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I know i hit him a little high, arrow is angled down, but do you think i caught lung? He ran off with maybe 8 inches of arrow sicking out so i got penetration. how long until he dies if he does? sorry the picture is bad but it is a cellphone picture from a video camera viewing screen in the field



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I assume this just happened? If it was a straight broadside shot and a down angle from a stand, I would say you hit the off side lung. I don't know where yo uare but if the forecast is no precipitation like in WNY I would let it go 3 hours. If it just happened you have daylight on your side. If you can get to the point of this pic without ANY risk of bumping the deer mark the spot. See if there is any blood. If only the amount of arrow you say is sticking out there has to be an exit hole.

Good luck.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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Not to rain on anyone's parade... but that's where I hit the deer I lost last year. Hit him in A.M. and let him lie for 6 hours before starting search. Found lots of blood, then sparce, then none - it was like he disappeared.

I so hope you find your buck - best of luck to you jg.

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same angle Muzzy? I HATE that placement if it is going in Horizontal. if it truely is 8" sticking out and arrow length is 27...19" should get an exit hole with JG's angle. But....it is bow hunting so anything is possible.

JG---Do you have the deer tracking dogs number in your phone?

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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18 yd shot prob around 15' above the level of the deer. no blood where he was shot. i backed out going to go look in a while

Well being a high hit you won't see much and its in a field so that makes it harder yet. When you get to the woods look higher up on brush and trees for a misted on blood. The height and close range will help you on this, and its a good thing the arrow is stuck in him.

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Maybe a steeper angle for me Culver (20' high / 15 yard shot). I had about 6" of arrow sticking out of the deer.

Regarding dog search. I contacted them and the guy said he would not come (said it was probably a muscle hit). Also because I had 'contaminated' the area by getting blood on the bottom of my boots while looking and trapesing all over the place (thereby confusing the dog).

I really am praying you find that deer jg.

Edited by MuzzyLoader
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With the high hit I got on my buck he went over 100yrds before any blood sign showed up..... it was on the very top of 3 1/2 ft golden rod...if your lucky he'll falter and snap the arrow....even with out the broad head that shaft can damage the lungs or inadvertent slice an artery ....Stay out of the area if you plan on calling Deer search...when I did last year I left stand and went straight to the phone...Hope you mentally pin pointed last sight and any crashing type sounds after he left your sight....that's how I knew where to start my search...also he'll start digging in with his hoofs as blood loss gets him...Very Best of Luck

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With that angle, Id say high lung hit at best. As has been said, you should have an exit wound, hopefully the arrow got pulled out as he was going through brush, that would help.

Now, if that deer was quartering away, he may not have hit anything but muscle.

I would check the spot of impact for blood, then go to the last place you saw him and look. If you find good blood, track him, if its spotty, back out and call Deer Search.

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Looks painfully familiar. I shot a buck Saturday morning just before 8 am. he was 20-25 yards away down hill slightly, and quartered into me, I think I hit high. I waited 30 minutes before getting down. When I did I found hair and blood immediately where he stood when I shot, followed the small drops about 30 yards, and found my arrow soaked with bright red blood with little bubbles on the fletches and nock. Waited another 20 minutes or so for my buddy to come off the hill, and then we started to track, so about an hour or so after the shot we are walking the blood trail....we no lie went about 400 yards consistently down hill, the blood trail was heavy, and we found spots where the deer stopped, as there was large ammounts of blood drops(no puddles) on the ground and occasionally we found some spray patterns next to that. Followed all the way down to a patch of crab apple trees, and the trail went cold....like he up and vanished. We stopped searching around 11. By 1PM I went back in retraced the trail.....back to the crab apples, and picked it up a bit further, same thing big drip pattern, a few drops about 2-3 feet away, and nothing. I stuck my arrow in the ground, and started to do circles, nothing....came onto a ridgeline above a creek bed about 50 yards below the last bit of blood, and combed the ridge line 3 or 4 times back and forth...nothing....dropped into the creek bottom, and scoured that back and forth...nothing...I left the woods by 4PM, I was unable to get there yesterday due to family obligations, and right now I'm at work, feeling lower than a heel about the whole thing.

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im with doewhacker from what i can make out of the pic it looks good is it a video or pic? from what i can tell looks like where i hit mine last week high but caught both lungs stuck in the opposite leg he didnt even take one step he fell in his tracks and lights out. give him some time and you should be able to find him.

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Man, tough call. Could have went through "no mans land" that area above the lungs and below the spine. Like everyone said, give him a lot of time 3-4 hrs. He will lay down and stiffen up some, be ready if you find a spot where he laid down. Good luck! The "somewhat" good news is this may not be a fatal shot, I've heard of other deer that have survived hit in this area if the broad head and arrow exits.

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found blood after about 100 yards, there would be a drop here and there and then a few good drops in a row, got probably another 100 yards on him before it went cold. never found the arrow, and i called deer search at 1:30. haven't heard anything from them yet. hear is a little better pic too


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