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I said this last year....


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If I recall I may have taken a little heat on it...surprise...lol...seriously though I don't care it  deserves repeating..here goes:

For you new hunters remember IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE at least once, no shame in it unless you don't try your best to follow up. Asking for help is a good thing, write down deer searches number and put it in your phone...remember to read up NOW before coming on line and announcing a mishap, learn about shots,arrow smells and above all animal reacions. Also remember you can PM people for help.

For everyone else all the I lost this or that, I wounded this or that and the other deer, tends to start adding up and again it happens...Though us long time archers should think about how many of such incidences can wear on ALL hunters...PM's, PM's, PM's because we all need to vent on such things and should.... Just a thought...fire away:wink:

Edited by growalot
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7 minutes ago, growalot said:

If I recall I may have taken a little heat on it...surprise...lol...seriously though I don't care it  deserves repeating..here goes:

For you new hunters remember IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE at least once, no shame in it unless you don't try your best to follow up. Asking for help is a good thing, write down deer searches number and put it in your phone...remember to read up NOW before coming on line and announcing a mishap, learn about shots,arrow smells and above all animal reacions. Also remember you can PM people for help.

For everyone else all the I lost this or that, I wounded this or that and the other deer, tends to start adding up and again it happens...Though us long time archers should think about how many of such incidences can wear on ALL hunters...PM's, PM's, PM's because we all need to vent on such things and should.... Just a thought...fire away:wink:

Yes by all means pm. We do not want the public knowing how many deer bow hunters hit and then can not find. Leavening them wounded and suffering. This has to be kept secret. Hunters would use guns have no choice as there shots can be heard thus making it known they took a shot. Bows are silent providing shots to not be heard. Allowing for the secret to remain a s3cret.

       I assume of course this was directed at bow hunters for the fact that there are very few if any threads about deer shot with a gun and lost to a long search or not found at all.


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LOL not one to turn down an invitation huh Stubby? Well as you mention it, there are many more of these in bow than gun...thus my posting it in that bow section and being a bow hunter my self. No one said it has to be a secret...in fact I believe I said a couple of times it happens to every bow and gun hunter to be honest, at least once..NOT ONLY once....

That said it also builds up and when it does..... out come the nasty comments and that happens every year. Gosh some of you guys get rather creative about those and have rather long memories...I could see, probably what prompted this, the "16 days to opener " thread being great fuel for the nasty guy comments that will come. So get your hackles up all you want and don't get the point I do not care ...

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5 minutes ago, steve863 said:

Boy, this thread should be interesting!   So you guys want to keep things secret and only discuss in PM's?   I think we need to implement a secret handshake before anyone is allowed to post anything about wounding an animal!  LOL



Man I can't remember it guess I'm out. Darn I better not wound a deer or I have to publicize it and get electronically lynched.


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8 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

If I wound a buck, I will not PM anyone. Instead, I will post on this forum publicly in hopes of creating a 1,000+ man grid search to find my buck.

Biz, I just got a PM from Aaron Judge that he'll come out to help you, too!  He says he definitely won't strike out then!!




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5 minutes ago, steve863 said:

Biz, I just got a PM from Aaron Judge that he'll come out to help you, too!  He says he definitely won't strike out then!!




Ha! I would pay to not have him come. Considering he only swings in the same plane every single time, his eyes clearly don't adjust. Therefore, he would essentially be useless unless the buck was straight ahead in plain sight.

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23 minutes ago, growalot said:

LOL not one to turn down an invitation huh Stubby? Well as you mention it, there are many more of these in bow than gun...thus my posting it in that bow section and being a bow hunter my self. No one said it has to be a secret...in fact I believe I said a couple of times it happens to every bow and gun hunter to be honest, at least once..NOT ONLY once....

That said it also builds up and when it does..... out come the nasty comments and that happens every year. Gosh some of you guys get rather creative about those and have rather long memories...I could see, probably what prompted this, the "16 days to opener " thread being great fuel for the nasty guy comments that will come. So get your hackles up all you want and don't get the point I do not care ...

Nope not at all. Your point was to keep threads about wounded and lost deer down. Use pm to ask for help not make it public.  I am not against someone asking for help when they have lost a deer. Yet by you saying keep it out of public and just pm, you are saying keep it secret. At least we agree there is more of a problem of lost deer using bows then guns.

      What does 16 days left have to do with it?

