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21 hours ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

No, but I did hear on Hannity that those three thousand troops are setting up concentration camps in the region to send anti vaxxers to. All under orders from Biden, scary huh?

If ya heard it on Hannity this is pure drivel.


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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

By Joe Carafano,  a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is The Heritage Foundation’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies, E. W. Richardson fellow, and director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies.


Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw abruptly from Afghanistan, without any discernible exit strategy, has plunged that nation into a bloody, ruinous chaos. After pleading with the Taliban to spare our embassy in Kabul, he has now redeployed 3,000 troops to conduct a hasty air evacuation of embassy staff.

At this stage, the only good that can come from this debacle is that our leaders might wake up and recognize that the Obama Doctrine of foreign policy is an abysmal failure and must be abandoned once and for all. Tragically, this lesson comes, yet again, at tremendous cost: wide scale human misery and heightened threats to U.S. interests.

As we study what’s happened, let’s first dispense with the canards: that this fiasco was inevitable and that it’s all former President Donald Trump’s fault.

The reality is that, during Trump’s tenure and despite the Afghan government’s many imperfections, Afghanistan had made great strides. The government controlled most of the country’s territory. There was real economic growth. Women could work. Children could go to school.

Further, the cost of fostering regional stability by maintaining a stable Afghanistan was well within reason. The U.S. was spending less in Afghanistan in a year than we used to spend in a week. American forces were training and advising Afghan forces. Our troops were not fighting wars and taking causalities. This was clearly sustainable.

And how, in heaven’s name, is Trump to blame for Biden’s disastrous decision to cut and run? Trump was negotiating with the Taliban, but there was nothing wrong with that. The negotiations were conditions-based, and Trump made clear the Taliban would be held accountable for its actions.

Moreover, Trump’s team made sure that if, in the end, the Taliban proved untrustworthy, the remaining U.S. force had been sized and scoped to present a serious deterrent to the Taliban and be sufficient to protect U.S. interests.

Trump, in fact, handed Biden a problem mostly solved. All Biden had to do was negotiate a lasting settlement from a position of strength or maintain an economy of force presence in Afghanistan if the Taliban failed to deliver. Instead, Biden just decided to call it a day and call the troops home regardless of what the Taliban did on the ground.

The Taliban’s offensive should surprise no one, given the conditions handed to it. Why would it not take advantage of Biden’s abandonment of Afghanistan? It knew full well the odds that this president would try to stop its orgy of murder, rape, forced marriages, and mayhem was near zero.

Of course, Biden will blame Trump. He will blame the Taliban. He can make all the excuses and spin all the narratives he wants, but a narrative can’t stop a bullet. This is a disaster. The situation did not collapse until he withdrew troops—and it is impossible not to conclude this happened because of what he decided.

Here is the bigger problem. This was not a one-off decision. This is part of a pattern of Obama-Biden foreign policy. And that should surprise no one since the current policies are being managed by much the same people.

In Iraq, after spending much time and effort stabilizing the country, former President Barack Obama precipitously withdrew U.S. troops. It was like ordering firefighters who had extinguished a wildfire to not stick around after the wildfire in case the blaze rekindles. ISIS mushroomed overnight, creating the largest and most powerful terrorist state in modern history.

In Libya, Obama insisted on leading from behind. And once Gaddafi was gone from the picture, he ignored the spiraling decline in the security situation until our diplomatic facilities in Benghazi were smoking ruins.

This is the Obama-Biden playbook. Disengage in dangerous situations, and hope everything doesn’t go to hell in a hand basket. And when those fond hopes don’t pan out? Time to make excuses; shift blame; do anything but deal with the problem—unless there is absolutely no alternative.

In the face of America’s enemies, the default position of Obama-Biden foreign policy default is accommodation and appeasement. Unfortunately, the bad guys are not stupid. They had eight years to study the Obama playbook, and they know what to do with it: exploit the deliberate self-weakening.

Biden is carrying on exactly the same foreign policy. Caving to Russia on Nord Stream 2. Refusing to confront China on the origins of COVID-19. Pleading with Tehran to let the U.S. back in the Iran nuclear deal.

No good will come of this.

Biden is a blubbering idiot, he has no clue what day it is . Won’t take questions most days and has to have everything written down,

Harris is a joke too. We are screwed

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10 minutes ago, blackbeltbill said:

And now Thêre  is a big sign on the Southren Border-


That was the whole platform they ran on , then they got into office and Harris , who is supposed to be in charge of the border , announces to not come .

