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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/11 in all areas

  1. When you have a deer on top of your car and you pass a mini van loaded up with a family and they all give you the finger, including the 5 year old.
    4 points
  2. ...when you use your girlfriends tampons for scent wicks.
    4 points
  3. you know your a hunter when you have a 24 hour period like this..... 1. all your thinking about is deer season while riding on the train home from grand central 2. and then driving home from the train station your behind someone the whole way who then pulls into their driveway and there are a bunch of deer on the side of his house and looks like a ton of acreage. 3. The next morning at the train station, you're figuring out how to ask that guy for permission to hunt his land without being creepy when saying you followed him home and noticed the deer on his property and then used google maps to look at his land. lol
    3 points
  4. Here are a few that I posted about a year ago ................... You might be a Hard Core Bowhunter if:-- 1. You have more parts than bows laying around the workshop; 2. You have 47 dozen aluminum arrows in various sizes ... none of which are straight; 3. Your archery tacklebox is bigger than your car trunk; 4. Your family is used to the smell of doe pee and cow in heat lure; 5. You have more sets of camo than you do business suits; 6. You bathe more in hunting camp than you do at home; 7. The neighbors no longer call the cops to report a scream when you're practicing with your bugle before elk season; 8. You've got more McKenzie body parts laying around your yard than most pro shops have in stock; 9. Your bowhunting setup cost more than your first honeymoon; 10. Your kids and dog forget who you are during the hunting seasons; 11. You only spend 8 hours a day at work so you can spend 16 hours a day sitting in a stand on the weekend; 12. Your grandmother/grandfather/uncle/aunt/cousin/etc have each been buried more than once and you attended each funeral ... or at least the boss thinks so; 13. You've ever mixed up your pee bottle and your thermos in the dark (My Joe this coffee sure has a whang to it!); 14. You spend more than 3 hours a day reading threads on the Bowsite! 15. You know the date of bow season but can't remember your anniversary. 16. Your scared of heights, but, have no problem hanging on a tree 20' up with one arm trying to hang a stand with the other. 17. Squirrels in your hunting area treat you like family. 18. Your regular street clothes are all shades of brown and green. 19. You're license plate is "BUKFVR", or "BUGLER". 20. A corner of your garage looks like a display for a museum entitled, "The History of Treestands." 21. You costantly estimate the range to everything 22. While watching tv that shows any game animal, you always look for the best angle and time to shoot. 23. It kills you to get up at 6:00 to go to work but you pop out of bed at 3:30 to go hunt. 24: If your neighbor's wife asks you to move your Mckenzies because her kids think they are real deer and they want you to stop killin em. 25: If you have eye-bolts screwed into the ceiling of the garage to hang deer on. 26: If you keep extra rolls of carpet around to put in the camper instead of trying to wash the blood out. 27. You go to a 3D shoot on Valentine's day and just leave flowers on the table 28. You compare the insides of your wife during a C section to deliver your baby to a gutpile. Been there, done that, regret the comment for the rest of my life. 29: If you've got targets placed strategically throughout the house so you can shoot after dark, with walkways blocked by baby gates to prevent injury to your spouse and kids. 30: If you've got a tree stand mounted to your chimney for practice. 31. The people who take your order by phone at Cabelas ask how the wife and kids are doing. 32. You wander aimlessly through the hunting department of your local Wal-Mart during the offseason. 33. Your wife has told you that she refuses to wear any more of that funny smelling "perfume" thats comes in the little brown bottle. 34. your buddies ask you how is it hanging and you say there not there draggin. 35. You go thru the drive-thru at a fast food joint and you're 3 year old child yells out at the intercom that he wants a super-sized order of backstraps. 36. You firmly anchor the mouthpiece of the phone to the same place at the corner of your mouth every time you use it. 37:If you have your own tray in the refrigerator for scents and lures 38:Your wife buys all your socks and underware at the bow shop 39:If your wife dosen't ware white or brown PJ's to bed during hunting season 40.If your water bill triple's during oct.& nov. 41.If your family eats dinner without ya during oct&nov 42.If your kids were afraid to have Santa land his sled on your roof 43. If your children have watched more hunting videos than Barney. 44. You've ever gotten road rash from sliding down the tree you're hugging; 45. The term "tree-hugger" to you means someone who bought a cheap deer stand; 46. You shave your arm more testing your broadheads than you shave your face using a razor; 47. You've ever used the words "Bubba, treestand, bigun and gutpile," in the same sentence; 48. You take out a third mortgage on your home so you join a deer lease; 49. Every right hand glove you own is missing 3 fingers. 50. For 4 months of the year your trunk looks like a search and rescue supply depot. 51. You have knee surgery on December 23 and you still go hunting on Christmas day. 52. You walk in the house before dark and your wife asks you what the he__ you are doing home. 53. Your kids don't realize they sell meat at grocery stores. 54. Your daughter thinks 'camo' is a color. 55. Your reindeer Christmas decorations have arrow holes in them. 56. You find ways to fit archery terms into your nickname. 