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Another skull carve in progress..


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Well, I  think this skull got away from me a little bit.

Ok, a lot  bit,lol!

The carve went well.., the burn went well.., but I started to run into some thin bone issues while hawging out the design. At that point I had no choice but to do a cut through design which I wasn't exactly prepared for.DSC_0031.JPGDSC_0036.JPG

After I got it burned I realized the pattern just didn't seem to go together very well on top of things and I wasn't thrilled with it.


After it's burned, there not much you can do to it from a carving standpoint anymore. Although it's still strong bone, taking a dremel tip to it is like trying to shovel a clean line in a sandbox with a teaspoon. Ain't happening.


Seeing how I wasn't crazy about it, I figured I'd break out my 3 color paint kit and spruce it up a bit.

That didn't work out so well for me either, and I still don't like it, but different strokes for different folks, so maybe somebody will,lol

I'll have to redeem myself on the next one!



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I for one think it looks cool as heck! I really like it!  It's original. There's not another one like it. To me, that's what makes it so cool. I know, at times an artist is their own worst critic. Keep it up my friend! Your talent is boundless.

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