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Ted nugent vid clip


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but remember too.. there are many many non-hunters that love Ted for his music.

His type of music is also not my cup of tea, but from what I have heard and read on the subject, it seems he was a second rate rock star in his hey day, so I can't imagine he is setting the world on fire with his music these days either.  I would imagine his music fan base is quite small.

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but remember too.. there are many many non-hunters that love Ted for his music.

His type of music is also not my cup of tea, but from what I have heard and read on the subject, it seems he was a second rate rock star in his hey day, so I can't imagine he is setting the world on fire with his music these days either.  I would imagine his music fan base is quite small.

You may be right.. but I think 35 million albums sold and voted one of the top 25 solo rock artists would make him a bit better than 2nd rate... and if his fan base is presently quite small.. then I guess we have nothing to worry about with the non-hunters hearing much of what he has to say... I don't know of too many non hunters that follow anything that has to do with hunting anyway... they couldn't care less either :P

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[/quoYeah, he draws some of our attention.  And why do you think this is so?    Since you don't seem to understand why, I will tell try to tell you.    He above any other hunter draws the attention of the non-hunters out  there.  Do the Bill Jordans, Jackie Bushmans, Craig Boddingtons of the  hunting world draw the same kind of attention from non-hunters??  No  way!  That is why some of us are very vocal against Nugent.  He has  proclaimed himself the representative of hunters to mainstream America  and many hunters think he is exactly the WRONG kind of person we need  representing us.  The guy appears on stage at his concerts with AR-15's  in his hands, spews verbal rants against the president, the government  and any one who might disagree with him in the slightest.  If that is  what you want the non-hunting public to think all hunters are like, then  you can go ahead and love the guy.  I for one don't go out in public  brandishing any firearms and don't want society to think all hunters  support such behavior.  Very simple really.  Some of you think it is  jealousy that sets us off against Nugent, when the truth is something  very different.  We are concerned about how our pastime is represented  to non-hunters out there and that is why we speak out against a guy like  Nugent.te]

Those other hunting "celebs" don't draw the attention...because they don't have hunters ..like you ...and thousands of others..... publicly dissecting and moralizing and ..bitching about every single thing they do... may have done or said....Now I'm a hunter of 45+ years and I don't see his stuff ...so what makes you think, droves of non hunters are seeking out and viewing him?

I never said I'm a Ted lover..I said he's different ...and hey

Now as far as talking down the president....Good God man please!!! put the politically correct pony in the barn....This country was built on dissidence and will die on political correctness..... ::P

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but remember too.. there are many many non-hunters that love Ted for his music.

His type of music is also not my cup of tea, but from what I have heard and read on the subject, it seems he was a second rate rock star in his hey day, so I can't imagine he is setting the world on fire with his music these days either.  I would imagine his music fan base is quite small.

You may be right.. but I think 35 million albums sold and voted one of the top 25 solo rock artists would make him a bit better than 2nd rate... and if his fan base is presently quite small.. then I guess we have nothing to worry about with the non-hunters hearing much of what he has to say... I don't know of too many non hunters that follow anything that has to do with hunting anyway... they couldn't care less either :P

Well non-hunters do see him on all sorts of mainstream TV programs, so it has nothing to do with his fan base.  He has appeared on TV political discussion show, late night talk shows and many others.  He appears on most of them as an advocate for guns and hunting.  His music is irrelevant at this point and his fan base is insignificant in any way.

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What I find funny is that most people that are Ted haters seem to use similar reasoning. They say that they are against the loud, boisterous, in your face attitude that Ted portrays, and that they believe that he causes anyone that doesnt participate in the hunting community to think that all hunters are like he is.

Please, do you really think that those people are THAT stupid or close minded? Do you seriously believe that they dont recognize that Ted is not your average guy, hunter or gun owner? Do you guys think that every person under 40 that lives in a poor neighborhood in the city is selling drugs, stealing cars or holding up mini-marts?

Give me a break. All I hear is a bunch of people shooting the messenger because they dont like the way he delivers the message. Which part is more important?

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"You may be right.. but I think 35 million albums sold.."

Thats kind of small compared to a band like the Rolling Stones with 200+ million sold, I think second rate is a fair description as far as the music is concerned. He is a good guitar player though, I give him that. I don't care for his music, but can keep that separate from the rest of his life. I guess this has nothing to do with anything reguarding the clip...opps got off track.

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[/quoYeah, he draws some of our attention.  And why do you think this is so?    Since you don't seem to understand why, I will tell try to tell you.    He above any other hunter draws the attention of the non-hunters out  there.  Do the Bill Jordans, Jackie Bushmans, Craig Boddingtons of the  hunting world draw the same kind of attention from non-hunters??  No  way!  That is why some of us are very vocal against Nugent.  He has  proclaimed himself the representative of hunters to mainstream America  and many hunters think he is exactly the WRONG kind of person we need  representing us.  The guy appears on stage at his concerts with AR-15's  in his hands, spews verbal rants against the president, the government  and any one who might disagree with him in the slightest.  If that is  what you want the non-hunting public to think all hunters are like, then  you can go ahead and love the guy.  I for one don't go out in public  brandishing any firearms and don't want society to think all hunters  support such behavior.  Very simple really.  Some of you think it is  jealousy that sets us off against Nugent, when the truth is something  very different.  We are concerned about how our pastime is represented  to non-hunters out there and that is why we speak out against a guy like  Nugent.te]

Those other hunting "celebs" don't draw the attention...because they don't have hunters ..like you ...and thousands of others..... publicly dissecting and moralizing and ..bitching about every single thing they do... may have done or said....Now I'm a hunter of 45+ years and I don't see his stuff ...so what makes you think, droves of non hunters are seeking out and viewing him?

