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Biz-R-OWorld 2017 Season


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10/28: morning hunt in 3S. Dark - 830am. Need to run errands before afternoon hunt in 3N.

At 730am A little coyote (must be first year) came in from behind me to my right. I thought it was a fox at first but definitely a young pup yote. It was trotting but I stopped it with a quick bark then walked to my right like 10 feet and took a quick shot. I was 99% sure I Just missed low. I thought about 40-45yds and I ranged after the fact and it was 44 yards. I’ve never shot that far so I probably needed to aim way higher. I saw my nocturnal glowing. Before I left, I grabbed it and found no blood as expected. It busted through 2 sticks so I’m junking this arrow and BH


Did find another fresh scrape so now there’s 3 under 20yds from my spot.


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10/28 cont:

Went back to 3N spot in the afternoon. Kicked up a bedded doe at 20yds, too bad it wasn’t a buck. Got into my blind around 3. Didn’t see anything by 530 so I blew the bleat and again at 540, soon after 1 deer comes in I get ready and it’s a buck. Unfortunately it’s the same one as last night. Same 3pt, same spot. I took a bunch of videos since he was under 10yds again. Here’s 1 screenshot. I stayed well after dark since I didn’t want to spook him. Finally he walked away.

Tomorrow looks like a washout. 1-2” of rain expected. Back at it Monday (hopefully weather permitting) and Tuesday.


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10/30: Hunted 3pm - dark in 3S. Very strong winds, saw nothing until 530pm when I saw 5 turkeys (1 Tom and 4 hens) walking by at around 60yds in front of me. They went over a little hill and I thought about making a stalk on them but didn’t want to risk ruining a possible buck coming. Less than 10min later I caught movement to my right and spotted 2 does at around 80yds. No bucks seen. Watching Chiefs game tonight so no hunting the AM tomorrow but I plan to hunt the afternoon.

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10/31: Hunted 3pm - dark in 3S. Still very windy. Found 2 fresh scrapes 14yds below me straight out. They weren’t here yesterday. Only 10yds from cam but no pics.


Won’t be hunting again till Saturday (xbow opener for 3N)

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what kind of cameras do you have..   seems crazy that they can make scrapes 10 yards away and not trigger the camera



I have a crappy old WGI at this spot since it’s my property. The line of scrapes didn’t go in front of cam, and I didn’t want to move cam from where’s it been since the summer.


I believe it’s this buck:





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Dad Hunted first day this year with xbow for opener. Dark - Dark on his property in 3N. He saw nothing in the morning from his spot.

I went to 3S for the morning. Just watched a doe and 2 fawns from 807-823am. All 3 were under 20yds for a while. No buck behind them (yet). Took video but don’t know how to post so here’s a snapshot of 1 of them.


In the afternoon I met my dad, checked the cam at my spot and a small buck went through at 820am but my dad was sitting at his spot. I saw nothing in the afternoon. My dad saw a doe and 2 fawns at 530pm, no buck chasing behind.

Onto tomorrow. Most likely 3N in the morning for both of us.

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Dad and I hunted 3N. He went dark - dark and saw 2 deer in the morning (1 doe and 1 unidentifiable), then saw and passed up a nice red fox at 330pm.

I hunted dark - 10am and 3-dark and saw no deer, only 3 raccoons in the morning.

I’ll be back at it Thursday

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11/8: While I was at work, my Dad hunted the morning in 3N from my ground blind in acorn flat. He texted me early this morning and said at 7:05am a broken 1/2 rack spike came down from the rocks behind him and walked in front of trail cam and past his blind at 10 yards. He passed him up and we both believe it is the same 3pt I have been seeing in person and on trail cam pics recently. This is the 2nd year in a row that a buck in this spot broke its rack off in early November. (My big 4pt. last year broke rack off around the same time).

