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Why I've lost interest in hunting shows.


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Got your vid in the mail today.  Went right through it.  Good stuff.  I like the photojournalistic/documentary feel of it.  You really captured the essense of the hunt and the character and spirits of the people.

I didn't like that some kills were not caught on tape.  I also would have like if you got some of the more experienced hunters to share some of their methods and technics a little bit.

Overall, you definitely got something unique and good going on here.  I look forward to the next season.

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Well, they don't call it horn porn for nothing.  Hunting shows simply replace big boobs with big antlers and it kind of entertains the bigger boob at home in the same way.  Like porn DVD's, I would bet most hunting DVD's are viewed in fast forward so one could get to the good parts quicker. :)

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Got your vid in the mail today.  Went right through it.  Good stuff.  I like the photojournalistic/documentary feel of it.  You really captured the essense of the hunt and the character and spirits of the people.

I didn't like that some kills were not caught on tape.  I also would have like if you got some of the more experienced hunters to share some of their methods and technics a little bit.

Overall, you definitely got something unique and good going on here.  I look forward to the next season.


Many thanks for buying my DVD and for the awesome candid feedback. I really appreciate it.

That's exactly what I try to capture, not just the hunt or the deer, but the people. Happy that came across.

Filming in real hunting conditions was such a learning experience last season. Not only did I have all new camera equipement and tree arms and such which took time to get 100% comfortable with but I was filming people i never hunted with before. We both were learning what worked as we went along.

That doe was right behind the tree and I couldn't swing my camera arm around anymore. It actually came loose on that scene as I quickly moved from one side of the tree to the other. Had Opie and I communicated better, we would have been synched up for the shot. But that's what happened. This season, I'll have signals w/ the hunters to let them know I'm on the deer.

The backstory on that buck is that both Ronnie and I were facing the other way. We heard him coming, and fast right behind us. By the time I swung my camera arm around and pushed record on my HDSLR, he had already squeezed the trigger. Actually, if you watch that part back and listen closely, you can hear the report of the shot as I get the camera on the deer. That's how fast it happened. Ronnie mentioned that, he just did what came natural to him, see the deer and shoot. He never had anyone film him before so I guess he forgot I was there filming :)

I will certainly follow your suggestion and get more advice and tactics and tips from each of the hunters this season. Things like, why were hunting in this spot, local area deer conditions, etc.....

I can't tell you how many folks say the same thing, just like you said - that I'm on to something with what I'm doing. That means so much to me because I'm really passionate about our sport and the people who continue to carry on our traditions.

This season is going to be so exciting. I'll be sure to take everyones feedback to heart and bring you guys a deer hunting video you will want to watch over and over.


- Rudy

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I live and breathe hunting and fishing.

But I could care less watching it on TV. I do not think it makes a good spectator sport.

How do you put the "feel" of the experience on a program? I think that is what hunting is for me. I would like to shoot a big buck just like everyone else, but this is not why I hunt. That feeling you get when you step out into that chilly air of the country on a November morning, with a rifle or shotgun in your hands. The smell of the pine trees. The anticipation, and wondering what you will see that day.

When I watch it on TV, it is always the same. Hunter in a blind. Deer comes by. Hunter whispers at the camera. Shoots deer. Thats basically it.

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I think youre on to something!  ;D

I think they should use that chubby guy T-Bone, who appears on some of the Realtree Monster Buck DVD's as host of this DVD.  It would be funny as heck to see him sweating amongst all those pretty "racks"!  Probably would be a good idea to have paramedics on standby while they shoot the DVD!  Just might be a little more than the big boy can handle!  :) 

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I live and breathe hunting and fishing.

But I could care less watching it on TV. I do not think it makes a good spectator sport.

How do you put the "feel" of the experience on a program? I think that is what hunting is for me. I would like to shoot a big buck just like everyone else, but this is not why I hunt. That feeling you get when you step out into that chilly air of the country on a November morning, with a rifle or shotgun in your hands. The smell of the pine trees. The anticipation, and wondering what you will see that day.

When I watch it on TV, it is always the same. Hunter in a blind. Deer comes by. Hunter whispers at the camera. Shoots deer. Thats basically it.

Hi Ford!

Shows you see on TV need to make money for their advertisers other wise, they have no funds to produce their show. So that's why you can rarely "feel" what they are experiencing.

For me, since I have no advertisers to please, just you, the hunter, I can focus more on the experience. I did my best last season on my first DVD and learned a ton. Things I could do better and things not to do. So this fall, I'll focus on capturing the moment even more.

I'm with you, as I sit here typing this, guess what I did? I sprayed myself with my fresh earth spray. Why? It brings me back to those woods. It helps me relive the feeling of smelling that cold morning air as i first step put of the cabin in the pitch black darkness. These feelings to me, are what I love about deer hunting. It's the total experience, not just a kill. And believe me, when I did kill a deer myself, I was humbled. I sat their and absorbed the moment. I never once in my life hooted and hollared like you see on TV. That is not part of the way I celebrate the experience.

- Rudy

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I have been hunting for a long time and have yet to take anything larger than 6ptr's. Though I have shot a bear. It just kills me to see a kid sitting in a blind passing up 8 and 10 pt bucks for a more mature animal. So that's why I stopped watching hunting shows. Where I hunt there are no 10 pt bucks running around. About 10 yrs ago one was shot a perfect 10 but it was the size of a small basket very small but 10 pts. We have 6pt bucks 3 times the size of that 10.


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What I can't stand is when they shoot a perfectly fine buck and then make the disclaimer that it's just a "management" buck, somehow meaning that it's not what they were really after and almost some sort of mercy killing.  What the hell is the difference?  A dead deer is a dead deer, and their "management" buck would make many other hunters perfectly happy.  The only thing they glorify is big antlers, and these shows have brainwashed the majority of the younger hunters out there to think the same, thus we have people pushing nonsense like AR's on us.  They honestly have done the sport way MORE harm than good in my opinion.