I never said I'm a Ted lover..I said he's different ...and hey

Now as far as talking down the president....Good God man please!!! put the politically correct pony in the barn....This country was built on dissidence and will die on political correctness..... ::P

No, because the other celebrities don't go on mainstream TV like he does.  They don't need to seek him out like they would Jordan, Bushman or the others who are unknown to any non-hunter.  He has appeared enough time on mainstream talking about guns and hunting for a good many to know who he is.  And he is better known for his current antics than for any music he ever put out also.  I and other hunters had absolutely nothing to do with him becoming known by non-hunters.  Sorry, but he is quite good in promoting himself without my help.

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"Please, do you really think that those people are THAT stupid or close minded?"

Yes I do think people are that way, not all but a portion of America will beleive any thing they see on TV. There are countless example's in the political arena for one, and then there is the Urban Legend type, people beleive in myths and stereo type's because they want to.

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Excuse me...but you need to see all the negative things you other hunters are saying about a guy that yes....comes off strong and more than wild eyed.... while trying to get across a message that hunters and hunting are needed in the eco system.

It is you guys that are dredging up all the negative ...anti moral...anti American stuff on him...I have not heard one comment from a non hunter that addresses any of these things when speaking of Ted...so if you want to blame someone for Teds negative  face on hunting...look to your selves for you painted it

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MY bad I was just building on what you said, thats all. Not picking a fight, I have discussed Ted here enough in the past.

Yeah I think all of us have lol  :P

I wasnt trying to pick a fight, just stating that I think more of you than that.

Yes looking at it now, I kinda ripped that thought out of your post and made it my own..haha I must be feeling philosophical today, I went off in a strange direction there. ;)

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Excuse me...but you need to see all the negative things you other hunters are saying about a guy that yes....comes off strong and more than wild eyed.... while trying to get across a message that hunters and hunting are needed in the eco system.

It is you guys that are dredging up all the negative ...anti moral...anti American stuff on him...I have not heard one comment from a non hunter that addresses any of these things when speaking of Ted...so if you want to blame someone for Teds negative  face on hunting...look to your selves for you painted it

So you are saying that non-hunters are getting to see Nugent ranting on TV because guys like me and Doewhacker are pointing a few things out about him on this forum??  Sorry, but me and Doe have absolutely JACK to do with him loving to bring himself into the spotlight on mainstream TV.

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Doewhacker...Don't bait me for I'll bite hard...

You know darn well that's not what I was saying... for I did mention dredging up and dissecting every single thing he's done or supposedly did...and that would be things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with hunting...Now as far as judging YOUR peers...most of you have flat out stated you don't consider him your peer...I suppose that negates that question doesn't it?

Now to the close mind /stupid comment...Seriously?

"If it doesn't fit you should acquit" ...I do not believe most Americans....even many of color didn't see through that one...even though OJ got off...

I highly doubt ppl aren't seeing through Teds need to be noticed to the core of his message...hunting is needed

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Look, I'll make it real simple ...... I don't like the guy because of his loud-mouth, arrogant, irritating personality. I 'm sure he is not the kind of guy I would like to hang around with or be anywhere near even if he had nothing to do with music, TV, or hunting. Inside of 15 minutes anywhere near that kind of person with that kind of abrasive personality and I'd be looking for the exit. Sorry, but I simply don't like him. So sue me.

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Look, I'll make it real simple ...... I don't like the guy because of his loud-mouth, arrogant, irritating personality. I 'm sure he is not the kind of guy I would like to hang around with or be anywhere near even if he had nothing to do with music, TV, or hunting. Inside of 15 minutes anywhere near that kind of person with that kind of abrasive personality and I'd be looking for the exit. Sorry, but I simply don't like him. So sue me.

LOL!  Well put, Doc.  Legal papers are being drawn up as you read this and should be delivered to your door tomorrow.  LOL

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Look, I'll make it real simple ...... I don't like the guy because of his loud-mouth, arrogant, irritating personality. I 'm sure he is not the kind of guy I would like to hang around with or be anywhere near even if he had nothing to do with music, TV, or hunting. Inside of 15 minutes anywhere near that kind of person with that kind of abrasive personality and I'd be looking for the exit. Sorry, but I simply don't like him. So sue me.

The next time Ted comes up I am going to qoute you Doc, I agree with this 100%. Plain and simple right there.

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If you were to see Ted away from a camera and audience, he is entirely different. He is a performer playing a wild character. Does it do him justice? NO.  Should he tone it down? YES  Does he play a mean guitar? YES.  Does he have an audience for his rants? YES.  Does it portray hunters in a bad light NOT AS MUCH AS A YOU TUBE VIDEO SHOWING GUYS KICKING A DEER AFTER HARVESTING IT, OR RUNNING UP GRABBING A DEER AFTER SHOOTING IT HOPING TO LET THE DEERS LAST SIGHT BE A GUY STARING IT IN THE EYE SAYING "I KILLED YOU."  It works for him. Even if he has not sold as many albums as the stones, he has a ton of money from playing and being on a few shows.  He tours for a few months and hunts the rest of the year.  If I could do that, I would too.

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I have met him off camera a couple times and he seems like any regular guy to me.. although he definitely has a type A personality.. we talked about fishing mostly (don't ask me why.. we were at a hunting show..lol)... I actually liked him... but I have never been a fan of his music or necessarily his entire position on hunting vs killing... but I do like that he doesn't give a rats ass what the non-hunters think either.

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