57. You've got more than one arrow hole in the side of your shed/house/garage; 58. You've developed a taste for crackers with either vienna sausages, potted meat and/or Spam; 59. SPAM Mail is how your wife describes you after a weekend hunting trip; 60. You're more concerned about your feathers staying dry than catching pneumonia; 61. Your wife finds the equivalent to three rolls of toilet paper in bits and pieces in her washing machine after washing your hunting pants; 62. You own any item of clothing that carries a tag with a word ending in "TEX" written on it. 63. You can field dress a deer faster than you can change a baby; 64. After about a month of bow season the lady next door asks your wife if she is separated. 65. You Are legally blind but can hit a quarter at 40 yds 66. You have your kids put a 3-d target in the back of your 78 ford, and drive really slow. This allows you to practice on moving shots. 67. You have tree steps in all your tool boxes. 68. you show up befoe dark and your wife asks "How big is it"? 69. We know we are hard core bowhunters, when we can not number these things in order! 70. You have looked at Bill Jordan/ Will Primos/ ect... more than anyone else lately. 71. You have seen more hunting videos than you've seen videos with your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend! 72. You have had more bows in your life than toothbrushes. 73. You paint your car different colors of green, brown, gray, and black. 74. You shoot your bow so much that your release breaks! 75. You say the word buck,elk,moose,bear,caribou, or turkey in every sebtence. 76. when you take family vacations in the car and your wife has to drive at dusk and dawn so that I... er you can search the ditches and fields for deer. 77. You re driving and you spend more time checking the fields for deer that watching the road ahead. 78. You see a painting of woods and fields, and you analyze it for the best stand placement. 79. You read the word does in a sentence, and you automatically think of female whitetail deer. __________________
    2 points
  5. you spend your time reading the "live frm the stand" thread while on conference calls
    2 points
  6. Everyone see this beast? From the article: Original Article: http://thebatavian.c...oint-buck/28705
    1 point
  7. I am writing this topic just to let hunters and outdoors people know that dont take for gratited the time in the outdoors.I work 65 to 80 hrs a week I hunt maybe 2 times aweek.Having sundays and a qiuck spot during the week to get out.Everyone knows how important time out in the woods should be.every tree ,bush,animal,I take the time to enjoy every moment given to me these days plus I am no young gun blazing around the woods anymore passing this great time onto my son now days.So take it all in if your young learn as much as you can now.If your middle of the road share what you learned savor the moments for great memories and most of all take to heart every single second your here to do it.After all your here one time.
    1 point
  8. Heres my fox from a couple of years ago. Im planning on doing something better with the base over the winter.
    1 point
  9. I just got the official word that we are now ALL related. Growalot just signed the papers and adopted all us boys. She will ring the cowbell when dinner is ready and we will all get a chance to finally meet!
    1 point
  10. Thank God zone 4O is finally getting AR's. Maybe in a few years I will finally see something better than a basket 6pt.
    1 point
  11. Those year and a half old 90 lb spikes & 4 pointers are a little tough for me, I go for the 45 to 60lb 6 to 7 month olds. Now that's good eats
    1 point
  12. When your watching verus nail some huge bucks,while you got your gear outside hanging for the day,and your online talking to a bunch of hubters that cant sleep at night so we all will be on this websire untill 4am when were leaving for the woods lol....AAAAAAAA I CANT WAIT
    1 point
  13. One can only hope. I have a nice chalk outline already laid out next to my tree stand. He just needs to fall in it.
    1 point
  14. When you change your work schedule from 7am- 3:30 to 5:30am-2 so u have more of an evening hunt
    1 point
  15. All I can tell you is that we have tried and tried many times over to get the awful smell of sweaty hockey boys stink out of their under armour. Washed in everything from hunters detergent, even fabreezed them and scent away spray. One season and they go in the garbage. Being a maple producer I have read numerous studies on poly equipment and its effects on contamination of sap. Poly tanks are cheap in comparison to stainless steel for example. But poly absorbs odors, retains bacteria that is impossible to rid itself of due to its micro pores. Basically what a scientist that studies such things tells me the best chances of getting rid of such contamination is through autoclad machines just like hospitals use to steralize surgical equipment.
    1 point
  16. ...you gripe about having to be up at 7 to be at work by 9 yet have no problem getting up at 4 to go hunting
    1 point
  17. When you eat red meat 4 or 5 days a week but can't remember the last time you had beef.
    1 point
  18. in westchester if you get a doe you can bring the head and they give you a either sex replacement tag
    1 point
  19. Nope, thats not what I'm pissed about, you will never get it though so I won't waste my time explaining it to you for the 100th time. I am actually more pissed that they are doing away with the either sex tag in my one area. There are no doe permits there already so why bother hunting there when I don't care to hunt the sought after bucks that you guys love. We have other places that are much better for that. And you will never see me or my family post pics on any internet boards to brag, its just not why we hunt. I know that is something that is lost on a guy like you.
    1 point
  20. I am right handed and was right eye dominant. When I was 23 I lost the use of my right eye, After alot of practice I mastered shooting left handed. Since then I have won many trophy bow shoots and harvested Deer whenever they get close enough. Remember you have to play the cards you are dealt. Things happen but life goes on.
    1 point
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