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OOPs talk about having a bad day!!!


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that can totally happen. whether the pic is fact or faked that type of thing can happen. If limbs are breaking deer are not running around scared out of their mind. i dont think something like this is not possible cause it is...

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Easy WNY Buckhunter. I thought we were just having some fun. Geeeese !!! Didn't mean to ruffle so many feathers. Oh and the pine tree that snapped never hit the ground ,it was caught in the adjacent oak. We saw it happen, and it was some tremor. Right up the legs. Geno C, I agree with you. G man, If you can swing a 50' cherry tree, I'd rather not meet you. LOL. Just kidding here. And Paula, I think unicorns are the only magical animals and thank you for letting me believe that. By the way , I did shoot one last fall.... He was a one pointer.

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My buddy who is as honest a person as you could ever meet, Called me one day laughing his head off. Apperently he was driving down 81 and a deer jumped off a bank right into the back of this guys pickup in front of him. The guy slammed on his breaks and the deer went right over the top of the truck, slid down the road, jumped up and ran off. He said he never would have beleived it if he hadnt seen it with his own two eyes.

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And yet I have watched some bucks with rather impressive racks, flat-out run crosswise to the rows of a vinyard and never once get snagged up in the wires or the vines. How the heck do they do that, and then pull some of these bonehead stunts with "spikey" fences and american wire fences and forked branches in trees?

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I have seen a buck run along side an 8 ft fence then clear that thing like it wasn't even there.. most impressive thing I think I've ever seen.. I would have never believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes... in fact I'd have bet money that it couldn't happen.. and i would have lost!!

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Well lets keep the oops's going with the next few pics. All came off of snoopes as researched and true pics so whatever. 1st one is of a dude getting gored by a bull, a true look of ooops I should have moved faster on his face and really made me crindge. 2nd one is of a deer covered in nasty warts, yuck!! Third one has many theories as to how a deer got on top of the communication pole but the most popular seems to be the train hit it and it flew up there. The fourth is a bear that was electricuted when it decided to snack on some electric wires. oops.





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