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Found Uptown Rednecks Christmas present


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1 hour ago, grampy said:

Since he does not shoot anything. Not sure he would know what end is user friendly.

He's not afraid of  looking down the business end of a gun in a store carried in by an unknown woman so let him have at it with this one.

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What an enlightening scene this post election time has been in terms of exposing so much about the elitism and the self-serving personalities of the left. All of this snobbery and self-delusion of the pinko portion of our society is out of the closet and daily being paraded before everyone. The Obamas and their supporters are exposing themselves in public every time they open their mouths. Their apologists and supporters are showing their total close-minded intolerance and displaying the fact that their politics are more important to them than the welfare of the nation. Their true hearts are exposed to us as they openly display the fact that they want Trump destroyed regardless of the effect it may have on our country. It is now very obvious what kind of people have been running the country for the last 8 years, and it is positively disgusting.

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