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Kids? Who has them, and what age?


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I have a wonderful daughter who is 12 going on 30. She is into sports and music. I coach her basketball and softball teams which has been quite fun. She likes to fish but as she has gotten older I am thinking she is not into hunting a whole lot. I also have a 9 year old son who is into skateboarding and snow boarding and all sorts of things to freak out his mom! He has a lifetime license and I am sure will get good use out of it. He is always wanting to go fishing, hunting or shooting.

I told them both I am keeping tabs on how much they have cost me since they were born and when they get jobs I expect repayment in hunting land/camp!! lol

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I am 30, turn 31 in July. Daughter is 17. Turns 18 in June and graduates that month.

Yes, your math is correct. She's likely going to Drexel, U of P, or UB for architecture (if she ever makes up her mind). I was also very lucky to have heavily invested in firearms and ammunication by the time she turned 15.

Currently trying for kiddo #2. Glutton for punishment? Actually..hoping for a boy so I can return the favor to ol' mama. After dealing with screaming, giggling, ugg boots, more hair products in our bathrooms than a salon, and overly-expensive cell phone bills, I'm looking forward to lots of camo, a truck build, maybe some h.s. football games, and general torture of mama and big sis.

Edited by phade
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I got two girls ready for this, one 37 & one 32 & then comes three grand kids 1 boy 3 y/o 2 girls; 2y/o & 1 to be 1y/o next week. And youngest daughter has 1 in the oven! Man that makes me sound old! Had my girls calling turkey & rigging downriggers & planer boards when they were young, they both impressed some of their teachers with their fish rigging knowledge, all great memories & great times.

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4 boys, 31, 22, 19 and 14. 2 dogs both boys, had 3 different cats in the past all boys, pretty sure the fish are boys as well. My wife says she keeps ordering them in pink and they keep showing up in blue. We have our first grandchild on the way and ... the trend will be broken ! sonogram says girl, although I suppose he could just be shy ! Best feeling ever to hunt or fish with one or all of your kids.

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