleven times in an Iraqi firefight  and recovering for two years in Walter Reed Army Medical Center, it's  obvious that former Staff Sgt. Anthony Maschek isn't shying away from a  fight. Indeed, he bravely stepped forward to endure the verbal  punishment of fellow Columbia University students who jeered him at a  town hall meeting for his stance in support of bringing the Reserve  Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) back to the campus. The 28-year-old  freshman was greeted with the standard leftist epithet of "racist!"  along with their boos and catcalls. At least they didn't spit on him.

However, the demise of ROTC at Columbia predates the  controversy over homosexuals serving openly in the military, or even the  birth of the young ideologues in the audience. The school disbanded a  longstanding Navy ROTC program way back in 1969, and while ROTC training  is available for Columbia students who wish to be Army and Air Force  cadets, they have to attend those classes at other nearby colleges.  Still, Maschek believed the Columbia program should be reinstated  because "it doesn't matter how you feel about the war ... there are bad  men out there plotting to kill you."

Obviously, those who believed the anti-military stance  of Columbia and many of its Ivy League peers would disappear with the  repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" were too optimistic. DADT was a  smokescreen for the real problem: the utter disdain for the military  instilled by too many in academia and popular culture and proven by the  misbehavior of Columbia students toward an American Patriot who deserves  their profound respect.

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Dude, you keep posting this stuff where you imply that anyone who doesn't see things the way you do is un-american, a commie, shameful, etc., etc.  If anyone tries to debate you, you automatically pull out the un-American card.  You ask for it and then you get it, that is how I see it here anyway.  You were the first to state here that if one is not an NRA member, votes republican only, and similar crap like that, that YOU would not want to hunt with them or have any other association with them.  What more can we say??  We are more than happy to hunt without you! LOL Our opinions are obviously crap to you before we even open our mouths, so why should we think you are the only one being attacked here??

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Dude, you keep posting this stuff where you imply that anyone who doesn't see things the way you do is un-american, a commie, shameful, etc., etc.  If anyone tries to debate you, you automatically pull out the un-American card. 

Don't forget the Three Stooges comment. ::)

He needs to take a Midol.

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Dude, you keep posting this stuff where you imply that anyone who doesn't see things the way you do is un-american, a commie, shameful, etc., etc.  If anyone tries to debate you, you automatically pull out the un-American card. 

Don't forget the Three Stooges comment. ::)

He needs to take a Midol.

Everyone is entitled to opinions.  I don't have problems with others have different opinions than mine.  I however will NEVER understand why every bloody hunter out there should be expected to follow lockstep with the NRA, the republican party, or any other group for that matter, and if they don't they are automatically blacklisted.  Exactly who made it law that hunters need be members of these organizations and not have differing views??  That to me is the underlying issue of ALL these recent threads, and I surely won't shy away from making my opinion heard whether some want to blacklist me or not.

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Everyone is entitled to opinions.  I don't have problems with others have different opinions than mine.  I however will NEVER understand why every bloody hunter out there should be expected to follow lockstep with the NRA, the republican party, or any other group for that matter, and if they don't they are automatically blacklisted.  Exactly who made it law that hunters need be members of these organizations and not have differing views??  That to me is the underlying issue of ALL these recent threads, and I surely won't shy away from making my opinion heard whether some want to blacklist me or not.

Couldn't agree more.  The general public prefers to see the average hunter as a gun-crazy, ultra-conservative, bible-beating loon.  Challenging these sterotypes benefits us all.

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Funny how the columbia students don't jeer the gay, black, hispanic, and are themselves hyppocrites when it comes to the military. I doubt they would keep a gay soriority,or frat. from being on campus. but they fight the miliatary who by oath protect the very freedoms that they believe in(free speech). I'm with you mr vjp! this is about as much unamerican as it gets! where is their tolerence??? the fact the college has a ban on military is so discriminatory that they should be sues by the government! Any wonder when these graduates become out leaders why america is headed down the tubes...  Its a very sad state that we are in.

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I think is was very distasteful what the students did. It does not matter the view of their position on the ROTC. This was a member of our military and was wounded in the line of duty. He deserved the respect to make his presentation. I have family members that served and whether or not I agreed with the curret deployment or a policy of the military I could not act like that and then look them in the eyes. Besides the fact that my Father would have taken a baseball bat to me if he had ever found out.  :)

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Any wonder when these graduates become our leaders why america is headed down the tubes...  Its a very sad state that we are in.

Well they may realize soon enough that even protected actions, such as their free speech, can still have consequences.  This has added a college to my list to review while considering resumes for candidates. It is also free speech to post a pic of yourself on Facebook with a bong stuck up against your mouth, but I am not hiring you. they are free to voice they views in what ever rude manner they wish...I am free to consider it unacceptable,a character flaw and a basis for not considering  them. :)

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the real problem: the utter disdain for the military  instilled by too many in academia and popular culture and proven by the  misbehavior of Columbia students toward an American Patriot who deserves  their profound respect.

Another sad attempt to paint anyone with an education or an opinion that you don't agree with as UnAmerican.

You guys are preaching to choir on this one.  Noone on this thread has defended the actions of the students at Columbia- only their right to express themselves. 

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