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands were already here!!

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10 minutes ago, luberhill said:

That was the whole platform they ran on , then they got into office and Harris , who is supposed to be in charge of the border , announces to not come .

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands were already here!!

Her level of incompetence surpasses even that of Obama- I don’t think the Dems would let her run In 24 , even if she wanted to. 

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2 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

Her level of incompetence surpasses even that of Obama- I don’t think the Dems would let her run In 24 , even if she wanted to. 

It shouldn't really surprise anyone , she climbed her way to the top by laying on her back.

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2 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

Her level of incompetence surpasses even that of Obama- I don’t think the Dems would let her run In 24 , even if she wanted to. 

Agree.. anyone that took the time to look at her track record should have seen what a failure she has been 

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2 hours ago, nybuckboy said:

If ya heard it on Hannity this is pure drivel.


Even NPR has had coverage of the border crisis along with most major news stations. Here are some numbers the highest in decades of monthly crossings and what the secretary of homeland security has to say about it.



Edited by 9jNYstarkOH
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59 minutes ago, Grouse said:

They keep calling these illegals "migrants".  That's not what they are.  Migrants go back and forth with the work available.  These illegals are never going back!

They will suck off OUR system like many Americans and this idiotic government will just keep allowing and encouraging it

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8 hours ago, luberhill said:

Trump had a deal with Mexico , Biden promised no one would be turned away.

For 100 percent sure the border was much more secure under Trump than it is now .

Even ask Harris , you may have to show her on a map first where the border is.

Again , don’t ask your girlfriends on the View or Chris Cuomo on CNN.

Go see for yourself or talk to the people at the border..



Yea well you can just go on believing what your boy friends on Fox tell you. What is it about Mexican emigrant workers that gets your panties in such a knot?  Every Mexican I see is working their ass off for a living around here and everywhere, doing jobs that Americans could never compete with in way of productivity. They supply almost every business man around here with a reliable source of good efficient labor. After they become legal they start their own business and keep local economies growing. But that's something your boy Clucker Carlson would ever let on to, is it. Truth is if Trump really removed and sent back all the illegals like he promised YOU our economy would crash and he never had any real intentions of ever doing that anyhow, he just knows its what you needed to hear. So maybe your just hanging on to falsehoods and fairytales being spoon fed to you by hucksters.

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9 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

Yea well you can just go on believing what your boy friends on Fox tell you. What is it about Mexican emigrant workers that gets your panties in such a knot?  Every Mexican I see is working their ass off for a living around here and everywhere, doing jobs that Americans could never compete with in way of productivity. They supply almost every business man around here with a reliable source of good efficient labor. After they become legal they start their own business and keep local economies growing. But that's something your boy Clucker Carlson would ever let on to, is it. Truth is if Trump really removed and sent back all the illegals like he promised YOU our economy would crash and he never had any real intentions of ever doing that anyhow, he just knows its what you needed to hear. So maybe your just hanging on to falsehoods and fairytales being spoon fed to you by hucksters.

Dont kid yourself ,maybe in the city where you live people cant keep up with them. 

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16 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

Yea well you can just go on believing what your boy friends on Fox tell you. What is it about Mexican emigrant workers that gets your panties in such a knot?  Every Mexican I see is working their ass off for a living around here and everywhere, doing jobs that Americans could never compete with in way of productivity. They supply almost every business man around here with a reliable source of good efficient labor. After they become legal they start their own business and keep local economies growing. But that's something your boy Clucker Carlson would ever let on to, is it. Truth is if Trump really removed and sent back all the illegals like he promised YOU our economy would crash and he never had any real intentions of ever doing that anyhow, he just knows its what you needed to hear. So maybe your just hanging on to falsehoods and fairytales being spoon fed to you by hucksters.

This is just so profoundly ignorant , I’m half inclined to not dignify it with a response .The people you are referring to are not  emigrant workers , they’re ILLEGAL immigrants and they shouldn’t be sneaking across the border!!  In reality , The vast majority of the farm workers from Mexico are here LEGALLY And are seasonal workers with working papers TO BE HERE LEGALLY.   Youre cavalier attitude regarding the security of our southern border is astounding - yet not all that surprising - considering that your left of center politically . Trump has the border under wraps when he was President , whereas Biden opened the floodgates imprudently , recklessly and foolishly, especially considering we’re in the midst of a global pandemic and many of these people are carrying the virus with them - OVER HERE . I cannot believe that your really ok with that - are you? 

