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Fire island buck


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I'm not going get into a pizzing match with you. But here on Long Island in some areas the deer population is way out of wack. That's why a 7 month old deer only weighs  20lbs. It's from interbreeding from to many deer we have unlimited doe tags. I start the season with two buck tags and three doe tags. these deer are shot during the shotgun season the last month of hunting season.the best I ever did was eight in the freezer. The problem is to many trophy hunter that won't take a doe or three.

its also the true meaning of veal. 

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Ya I've seen some monster deer but also some really small doe. He's right a lot of them can weigh less than 100 pounds since the food quality isn't always the best and the population is so high in a lot of places.

I've only ever hunted rocky point so I didn't see anything. If I hunted LI more I'd probably take a few doe since meat is what I'm after most of the time (still let the small bucks go).

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Like stated the nutrition is poor especially on Fire Island, poor food plus over population = small deer in general.  Many area's need population control but don't think this is the standard throughout Long Island.  Many public area's have low population and the deer tend to stay on private land during the day then go into the public area's at night once the hunting presser is on.  Makes me laugh when people say you are not doing your job if you let a doe pass, like they know exactly what is happening in the woods I hunt. 

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That's why I said some areas. I've never hunted private land on the island.the spots out east are so out of wack it's like rabbit hunting. I don't hunt much on the island anymore. But when i see a buck like that is sparks something in me. 

I neucent hunted on the north shore one year where you could use ten pounds of bait a day. Being lazy I use a jar of peanut butter those deer where coming in from every where. 

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1 hour ago, ATbuckhunter said:

I've only ever hunted rocky point so I didn't see anything. If I hunted LI more I'd probably take a few doe since meat is what I'm after most of the time (still let the small bucks go).

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Rocky point was great for afternoon does in the pines. I just hated signing in and out. 

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