Then at 8:05am my Dad shot a big 4pt. It was a 25yd. shot and he shot him through the base of the neck and the buck dropped right there. We have ZERO pics of this buck from the summer and fall, so he definitely is new to the area. This is rare for us since we normally just see the bucks that we gets pics of during summer/fall. That said, there is still a big 5,7, and 8 out there for me. My Dad is done now until gun season, but I will be out there tomorrow and Friday- although I will probably hunt 3S (Westchester) with compound tomorrow morning. My Dad has a lot of work ahead of him today since my blind is just over 1/2 mile downhill from the car, so it's all uphill drag on the way out.

This is back to back years with a 2.5 y/o 4pt killed from my ground blind in acorn flat with an xbow, since I killed one last year on 11/5/16. Below are only 2 pics I have from my dad texting me via flip phone. I'll get better pics from him in person tomorrow.







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Congrats to your Dad, Biz!!  Nice deer.  Now if he was on the other side of the river in the Catskills, he wouldn't have been able to shoot at this one because of antler restrictions.  This proves what a joke AR's are since your Dad's 4 point has nicer sized antlers than some 6 or 8 pointers that hunters ARE allowed to shoot at.

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1 hour ago, steve863 said:

Congrats to your Dad, Biz!!  Nice deer.  Now if he was on the other side of the river in the Catskills, he wouldn't have been able to shoot at this one because of antler restrictions.  This proves what a joke AR's are since your Dad's 4 point has nicer sized antlers than some 6 or 8 pointers that hunters ARE allowed to shoot at.

Yup. Agree 100%.

1 hour ago, grampy said:

Nice buck! Congratulations to your Dad!

OK, you're on deck Biz! Good luck tomorrow!

Thanks. Yea, my turn.

1 hour ago, Fletch said:

Awesome Pops!!


Biz he left you a gut pile to stare at tomorrow. Bring some yote arrows!

Haha, yup. Last year it was the opposite and he had a red fox come into the gut pile but he passed him up. I never shot a red so I wouldn't pass it up. I will hunt the morning tomorrow in 3S (Westchester) with compound. As for the afternoon I might hunt from the same blind, but probably not. I may hunt his spot (maybe opposites will work for both of us-ha!)

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11/9: plan was to hunt 3S with compound in the morning and 3N with xbow in the afternoon.

At 8am, I️ Just had a 10min showdown with nice 8 pointer. A buck I️ never had pics of. 50yds so too far to shoot. Trying everything to call it closer. He just wouldn’t come any closer. So close. He never spooked just headed in opposite direction.

Around 10am I️ checked my trail cam, which I️ had moved in hopes of catching whatever buck kept making scrapes. On Saturday the 4th after a morning hunt I️ moved the cam, freshened the scrape and pissed in it. The buck I️ saw this morning came that night, and then again 2 nights later. He actually laid in it for over 30min.

With that info I️ decided to hunt the afternoon here as well, but saw nothing. I️ will give this buck 1 more try tomorrow morning before heading to 3N with xbow. This buck even with the small brows would be my best overall buck, so to get him from the ground with my Mathews would a real accomplishment for me.






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11/9: plan was to hunt 3S with compound in the morning and 3N with xbow in the afternoon.

At 8am, I️ Just had a 10min showdown with nice 8 pointer. A buck I️ never had pics of. 50yds so too far to shoot. Trying everything to call it closer. He just wouldn’t come any closer. So close. He never spooked just headed in opposite direction.

Around 10am I️ checked my trail cam, which I️ had moved in hopes of catching whatever buck kept making scrapes. On Saturday the 4th after a morning hunt I️ moved the cam, freshened the scrape and pissed in it. The buck I️ saw this morning came that night, and then again 2 nights later. He actually laid in it for over 30min.

With that info I️ decided to hunt the afternoon here as well, but saw nothing. I️ will give this buck 1 more try tomorrow morning before heading to 3N with xbow. This buck even with the small brows would be my best overall buck, so to get him from the ground with my Mathews would a real accomplishment for me.






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Hes a Westchester shooter fo sho! Especially as a first buck!

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