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11 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Ha! I would pay to not have him come. Considering he only swings in the same plane every single time, his eyes clearly don't adjust. Therefore, he would essentially be useless unless the buck was straight ahead in plain sight.

Yeah, he did sound a bit upset so it might be best if he doesn't come up.  He said he's read all your posts about him and said he'd be coming up with his bat, so I have NO clue what that was all about?  Plus he did say he wouldn't be striking out this time!!  :)



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1 hour ago, growalot said:

  You say secret...I say .....Discretion is a wise mans tool...Go get help THEN if you want to tell the world whole story have at it with a recovery pic...Just don't put the cart before the horse...

 As for you last question....Figure it out on your own...:wink:

          Discretion yes. However you did not say that. And your words do not lead to that as a first thought. Why do you always have to say things in a cloked manner? 

   You were talking about discretion. Antis read these posts as well as hunters and with you not saying use discretion they just as I did can read it as saying keep it secret. 

      I figure you comment about 16 days ment that I am upset because bow season so soon. Once again u leave things to be guessed on. You would be wrong . I do not like hunting in warm weather and if gun season started in 16 days would not be gun hunting. For me deer hunting is to be done in the cold.

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To each's own if you don't want it public and want to use pm that's what they're there for.

The only statement I will make on this topic is for everyone to please refrain from the "just smoked one" on the live from the woods page!

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Agree. Only "dirtnap" should be used.

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An occasional loss does happen , however put me in the use PM camp for advise  . Too many" I smoked one " that is never found .

Sometimes the I lost one threads out number the bow hunters success thread .

perhaps that does not reflect reality , but can look,that way to outsiders ( antis ) viewing the site .

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Well Stubby that's your interpretation. That said let me make this painfully clear and to the point. I do not write on any hunting forum with the thought  " anti' s" might read it . What they would think of my writings is of no F ing concern to me. Hope that made it very clear to you .the" Figuring" you made is much like an " assumption" you understand about assuming I'm sure.

BTW you were not on my mind AT ALL when I wrote the OP..Lol! 

Oh..FYI. I have no "Rhomulan not Klingon"(sp?)  heritage,thus limited "cloaking " abilities..haha thanks for the laugh...

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You didn't have in mind when you said. " I can see why probably prompted this the 16 days to opener" ? Funny you quoted me when you wrote that. I never thought you were thinking of anyone specific in your op. I asked what that ment after you quoted me and said it.

        Glad to see you do not care what antis read. Also happy to see you be straight forward when typing something. Instead of wording things so you can say you missed my point when your words are questioned. Assumptions have to be made about most of what you post because you hide what you are actually saying and wait for others to figure it out.

     You may not have any stimulant or klingon in you but you sure have enough j. K rolwings

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6 hours ago, stubby68 said:

Nope not at all. Your point was to keep threads about wounded and lost deer down. Use pm to ask for help not make it public.  I am not against someone asking for help when they have lost a deer. Yet by you saying keep it out of public and just pm, you are saying keep it secret. At least we agree there is more of a problem of lost deer using bows then guns.

      What does 16 days left have to do with it?

I call bs on the fact that there are more deer wounded with bow than firearm.

On the face of it it seems more lilely.

I agree. A skilled, conscientious hunter should have greater odds of losing one with a bow. BUT  . Explain. To me how someone can sit in a spot and see 6 wounded deer run by before 10 am: on opening morning. Only 2 actually getting found. So much for the easier and more reliable weapon..

And only because they had to finish it off and "waste " there tag on it. 

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18 minutes ago, ncountry said:

I call bs on the fact that there are more deer wounded with bow than firearm.

On the face of it it seems more lilely.

I agree. A skilled, conscientious hunter should have greater odds of losing one with a bow. BUT  . Explain. To me how someone can sit in a spot and see 6 wounded deer run by before 10 am: on opening morning. Only 2 actually getting found. So much for the easier and more reliable weapon..

And only because they had to finish it off and "waste " there tag on it. 

I will bet you have a chance on bettering that number this year? With it an "open for all" season this year i am afraid to even think of what it will be. I can promise you that you wont see me anywhere near that road. lol

You may also want to be careful because you may be "Quoting" one of the perfect ones that have never wounded an animal in any season.

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This is an important topic and it hits on the one thing that bothers me more than anything else about hunting - wounding and not recovering game.   It can happen to anyone with with any weapon.  It takes some courage to post on a public forum like this, when it happens to you.  I give those folks credit who have the guts to do that.   Keeping it a secret is kind of wimpy, if you ask me.  I can't believe there are folks here who are afraid of what anti-hunters might think.      