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There are few things I hate about hunting shows, and the use of the word "management" is just one of them. When you actually do see them shooting a doe they dedicate it to "doe management" as if its a dirty word to just call it hunting.

The bad shots, the faking it to make it look like the deer is bigger than it is like it matters, the list goes on and on. The thing I absolutly hate more than any thing else is when you hear the guy say they have been hunting hard all week. oohhhh you hunted hard for a whole week and got a chance at a big buck on a guided hunt, poor you, come hunt our way in NY and you will see what it means to hunt hard. And what exactly is so hard about getting a ride to the pre hung pre scouted stand set up, sheesh bunch of damn posers for the most part with the exception of a few.

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The thing I absolutly hate more than any thing else is when you hear the guy say they have been hunting hard all week. oohhhh you hunted hard for a whole week and got a chance at a big buck on a guided hunt, poor you, come hunt our way in NY and you will see what it means to hunt hard. And what exactly is so hard about getting a ride to the pre hung pre scouted stand set up, sheesh bunch of damn posers for the most part with the exception of a few.

It's been a good many years now, but I have been on guided hunts, mainly because I wanted to hunt in other locations and doing it yourself wasn't very practical and does take a lot MORE time and work.  I have absolutely NO reservations in saying that killing even the dinkiest of deer all on your own is way MORE satisfying than killing anything you might come across on a guided hunt.  I highly doubt too many others who have been on guided hunts would ever admit to the same.

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I think youre on to something!  ;D

I think they should use that chubby guy T-Bone, who appears on some of the Realtree Monster Buck DVD's as host of this DVD.  It would be funny as heck to see him sweating amongst all those pretty "racks"!  Probably would be a good idea to have paramedics on standby while they shoot the DVD!  Just might be a little more than the big boy can handle!  :)

HAHAHA, Im not going to say anything bad about Travis, Ive met him and hes one of the nicest people youd ever meet.

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I think youre on to something!  ;D

I think they should use that chubby guy T-Bone, who appears on some of the Realtree Monster Buck DVD's as host of this DVD.  It would be funny as heck to see him sweating amongst all those pretty "racks"!  Probably would be a good idea to have paramedics on standby while they shoot the DVD!  Just might be a little more than the big boy can handle!  :)

HAHAHA, Im not going to say anything bad about Travis, Ive met him and hes one of the nicest people youd ever meet.

Not saying anything bad about him.  He does seem like a jovial kind of fella, that is why he came to mind here.  Would just be funny having him waddling around behind the photographers while they take the calendar pictures of those big "racks"!  Surely would be more entertaining than seeing him take yet another "management" buck! LOL

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What I can't stand is when they shoot a perfectly fine buck and then make the disclaimer that it's just a "management" buck, somehow meaning that it's not what they were really after and almost some sort of mercy killing.  What the hell is the difference?  A dead deer is a dead deer, and their "management" buck would make many other hunters perfectly happy.  The only thing they glorify is big antlers, and these shows have brainwashed the majority of the younger hunters out there to think the same, thus we have people pushing nonsense like AR's on us.  They honestly have done the sport way MORE harm than good in my opinion.

Management bucks.....don't get me started on that one.....

Much of what our kids see on TV is unrealistic to the majority of America's hunters.....I grew up learning about deer hunting from my dad and the other folks in our Ulster Heights deer camp. Getting any deer for the freezer was respected, not frowned upon. Heck, if you got a 6 pointer you did pretty darn well for yourself.

Back then, not one person in camp had a grunt call, a bleat, used any scents or lures...we just hunted. I actually do have a vague memory of one of the guys using two sticks to make sounds...at time, I had no idea what he was trying to do....

But, times sure do change.....

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It's the total experience, not just a kill. And believe me, when I did kill a deer myself, I was humbled. I sat their and absorbed the moment. I never once in my life hooted and hollared like you see on TV. That is not part of the way I celebrate the experience.

I'm actually turned off by videos of hunters who are rolling around and laughing after a kill.  Sure, a congratulatory fist bump might be in order to celebrate a successful hunt but taking the life of an animal is no laughing matter.  Nothing against those who do it nor am I condemning it.  I equate it as a joke that didn't pick up.  I just don't see what's so funny.

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It's the total experience, not just a kill. And believe me, when I did kill a deer myself, I was humbled. I sat their and absorbed the moment. I never once in my life hooted and hollared like you see on TV. That is not part of the way I celebrate the experience.

I'm actually turned off by videos of hunters who are rolling around and laughing after a kill.  Sure, a congratulatory fist bump might be in order to celebrate a successful hunt but taking the life of an animal is no laughing matter.  Nothing against those who do it nor am I condemning it.  I equate it as a joke that didn't pick up.  I just don't see what's so funny.

I agree.

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I think youre on to something!  ;D

I think they should use that chubby guy T-Bone, who appears on some of the Realtree Monster Buck DVD's as host of this DVD.  It would be funny as heck to see him sweating amongst all those pretty "racks"!  Probably would be a good idea to have paramedics on standby while they shoot the DVD!  Just might be a little more than the big boy can handle!  :D

HAHAHA, Im not going to say anything bad about Travis, Ive met him and hes one of the nicest people youd ever meet.

Not saying anything bad about him.  He does seem like a jovial kind of fella, that is why he came to mind here.  Would just be funny having him waddling around behind the photographers while they take the calendar pictures of those big "racks"!  Surely would be more entertaining than seeing him take yet another "management" buck! LOL

Maybe he could ask one of them if his Scent-Lok works, like he did with poor 'ol Nick Mundt lol

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