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Best day in the woods


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Here’s one the story is true but I wrote it for an English lit. Class

Best day in the woods as a deer hunter.

As I drove up the hill on this brisk November Saturday, I thought about what my wife Terri said “you can stay till Wednesday”. Turning into the drive way of the camp, I stopped when reach the trailer that would be my home for the next five days. As I unlocked the door I looked at the thermometer it read 30 degrease. When I walked in I thought it colder in here then outside, I turn on the heat and finished unloading the car. I got back into the car and started down the rut filled road to where I would park for the day. After I parked I removed my bow from the case and ready it along with my pack and tree stand.

5am about two hours before sun rise. I started walking down to the trail I would take into the woods, when I reached the trail; looking into the dark abyss I turn on my flash light. The light pushed away the darkness, reflecting off the frost giving off eerie glow. Thinking of the gnomes and fairies that inhabited the forest of my childhood as I walked, the sound of the trees above me exploding with a flock of turkeys shook me back to adulthood. Reaching the tree I would be hunting from. I attached my bow to the pull up rope and removed my pack and tree stand.

Seeing hints of orange above the hill on the other side of the valley, I went to work. Hanging the stand in the tree then putting on my safety harness and attaching it to the tree. I pulled up my bow hung it on the hook I sat waiting for sun rise. The woods started to come alive the birds started singing. Hearing movement; I turned to see what could be making the noise, it’s a squirrel. Thinking it’s early for him to be out scurrying around, I sat there watching him. Then on silent wings an owl talons out stretched snatched up the squirrel. Flew to a nearby tree and consumed all but the tail, in less than five minutes.

The events that just accrued made me realize that Mother Nature is not kind but can be quite cruel. You are ether the hunter or the hunted, there is no middle ground. Glancing down at my watch I needed to finish getting ready; taking my bow off the hook I knocked an arrow and place the release on the string. Looking down the hill, I spot three deer feeding on acorns as they move up the old logging road that passes my sand at 20 yards. Thinking (now that’s a mistake) this could be over soon I ready for the shot. If the deer kept to the logging road, they will pass by a tree; when the first deer a doe got to the tree. Her head went behind the tree; I drew my bow back and settled the 20 yard pin where she would step out. As she came out from behind the tree she turned her head and looked back over her shoulder. Turning my head I could see another deer coming up the logging road. A buck and a big one, it took about a second to decide to let the doe walk pass. Hoping the three does would lead the buck pass me. That didn’t happen all four deer went off the logging road and down the gulley. Turning to sit down I see another deer, already in side 20 yards to my right. Coming straight at the stand the deer stopped right under my stand. I started to laugh the deer looked up at me stomped its front feet, and took off like being shot out of a cannon.

Sitting and thinking of the owl from this morning; weather you believe in creation or evolution. You can’t be anything but amazed and how well built the owl is a perfect hunter. At about 9:00 I hear what sounds like someone fooling around with a deer call or maybe it could be Bigfoot. Just then a doe goes running pass with three bucks chasing her. All I can think about is a bar in a one girl town. Its last call and they all want to go home with her.

Seeing another buck coming up the hill to my right, I blow on my grunt call the buck starts coming in my direction. Reading my bow I wait for him to come into range. He comes in range drawing the string back I settle the 20 yard pin behind his shoulder. Making a blat noise stops the buck at 10 yards. I send the arrow on its way, seeing the arrow striking the deer behind the shoulder. I now this will be over in less than 10 seconds. The deer doesn’t run it walk away and goes fifty yards and lays down it’s over. I clime down and find my arrow stuck in the ground covered in blood. Even though I can see the deer on the ground I always follow the blood trail. When I reach the deer sadness comes over me, as I kneel to pay to god for letting me take this deer. Also paying to the god of hunters Orin thanking him for letting my shot be true.

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  • 3 months later...

What grade did you get? Lots of grammar and spelling errors.

"I stopped when reach the trailer" < is that a russian accent? lol

"30 degrease" < degrees

"When I walked in I thought it colder in here then outside, I turn on the heat and finished unloading the car." < HORRIBLE LOL. How about this, "When I walked in, I thought it was colder in here than outside. I turned on the heat and finished unloading the car."

"and ready it along" < ? ?

Thats just the first paragraph....I'm afraid to read the rest! haha

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