If the unfortunate does occur to anyone around zone 9F or 6C this season, feel free to post publicly or shoot me a pm.  I have been waiting for for a chance to try the "bloodglow", that I picked up three years ago.   This stuff, when mixed with water or windshield wiper fluid in freezing conditions, is supposed to make blood glow bright green under the moon or start light.   Backing out, and waiting for morning to track, might not be such a good idea with all the coyotes we have around now in many areas.   Deer Search is also a great resource, but might get stretched a little thin on weekends.

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2 hours ago, ncountry said:

I call bs on the fact that there are more deer wounded with bow than firearm.

On the face of it it seems more lilely.

I agree. A skilled, conscientious hunter should have greater odds of losing one with a bow. BUT  . Explain. To me how someone can sit in a spot and see 6 wounded deer run by before 10 am: on opening morning. Only 2 actually getting found. So much for the easier and more reliable weapon..

And only because they had to finish it off and "waste " there tag on it. 

                   Middle  of next month or even the first week check on this site and any other site and on any hunting group page on face book and count all the posts about bucks lost or still being looked for. Then after gun season opens up go back to those same groups and count how many posts you find of same thing. You will find very few where a gun was used. Even guys who hunt both gun and bow will be postings pics of bucks they killed with a gun. Yet the same guy will have an earlier post asking for help with finding a deer they hit with an arrow and can not find. With all the wounded with a bow threads it kind of makes one wonder how many more have been wounded any just kept secret. You know Noone can hear the shot so it never happened.

       How many of those 6 wounded deer were wounded with a gun and how many were wounded with a bow just a day or 2 earlier. I have found lots of dead deer over the years during the first week of gun season. When season is less then 3 days old and a deer is already rotten so bad you smell it before you get 40 yards from it you can bet it is from bow season. Heck I have found dead deer with arrow still in them at all times of gun season. I've even seen deer going through the woods with an arrow sticking out of there rear end. How many times have you seen pics of deer with part of an a row broken off in them.  I'm not saying I've never found dead deer from gun shots but they can be counted on one hand. Deer with bullet holes in them? Yep seen that too but again far fewer then arrow wounds.

            Do deer get wounded and lost during gun season? Yep sure do but far fewer then with a bow. Odds of dropping a deer where it stands are far greater with a gun and all the help threads prove it.

             If more deer are wounded and lost with a gun then a bow then why would a thread like this one even need to be started for bow season? Keep quiet the public can't know about this. 

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                   Middle  of next month or even the first week check on this site and any other site and on any hunting group page on face book and count all the posts about bucks lost or still being looked for. Then after gun season opens up go back to those same groups and count how many posts you find of same thing. You will find very few where a gun was used. Even guys who hunt both gun and bow will be postings pics of bucks they killed with a gun. Yet the same guy will have an earlier post asking for help with finding a deer they hit with an arrow and can not find. With all the wounded with a bow threads it kind of makes one wonder how many more have been wounded any just kept secret. You know Noone can hear the shot so it never happened.

       How many of those 6 wounded deer were wounded with a gun and how many were wounded with a bow just a day or 2 earlier. I have found lots of dead deer over the years during the first week of gun season. When season is less then 3 days old and a deer is already rotten so bad you smell it before you get 40 yards from it you can bet it is from bow season. Heck I have found dead deer with arrow still in them at all times of gun season. I've even seen deer going through the woods with an arrow sticking out of there rear end. How many times have you seen pics of deer with part of an a row broken off in them.  I'm not saying I've never found dead deer from gun shots but they can be counted on one hand. Deer with bullet holes in them? Yep seen that too but again far fewer then arrow wounds.

            Do deer get wounded and lost during gun season? Yep sure do but far fewer then with a bow. Odds of dropping a deer where it stands are far greater with a gun and all the help threads prove it.

             If more deer are wounded and lost with a gun then a bow then why would a thread like this one even need to be started for bow season? Keep quiet the public can't know about this. 

I say we start a pole, in 18 years of deer hunting I am up around 100 deer killed and have wounded 3 deer 2 with gun and 1 with bow.

I have only found 3 dead deer in the woods 1 during bow season and had a bullet hole in his neck the other 2 were during guns season and freshly killed.

So far your statistics and my statistics oppose each other.

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