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Sabot loading

Joe Red

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I have owed and used a mzl for the past 5-6years. I always put the powder in then seat the bullet into the sabot and proceed with the loading. My question is does anyone drop the sabot down the barrel first then drop the bullet and seat it into the sabot? The other day i was at the range and this happened,it was a pleasure not to use any force to load the gun. Checked the rod saw the bullet was down all the way and fired. All was ok but the next time I loaded it I did it the way I always did. Just would be alot nicer to not use any force to load it.

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Maybe you should of just kept that last comment about the hobby to yourself. I thought the whole reason for this site is to learn,ask questions and get useful info. I asked a question and said what happened to me and I get a half ass comment about getting a new hobby. Anyone who has loaded a muzzleloader would absolutely love to find a less strenuous way to load it, especially reloading in the field. If you can't keep your asinine comments to yourself I don't want to hear anything you have to say.

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Welp,I would 2nd the notion that it should not be loaded that way....leaves too much to error. JMO If you are having a hard time loading,then try a different sabot. Some start easier than others. My buddy had a hard time getting his started this past season and tried one of mine,worked perfect for him.Same cal.

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Its the second load that gets a little tight. At the range I run a patch after every shot,no problem loading there. It's the reloading after you shoot a deer. Even if I see that it's down and not moving I always reload before going over to the deer. I been using TC shockwaves and they have always be tough to load after the first shot but they are accurate and didn't need to try anything else.

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777 i sone of the dirtiest powders there is. order a package of harvestor crush rib sabots form cabels or midsouth etc. Get the one for 50 cal 45 cal bulets. Pull the shockwave bullets out of the included sabots and use them with the crush rib. You will see a difference in loading. Also, I would recommend blackhorn 209 powder. it is so much cleaner and inheratantly much more accurate than any other I have used in 35 years. Now the drawback ot bh209 is it is loose powder. But if you want to load easier shat after shot, give it a try.

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Yes try the crush rib sabot as stated. You will be able to enjoy loading. Just keep in mind blackhorn 209 is a progressive burning powder and does like a tight fit load.

You could still use t7 but would have to swab after just about every shot. If your omega is like mine 80-90gr of bh209 and a 300 gr bullet is lethal combo. If you still use the pellets that's fine to as the crush rib will help your accuracy

Muzzle loading is a great hobby but never be shy to ask question as any question is a good one. That being said you want to load the bullet into the sabot then load the both into the ml to be set on the charge.

Edited by sbuff
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t/c is known for their tight bores. One shot from t7 seems to be the end until you swab. I do not carry the stuff to swab in the field. Another solution is powerbelts, but they are expensive and I never liked the performance of them. If you try the crush rib and like them, you can look at buying bulk pistol bullets by the 100 and bulk sabots and save some money there too.

Edited by bubba
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Thanks bubba been hearing a lot of good stuff about the 209 power on here and on other sites. Gonna hit cabelas in CT soon so I'll check the harvesters out and give them a shot.

Best thing I've used yet!!!! use it with the sauper glide sabots from TC.. they are yellow.. it will make it a lot easier...

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Why don't you just go and shoot your Blaser and stay out of this.

BTW.....I need a GOOD finish carpenter to install a railing/spindles in my house, you coming to town??

I was just up but just a few days over New Years.....kinda short notice trip since the weather was good.

But I have some turning work to do on my dad's equiptment both the metal and wood lathes so i will be back up shortly. Waiting on a MZ barrel that I need to taper and crown....maybe mill in some sights.

I owe you so let me know....I've done LOTS of staircase work.

More on topic.....Got my hands on some Blackhorn; where has THAT been hiding from me? LOL Good stuff.

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