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1 hour ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

Yea well you can just go on believing what your boy friends on Fox tell you. What is it about Mexican emigrant workers that gets your panties in such a knot?  Every Mexican I see is working their ass off for a living around here and everywhere, doing jobs that Americans could never compete with in way of productivity. They supply almost every business man around here with a reliable source of good efficient labor. After they become legal they start their own business and keep local economies growing. But that's something your boy Clucker Carlson would ever let on to, is it. Truth is if Trump really removed and sent back all the illegals like he promised YOU our economy would crash and he never had any real intentions of ever doing that anyhow, he just knows its what you needed to hear. So maybe your just hanging on to falsehoods and fairytales being spoon fed to you by hucksters.

First off I believe my brother and the people that are actually at the border and being told what to do by this admin !

So you see when YOU assume ….

You really need to pull your head out of that dark damp spot and do some actual research .

Turn off your girlfriends on The View and CNN.

Talk to some of the people that live near the border . I have no problem with people that want to come here legally !!!

Most of these people are heading here because Harris and Biden told them they were welcome !

I heard it direct from both of them !

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44 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

This is just so profoundly ignorant , I’m half inclined to not dignify it with a response .The people you are referring to are not  emigrant workers , they’re ILLEGAL immigrants and they shouldn’t be sneaking across the border!!  In reality , The vast majority of the farm workers from Mexico are here LEGALLY And are seasonal workers with working papers TO BE HERE LEGALLY.   Youre cavalier attitude regarding the security of our southern border is astounding - yet not all that surprising - considering that your left of center politically . Trump has the border under wraps when he was President , whereas Biden opened the floodgates imprudently , recklessly and foolishly, especially considering we’re in the midst of a global pandemic and many of these people are carrying the virus with them - OVER HERE . I cannot believe that your really ok with that - are you? 

Agree, his head is so far up his butt he can’t see daylight !

He lives in a fantasy world …

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4 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

This is just so profoundly ignorant , I’m half inclined to not dignify it with a response .The people you are referring to are not  emigrant workers , they’re ILLEGAL immigrants and they shouldn’t be sneaking across the border!!  In reality , The vast majority of the farm workers from Mexico are here LEGALLY And are seasonal workers with working papers TO BE HERE LEGALLY.   Youre cavalier attitude regarding the security of our southern border is astounding - yet not all that surprising - considering that your left of center politically . Trump has the border under wraps when he was President , whereas Biden opened the floodgates imprudently , recklessly and foolishly, especially considering we’re in the midst of a global pandemic and many of these people are carrying the virus with them - OVER HERE . I cannot believe that your really ok with that - are you? 

Are you serious. Over 60% come here on legal agricultural work Visas and then just stay here. They come to work for those corporate overlords you support who get billions in tax breaks in the name of trickle down economics. You believing Trump had the border under wraps is laughable at best

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3 hours ago, luberhill said:

First off I believe my brother and the people that are actually at the border and being told what to do by this admin !

So you see when YOU assume ….

You really need to pull your head out of that dark damp spot and do some actual research .

Turn off your girlfriends on The View and CNN.

Talk to some of the people that live near the border . I have no problem with people that want to come here legally !!!

Most of these people are heading here because Harris and Biden told them they were welcome !

I heard it direct from both of them !

Sure thing bub, Lmao..

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23 minutes ago, Gobbler Chaser said:

Are you serious. Over 60% come here on legal agricultural work Visas and then just stay here. They come to work for those corporate overlords you support who get billions in tax breaks in the name of trickle down economics. You believing Trump had the border under wraps is laughable at best

Exactly , and your refuting you’re own previous statement and supporting my contention, except your % is off just a tad. Those immigrants are not the ones that are streaming across The border  daily - by the thousands . As you said , they are obtaining work visas and are legal . Illegal Border Crossings are the highest they’ve been in over 20 yrs , my friend . In comparison to the fiasco going on currently , I would say that Trump had the border sealed tight as a drum. With all due respect , you do not what you’re talking about . Do you have evidence that illegal crossings are ANYWHERE NEAR AS HIGH AS THEY ARE NOW? If so , please show me!! 

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